Chapter 10 - Farewell King Peppy

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2 weeks went by. Peppy's health deteriorated. Soon, he was close to being gone. Poppy rushed to the hospital with Branch. "My queen, we've done everything we can. But he's fading." The doctor told Poppy in a calm voice. She and Branch went into the room where he was. He was so weak, he could barely hold his head up. "Dad!" Poppy exclaimed and then ran over to hug him. He just groaned. "Doctor, how much longer does he have?!" Poppy asked in a panicked voice. "My queen, he doesn't have much left. 20 Minutes at most i'd say. You should say your goodbyes." The doctor replied. "Dad, can you hear me?" Poppy asked. "Yes." Peppy replied very weakly. Poppy looked at Branch. "What do I say Branch?" Poppy asked to him. "Speak from your heart, Poppy. You dont have much time." Branch replied back to her. Poppy then knelt down beside the bed where her dad lay. Tears were in her eyes. "Dad? You've always been there for me. Whether I've been hurt, seeking advice or just needed someone to talk to. The past few days have been the best days with you. Even though you were weak and in pain, I've had the time of my life." She said as the tears started falling out of her eyes. "And now, you're leaving me and I just wanted to say, I hope I've been the daughter you wanted me to be, I hope I made you proud. And, I will miss you so much." She continued as she started sobbing a bit. Just then, Peppy spoke in a very weak voice. "Poppy, no matter what, you've always made me proud. And you will be the greatest Queen the trolls have ever known. I know you will. Just like your mother." He said. Poppy then sobbed even. "In heaven, tell mom I said Hi and I miss her. I love you dad." Poppy said as the tears rushed out. "I love you too Poppy." Peppy replied in a very weak voice before the machine he was hooked up to that showed his heartbeat, went blank. Indicating that the Former King Peppy had past away peacefully. "Dad? Dad!" Poppy called out. But she got no response. "Dad?" She cried before realising he was gone. She went over and hugged his lifeless body. Even Branch teared up at the sight. Poppy was so upset. She couldn't come to terms to the fact that her father, the only parent she'd known all her life, was now gone.

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