Chapter 9: The Children

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-Knock Knock! Said you at the door of Happy's room

Branch was not with her, but they remained connected through their telepathic power.

Their goal: to convince his brother to entrust him with a task and thus prove that they could be trusted. They had to work with other trolls and make them happy

Happy opened the door grumbling. when he recognized it, he closed the door in his face.

- my brother?

- I'm not your brother. Do not call me brother.

- okay whatever you want ... I just wanted to know ...

- No

- I did not even ask you my question!

- WHAT ?!

- Is there a task for me?

The door opened suddenly to make room for his very surprised brother

- Huh ?!

- Is there a task for me?

- uh ... why?

- Down ... to help you! Your view everything you have managed!

- Yes and so?

- I want to help!

Happy smiled the same smile as Branch when he was gray, A fake smile.

- All right, you'll take care of young children, anyway, they're almost like you ...

- it's perfect! Do you have a task for Branch?

- Who's Branch?

- You know the blue troll ...

- Ah! Your pet! Oh yes, he will work with you!

She restrains herself from slapping the word "pet"

- But I think that "Branchie" would be better for him! No? Good to go! I'll ask Viva to take you to the room reserved for these kids! Go get Branchie!

She went away and contacted him by the thought

"Vien please, we have our task!"

"I'm coming, what did we get?"

"we take care of children"

She had no answer from her companion. He arrived running shortly after.

- Children?!?!?! Serious?!?!?

- Uh ... Yes😐

- I do not know how to take with children!

- Do not worry! I had students before we left to save others!

- Yes, but they are gray children! Grey!!!

- you were a gray child no? So we will unite our knowledge!

She took her hand and led him to the door of Happy's room.

The gray troll who was going back to their room a little earlier was there.

- Poppy, this is Viva! Viva, Poppy and Branchie

- Branch, corrected this one

The gray troll smirked before turning back grumpily. She had black hair and her eyes were green. She wore a black and white dress like the curl in her hair.

- Viva, I'd like you to show them the children's room.

"Yes sir," she said.

She went to the stairs that allowed to get out of the bunker (according to the map)

- Go! I do not have all my day!

She went up the stairs. Poppy and Branch followed her.

When Poppy sees the caress of the wind on her face. It was as if all the weight of these last days was carried away.

"freedom ..." said Branch's voice in his mind

" you speak! "

He took her hand and they followed Viva through the different entrances of the giant bunker. They moved away more and more from the main entrances ... to finish at an entrance completely removed from the others.

- That's good luck, said Viva taking a pile of wood and going back to the main entrance.

Your schedule will be 13:00 to 15:00

Branch went down the stairs to the children's room, and followed him from behind.

- You know what?

- What?

- We have work to do! Listening!

Poppy listened and she heard baby cries.

- Great! Go! We'll see what happens!

She passed Branch and ran to the bottom. The scene that saw the frozen on the spot.

The walls of the hall were made of stone. The toys were without colors. The colored pencils were: Gray, black, dark green, brown ... That desolate colors invaded the room! But who was the saddest, had the children. He was all half gray, half color.

She understood then the meaning of the words of his brother ... anyway, they are almost like you ...

A little lilac troll frowned at seeing her and another shouted

- A monster!!!!

- AAAHHHH !!!! Shouted the others.

They ran to hide behind furniture, pillow, toys, hair ... Branch arrived, he looked surprised when he saw the room.

"Branch ... It's horrible, if you would have seen them!"

" What's the matter? "

She explained to him by thinking quickly the condition of the children.

"We'll get them out of their hiding place!" He thought, giving him a wink.

- Where are you Poppy?

She smiled and played the game.

- I do not know Branch! They have disappeared like magic!

She heard a laugh

- We will find them!

Branch got picked up by lifting toys

- Ah-ah! Oh no ... Not here

- Hmm ... Maybe here?

- Let's check!

They went to a bed where a child was hiding. He laughed, but she pretended not to hear it.

- Ah-ah! Said Branch lifting the sheet cover and catching a child half gray, half green.

- AAAHHH !!!!

All the children left their hiding place at the same time and threw themselves on Branch. They were 1 boy (the little Lilac, gray) and 6 girls (one blue, one orange, one green, one yellow, purple and one red but all half gray)


- He'll eat it!


The children began tickling Branch, which fell to the ground.

- Help!!! He said

"Play the game! Surely, we have never played with them! It's sure he'll stick to us!"

She listened and said

- Oh no! You captured my dragon! What am I going to do?

"a dragon? Why not!"

- Grrr !!! Grunted Branch trying to imitate a dragon.

- you will tell us a story! Said one of the girls

- That of the flight of the trolls!

- No! That of the elected! The United Spirits!

- What are the united spirits? Asked Little Lilac

- I have a much better me! Said Branch, free me and I'll tell you!

- Okay, dragon!

The troll kids let him get up and they sat on the floor.

- What's the name of this story? Asked the troll half blue, half gray.

Branch looked at Poppy and said

- the adventure of Rosie and Branchie.

She smiled and went to join him.

They told of their adventure by changing their name by Rosie and Branchie. The children were amazed and listened attentively. When the story was over, the children began to ask the story "the United Spirits"

As she and Branch do not know the story, the young trolls gave them the book.

- Once upon a time, two trolls in shimmering colors ...

- We gave them names! Said the girl red / gray

- How did you name them?

The child smiles

- Rosie and Branchie !!!

- Yes!

- Super names !!!!

- Alright Alright! Said Branch laughing

Once upon a time, two trolls in shimmering colors. One was called Branchie and he was sky blue. The other was Rosie and she was pink. One day, the two trolls ventured into the forest and found the temple of the spirit.

They did not know when they entered that their lives would change!

It was at this moment that their spirit became one, that a bond was woven between the two souls.

In the following days, they realized this, they could talk by the thoughts, feel the emotions of the other, They only spanked one after all!

One day, the spirit of joy sombrates into darkness, attacking by the spirit of misfortune. Branchie and Rosie used their ultimate power and the spirit of misfortune was defeated.

She heard snoring. Little Lilac was asleep

They gave their lives to the spirit of healing which made their joy of living to all the trolls who had been the victim of the attack of the spirit of misfortune.

All the trolls lived happily until the end of time.

- End...


The children jumped with joy as Branch and Poppy watched each other terrified ... This story ... That was what happened to them!

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