Chapter 7 - Where Is Jasper?!

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Dawn broke and Branch had woken up from having a good night's sleep. He noticed Poppy right next to him still fast asleep. He decided to wake her up. He wrapped both arms around the pink troll. "Good morning my queen." He said kissing her on the cheek. "Good morning Branch." Poppy replied yawning. "Did you finally get some good sleep?" Branch asked. "Yes. Can you go (yawn) Go check on Jasper please?" Poppy asked with her eyes still closed. "Sure, love." Branch replied kissing her again before getting out of bed. He went into Jasper's room to check on him. "Good morning Jasper. Daddy's come to see how his little boy is doing." Branch said walking towards the crib. But to his shock, there was no baby in it. Branch had a confused look on his face and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. But still, no Jasper. He called out his name. "Jasper. Jasper? Jasper! Where are you sweetie?" He called. But no reply. Poppy came out. "What's with the noise? I'm trying to sleep." She complained. Branch turned to her, took a deep breath and said "Jas- Jasper is missing." His said in a fearful voice. "WHAT?!" Poppy yelled at the top of her lungs. "Please stay calm." Branch plead. "Jasper! No! Why him? Come on! Let's go find him!" Poppy said taking Brach by the hand and running outside. They searched and searched all around. Running left right and center. Until they bumped into Creek. Branch and Creek were knocked to the floor. "Ooh. Sorry about that. You alright?" Creek asked helping Branch up. "Uh- Ye-Yeah I'm fine." Branch replied. "What's with the rush?" Creek asked. "Jasper is missing. We're looking for him." Branch responded. "Oh. Would you like some help?" Creek offered. "Please. Help from you? You're probably the one to who took him." Branch snapped. "(Sigh) Oh well. I guess you won't forgive me ever then. Sorry for wasting your time." Creek replied in a sad voice before walking off. "Branch!" Poppy snapped before giving him that evil look that he fears. "(sigh) ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! We could use some help." Branch reluctantly agreed. Creek smiled happily before he helped the couple look for their lost son. The 3 trolls went searching all around the village looking for the little blue troll. They asked everyone who they met, and yet, no Jasper. Poppy was devastated. Her pride and joy, just gone like that. "We can't give up now. Come on, he's probably somewhere. He can't just disappear of the face of the earth." Branch comforted. Creek also tried to comfort her. But it was no use. She was so upset and so, so... ANGRY at whoever dare touch her boy. Poppy and Branch left Creek to go back home as they were heading to the Bergen Castle. Creek was in shock. Who would take the prince and why? Could it be the person he feared the most? The person who haunts him? No it couldn't be. But that thought was still in the back of his head. Poppy and Branch headed to Bergen Town to meet Bridget and Gristle. They knocked on the castle door and Bridget answered. "Oh hey guys! What's up?" She asked cheerfully before picking up the 2. Branch signalled to her and that Poppy wasn't in a good mood and she nodded before taking them inside. "So what's the news guys?" She asked setting them on the dining table. "He's.... He's missing." Poppy replied head down. "Who?" Bridget asked. Poppy looked up at Bridget with an angry look. "JASPER!" She yelled back. "What?! He's missing?!" Bridget asked in disbelief. "YES! I lulled him to sleep last night and then he's gone!" Poppy yelled out. "Ok well do you guys have security cameras or anything?" Bridget asked. "(GASP) BRANCH! That's it! The cameras! We gotta go check them!" Poppy yelled out before taking Branch by the hand and running back to troll village. Bridget smiled as they ran out. "God they're so cute." She said to herself. 

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