An Unexpected Guest

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A/N: Yes, this is my take on the full opening scene of Trolls Band Together 😀


Celebration was in full swing in Bergen Town.

Trolls – from all over Troll Kingdom – and Bergens alike were there, setting up lots of decorations and getting into a festive mood. Well, mostly festive. Cloud Guy, who was lying belly-up in a pizza box from Captain Starfunkle's was feeling stuffed (that bachelor party was wild after all) and it wasn't long before he sat up and vomited a bunch of rainbow glitter.

So, what was the occasion this day though? Only one that everyone had anticipated for a long time: it was the wedding of King Gristle and his soon-to-be bride and former scullery maid, Bridget! It was something that was inevitable to happen, given how much in love the two Bergens were, and in a matter of time it had happened – the king had proposed, Bridget had gladly agreed to marry, and now the big day had come! Since Trolls loved to sing, and singing in turn made the job of setting up go faster, the Trolls were happily belting out a well-known tune, their voices carrying out loudly and melodically.

"We are family!

I got all my sisters and me,

We are family!

Come on everybody and sing!"

Overseeing everything as they rode along on some fuzzy bug-like creatures were Queen Poppy and Branch - the Trolls who'd had a hand in saving the Bergens from their misery, bringing Bridget and Gristle together in the first place, helped to unite the Troll Kingdom, and were now an official couple. Down below, they could see much of their friends making preparations. Cooper, his brother Prince D, and some of the other Funk and Pop Trolls were helping the Bergens decorate the aisle that Bridget was going to walk down. Guy Diamond was fitting Tiny Diamond into a flower costume, gushing when he was finished.

"Tiny Diamond," he said in his techno-like voice, "You make the cuuuutest little flower boy!"

Tiny Diamond on the other hand did not share his father's enthusiasm. He frowned. "Come on, Daddy, I told you. I'm the cutest little flower MAN!" He flung the flowers from his basket up in a flourish, trying to make himself look cool.

Branch and Poppy chuckled, their focus shifting from the wedding prep to each other. The pink and blue Trolls happily high-fived each other, loving the great connection they shared, and began to sing.

"Everyone can see we're together

As we walk on by,

And we fly just like birds of a feather,

I won't tell no lie,

All of the people around us, they say, yeah, yeah,

Can they be that close?

Just let me state for the record,

We're giving love in a family dose!"

Laughing, the two Trolls descended for a brief moment.

"Everything looks gorgeous so far!" Poppy squealed, in awe of everything and how it was coming together.

Branch nodded, smiling and agreeing. "Yeah, this is gonna be pretty good."

"I know! And, to make things even better, I brought all of my records so we can pick some stuff to play at the reception!" She demonstrated, pulling out a bunch of albums from her hair and sifting through them.

"I just can't decide what to put on first – there's so much good stuff!" Poppy exclaimed. "ChristTrolla Huguilera, Justin Timber and Lakes, Britney Sparkles, the Spice Trolls..." Poppy trailed off when she got to the last one in her pile, her words turning into one big squeal. "OHH! I got it!"

"What?" Branch asked.

Poppy held up an album with five multi-colored Trollings on the cover. The queen was overjoyed. "BroZone! We should totally play BroZone!"

Branch flinched. Of all things, she had a record for BroZone ?

Well, duh, they were the 'hottest boy band of the century.' Supposedly.

Poppy, however, completely missed the expression on Branch's face at the mention of the band. She was already pulling out a record player and bumping the CD, the music ringing out loud and clear for all around to hear. Trolls nearby clapped and sang along to the beat as four voices perfectly harmonized from the speakers.

"Ooh, yeah,

You might been hurt, babe,

That ain't no lie,

You've seen them all come and go, oh,

I remember you told me,

That it made you believe in,

No man, no cry,

Maybe that's why,

Every little thing I do,

Never seems enough for you,

You don't want to lose it again,

But I'm not like them,

Baby, when you finally,

Get to love somebody,

Guess what?

It's gonna be me!"

Branch gave a weak laugh, trying to hide the sickening feeling that was rising from his stomach up into his throat, and addressed his girlfriend. "Poppy, you don't want to put that on."

