Chapter 28: All done well!

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That night, a party had been organized to celebrate the return of the other village.

Branch was more than nervous, he had thought well and was ready.

He was going to do it in front of everyone.

-Silence everyone! Said Pepy's voice in the microphone.

Everyone listened.

-Thank you! I would like to thank our dear queen for being brave enough to go and get the other village!

Everyone applauds while Pepy gives Poppy the microphone.

-Thank you dad! Said the pink troll, but I did not do it alone! Branch? Can you go on stage please?

He left to join Poppy under the cheers of the crowd.

Ah! It's not too early! He's smiling at Poppy.

She gave him the microphone.

" Say something! " Poppy asked him in thought

He looked at Pepy panicked, this one only smiled.

-Ok ... uh .... Hi everyone ... uh ....

he took a deep breath and started.

-Poppy, When I met you a part of my gray heart became blue ... I can not imagine life without your smile to brighten my days .... my happiness is yours that I owe it. ... I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Poppy ...

He knelt on the floor and opened the small box revealing a beautiful engagement ring.

-Would you marry me?

An "ooooohhhh!" Surprise sounds in the village before Poppy exclaims


She fell on her knees and will be in his arms laughing.

The crowd applauded loudly while the two lovers were still standing in each other's arms.

"I did not finish! "

" Ah? "

"I'll have to talk to you about something, but not here ..."


A few months later, Poppy and Branch headed for a bud a little bigger than the others.

When they entered, a lady came to see them and brought them to her office under the eyes of dozens of children.

-Queen Poppy and King Branch, It's an honor for me to welcome you! I understood on the phone that you had already made your choice?

-Exactly, confirmed Branch.

-So, you will only have to sign the documents ....

Poppy took a pen and signed the leaf that would change their lives, Branch did the same and the lady got up to open the door.

-By here my king and my queen!

Branch and Poppy followed her to a room where thirty or so children were playing, all except a little girl with the skin of a nearly white, blue-haired lilac like Branch sitting in a corner, an unhappy look on her face.

- Oxy?

The young troll looked up, when he saw Branch and Poppy he smiled.

-I knew it!

He ran to throw himself into the arms of his new parents.

Everything was perfect.


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