Chapter 1 - Bad News

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It was a lovely morning in Troll Village, Queen Poppy woke up smiling, not surprising since she's the happiest troll ever born. She got out of bed, put on her usual dress and went to find her dad. "Morning Dad!" She exclaimed enthusiastically before hugging. "Morning my little girl." He responded returning the hug. "Dad I'm like 22, I'm not your little girl anymore." She replied sarcastically. "I don't care how old you are honey, you'll always be my little girl." Peppy replied. The 2 broke from the hug. "Anyways, I gotta start work. See ya later dad!" Poppy said before leaving. "Stay safe honey!" Peppy replied. The day went on, Poppy did her usual queen duties like reading to the little kids, visiting Branch, and lots of singing. At the end of it all, she returned home. She was waiting to see her dad. But to when she saw him, she noticed that he was not himself. He looked very tired. "Dad, are you OK?" She asked in concern. "No, Poppy, I need to go to the hospital now." He said in a painful voice. Poppy helped the former king get to the hospital. She was in the waiting room. Waiting to hear what was wrong with her dad. Branch had joined in to support her. A doctor came out. "Queen Poppy, please come in." He said. Poppy and Branch both went in to the testing room where King Peppy was being tested. Poppy was nervous and scared. She hoped it was nothing bad. "My queen, I am so sorry to have to tell you this. But your father has a terminal illness." The doctor said. Poppy gasped in disbelief. "No! It cant be! How long does he have doc?" She asked in disbelief grabbing the Doctor's collar. "He has around 4 weeks." The Doctor replied. Then, Poppy's world just went upside down. It felt as if she was a train and it just suddenly came to a complete halt. Tears formed in her eyes. She ran out of the hospital and ran home. Branch followed. 

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