Poppy gasped at him. "What! Why not?"

Branch gulped. He couldn't tell her the real reason why. So he quickly thought of something else. "Well, because... you should go for the classics! Like this." Before she could say anything, he whipped out another CD from his hair and bumped the record. The Cha Cha Slide began to play, and the Trolls instantly got into the rhythm of the new song. Poppy was a little confused, but didn't pay much mind to it. Branch was right. The classics did fare well! The two Trolls grooved to the beat (Branch happy that his diversion had worked) before Branch took note of the time.

"Oh! Poppy! We're going to be late for the royal wedding. Come on! Let's go get married!" He grabbed her arm and tugged her along.

The Pop Queen stopped him however, gasping. "Branch!"

He paused and turned around, confused to see her wide eyes and shocked look. "What?" Then, all at once, he realized what he had said. Let's go get married! "O-OH! I... I mean, let's go get Bridget and King Gristle married." He gave an awkward chuckle, his cheeks already starting to get hot at the slip-up.

Poppy breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, okay! Because that would be weird if we got married."

Branch hurriedly agreed. "Yes, very weird. Yeah."

They awkwardly looked away as they continued to bounce agreement off one another, Branch finalizing the point with a seemingly disgusted "bleh" which Poppy copied. By then, the awkwardness had lifted some, and they were ready to make their way over. He extended his arm out to her, which she intertwined with his and they skipped off, merrily continuing their singing with the whole village.

"We are family!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah,

I got all my sisters with me,

We are family!

Get up everybody and sing!"


It had been an energetic preparation for the wedding, but now, things wound down as the actual ceremony began to commence.

Bergens and Trolls alike sat in the aisles as the wedding march began to play, composed by Trollzart and the Classical Trolls. Walking – or rather, sashaying – down the aisle first was the flower boy man, Tiny Diamond, flinging the petals in his basket into everyone's faces with a very stylish flair. Next came Poppy and Branch, the maid of honor and best man respectively, who strolled up to the altar where King Gristle was already waiting with the officiator, a Bergen named Miss Maxine. And then, finally, from all the way down the aisle and making everyone's heads turn in delight was Bridget. She looked very pretty in her white dress and veil. The Bergen elegantly came down the aisle, the Bergens gawking at the future Queen of their town. She seemed both confident and shy, the last part evident when she had finally reached the altar and blushed as Gristle glanced at her lovingly.

The Classical Trolls toned down their music a bit, still playing softly as Miss Maxine began to speak. "Dearly beloved," she started, nearly unable to contain the excitement in her voice, "We are gathered here today to witness the joining together of two worlds. I stand here before you to proclaim that our beloved King of Bergen Town, King Gristle the Second, and his lovely bride and soon to be Queen Bridget, have opened their hearts to one another and found love." She paused, a smile dancing across her face as Gristle reached out his hand to Bridget's and gently took them in hers. She gripped firmly as Miss Maxine continued speaking. "Today they will vow to forever cherish each other and share the blessings that come with their love. So, without further ado..." She turned to King Gristle first and asked the big question. "Do you, King Gristle the Second, take Bridget to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

King Gristle smiled softly at Bridget and gave a small nod. "I do."

Sniffles were already heard in the audience in response. But before anyone could start bawling, Miss Maxine proceeded, addressing Bridget. "And do you, Bridget, take King Gristle the Second to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

Tears swimming in her eyes, Bridget nodded. "I do!"

Poppy sighed blissfully, snuggling closer to Branch and swooning over the romantic moment. Branch glanced down at her, grinning, wondering for a brief second what it would be like if they had been the ones in King Gristle and Bridget's places. He was pulled out of the thought when Miss Maxine was about to conclude.

"Then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and - !"


An unexpected voice suddenly yelled out, stopping Miss Maxine before she could finalize their marriage. Trolls and Bergens whirled their heads up towards the sound, gasping in surprise when a Troll swung down from up above, landing right in the middle of the aisle with a dramatic thud, causing many more Trolls and a few Bergens to jump in their seats in surprise. The Troll was teal colored with dark aquamarine hair. A thick snow coat was on his person, and he toted a pair of goggle-like sunglasses on his head. The crowd began to murmur. Who was this Troll? Nobody in any of the kingdoms thought that they'd ever seen him before.

Upon the altar, Poppy and Branch were just as surprised as their friends. Poppy squinted at the newcomer. He looked awfully familiar for some reason, though she couldn't place exactly when and where she'd seen him before. Branch on the other hand had the realization dawn on him much sooner than he probably would have liked. He felt himself go stiff as the Troll casually walked down the aisle and up towards the altar, greeting the confused Trolls and Bergens as he passed with "hello"s and "hey, how you doing?"s.

"Hi guys, what's up? So sorry for the interruption, you've got a lovely wedding going on here, very nice event! Allow me to introduce myself. My name's John Dory." He waved a hand in greeting, now having made his way in front of Branch and Poppy. Branch gulped as the next words he knew were inevitably coming were spoken by the Troll. "And I am Branch's long... lost... brother "

His pauses in between the words gave the effect that he'd wanted. A collective gasp was heard from the audience. Jaws dropped, eyes widened, more whispers were heard.

Poppy was shell-shocked. "WHAT?" Was this for real? She took a closer look, her eyes flitting between Branch and this new Troll, and right away she could see that they kind of did look a bit similar. Their skin tones were the same, and the shape of their faces. Then, in taking that closer look, it suddenly struck her where she'd seen this Troll before.

"Waaaait a minute..." she said, snapping her fingers and smiling widely. "You're the guy! From BroZone! " She bounced in place, excited when he affirmed with a nod. She turned to Branch. "Oh my gosh, we were just listening to them!"

John Dory chuckled. "Well, I'm glad to see that we still have some fans, miss...?" He trailed off, extending a hand to her in greeting.

"Poppy! Queen Poppy of Pop Village!" She gladly took his hand and pumped it up and down furiously, grinning. Then she realized even more . "Wait a second... then that means..." She gasped. "The other guys, from BroZone... you're all brothers too, right?"

John Dory once again confirmed with a "You are correct!"

Branch frowned, crossing his arms and turning himself away from JD. "But that's all in the past," he said icily.

Poppy squealed, addressing her boyfriend. "BRANCH! How come you never told me you had a secret brother?!"

Branch frowned, glaring at John Dory. "Correction: used to be my brother. Because the way I remember it, my brothers walked out on me, and never came back. "

This got Tiny Diamond riled up. " Ooooo, drama! Corn me, Dinkles!" He extended a hand out to where Biggie was standing with Mr. Dinkles. The little worm mew ed in reply, and spat out a small bag of popcorn for Tiny to catch. Tiny began to happily munch on his snack as he watched the two brothers reunite.

"Look," John Dory said, trying to sound reasonable, "I know that things were not so hot the last time we all saw each other. But I think it's time for that to change." He stepped closer to the frowning Troll. "Branch, it's time we find the rest of our brothers and get the band back together!"

Poppy gasped. "Seriously?!"

"No, not seriously," Branch counteracted. "Because if he thinks he can come here after all these years, give some lame apology, and think we're all going to be one big happy family again just like that, then this can't be anything more than a joke. " He gestured angrily. "You just ruined our friends' wedding!"

Bridget and Gristle were standing off to the side on the altar, having watched everything unfold silently. They glanced at each other, silently communicating, and then back at the Trolls. "Well..." Bridget began. "This does sound pretty important. We don't mind postponing the wedding until you guys get back. Right, Grizzy?"

The king nodded. "Yeah, it's cool. We don't mind!"

Branch gaped at them. "What? No! I'm not going with him." He put his hands up and spoke to the audience. "Nothing to see here, guys! This is all one big misunderstanding! This... guy is going to leave right now!" He began to push John Dory away, who resisted.

"Whoa, whoa, little bro, I'm not leaving!"

"Oh, yes you are," Branch growled, "Tell him, Poppy!"

"Tell him what? I'm not asking him to leave!" the Queen said, completely opposing her boyfriend. "We totally have to help him. They're your brothers, too!" Poppy clasped her hands together, envisioning it all now. "We're gonna have the best family reunion ever!" She began to shoot out album title ideas in quick succession. "BroZone 2.0! BroZone Reunion! BroZone: Here We Bro Again! BroZone: Where Did They Bro? Oh, I Don't Know, But WE'RE GONNA FIND THEM!!"

Branch, who had tried to cut in amongst her excited rant, sighed and decided against it. He had learned that it was no use to try and get Poppy calm after she was overjoyed about something. And maybe, he thought to himself, maybe this WILL be a good thing. He blinked. Whoa... where had that thought come from? Maybe Poppy's positivity was rubbing off on him, giving him that little hopeful thought that maybe it would be beneficial for him, John Dory, and the other brothers to reunite - perhaps not to get the band back together per say, but to at least clear the air, maybe even be on good terms again...

But then his reasonable side kicked in again. First of all, they didn't even know where the other guys were. Second, where would they be traveling in? Third, who was going to watch Pop Village while they were gone for who knows how long? Fourth, why should he even bother giving them second chances? They sure didn't seem to care when they all left the first time. Fifth - would this mission even be worth it?

As though the universe had heard his questions, much of them were suddenly answered.

"Don't worry," John Dory was saying, "I've got all the maps and references we need to find our bros, all on my caterbus!"

"Sweet!" Poppy exclaimed, pumping her fists in the air.

"And I don't mind watching Pop Village for a little while," said the former King Peppy, who was confident as he'd done it before. "With a little help, of course," he added.

Trolls from the audience piped up, primarily delegates from the other kingdoms. Among them were Val Thundershock, Demo, and Blaze Powechord (all from Rock); Holly Darlin' and Gust Tumbleweed (from Country); Dante Crescendo and Minuet Sonata (from Classical); Lowtone Jones and Rhythm & Blues (from Funk); and Synth and Laguna Tidepool (from Techno). "We'll be glad to lend a hand!"

Everything seemed set thus far, but there was still one obstacle to get over.

"Come on, Branch, pleeeease? " Poppy pleaded. "This is gonna be so awesome, I just know it!"

Branch pulled her aside, speaking in a low voice so that John Dory couldn't hear. "You really want to do this? You trust him? Because I sure don't."

"Branch, of course I trust him. We gave the Bergens another chance. The whole Troll Kingdom gave each other second chances. Look at where we all are now! Why is this any different?"

Branch wanted to groan, realizing that his girlfriend had a point that she was making. Plus, she had less reason to feel so apprehensive. It wasn't her brothers that left her in the dust, after all. She could be right in going off on this mission.

Or maybe she just wants autographs from them.

He pushed aside the pessimistic thought, and sighed, not believing what he was about to say. "Okay. Fine. We'll go."

Poppy beamed. "YES! YES! I KNEW YOU'D SAY YES!" She leaped at him, wrapping her arms tight around him for a hug.

The Trolls and Bergens in the audience clapped and cheered, happy for the Trolls.

John Dory laughed. "Ha, ha! I knew it, too! Bring it in, little bro!" He reached for Branch and wrapped one arm around his neck, using the other to give him a noogie.

Branch struggled free, glaring at him. "You do that again, and those sunglasses won't have a head to be on," he warned darkly.

Tiny Diamond in the meantime threw his popcorn in the air. "OOOOHHHH, sick!" He eagerly looked up at his father. "Can I go too, Daddy? Please?"

Guy Diamond looked a little uncertain. "I don't know, Tiny..."

"Daddy, I told you, I'm a man. I can take care of myself, and them, too!" Tiny Diamond said, trying to defend himself.

Guy sighed and looked down at his son with a smile. "Okay. You can go. But please, just be careful."

"I will, Daddy!" Tiny assured, giving his father a quick hug before rushing over to catch up with Branch, Poppy, and John Dory to let them know he was tagging along.

Guy looked on with a wistful smile. "My little boy is growing up!"


A/N: I had to have them sing an NSYNC song 😁

Also, for Tiny Diamond's strut down the aisle, just picture the Flower Man meme 🤣

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