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A/N: Requested by JoltJackalope :)


"I can't believe she's... gone."

Spruce said the words slowly, like he was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that his Grandma had died. John Dory and Clay peered at him with similar looks of disbelief.

"I mean, I guess I can believe it," Clay spoke up in response, "but just... not the way Branch said it happened..." He thought about how their youngest brother had described it, picturing a Bergen swiping her away to a terrible fate. His stomach churned in an unpleasant manner.

John Dory's imagination wasn't too different, and it made him feel guilty. Being the oldest, he had the most memories of their Grandmother. How she'd supported the five of them, encouraged them to follow their dreams and cheered them on as they did so. One particular moment stuck out to John Dory. And, unbeknownst to him, the moment he was thinking of was a significant one in Spruce and Clay's memories too...

"Let me take you to a better plaaaace,

I'm gonna make you kiss the sky tonight

Yeah if you let me show the waaay,

I'm so excited, to see you excited!"

John Dory just couldn't seem to quit singing. He was proud of their song - it was catchy, and a hit among everybody in the crowd who'd come to see their band. Singing it twice didn't seem to be cutting it, but the show had to come to an end. Thankfully, he could rest at ease knowing that he and his brothers would perform again.

While JD was more focused on the performance part of it, Spruce couldn't help but recall how many girls he'd made faint after they'd caught a glimpse of his exquisitely toned body. Clay on the other hand was a bit sore, having given it his all when it came to the dancing, but he knew it was completely worth the grand applause the audience had given afterwards.

"They loved us!" their younger brother Floyd exclaimed, looking absolutely touched by the prospect of so many Trolls supporting their music as he made his way backstage with the others.

"Of course they loved you, sweetie," a gentle voice responded. The boys grinned a tad wider when their Grandma approached them, with Baby Branch inside of a little carrier at her front. The youngest BroZone brother was only a couple months old, still not able to join his older bros up on the stage to dance and sing just yet, but it didn't mean that he couldn't cheer them on. He clapped his hands enthusiastically and blurbled happily.

"You were ALL wonderful," Grandma Rosiepuff continued, gently leaning over to caress Floyd's cheek. He blushed a little and she chuckled fondly. "Do you know why?"

The magenta Trolling looked up at her. "Why?" he asked in a small, curious voice.

"Because each of you is special," she responded. She looked over at JD first and smiled.

"John Dory, you had a dream and you made it come true. You created an amazing band that you love being a part of. Just remember that with the right determination, and with your brothers by your side, you CAN achieve anything that your heart desires."

JD beamed. He liked the sound of that! Grandma was right. His brothers believed in him. And he believed in his brothers. They could accomplish TONS of things if they just continued to work together as a team!

Their Grandma addressed Spruce next. "Spruce, you have a passion burning inside of you unlike anybody else I've seen. You'll succeed on what you set your mind to, so long as you never let it burn out."

Spruce smiled at her. "I won't, Grandma," he promised.

"Ooo, ooo, me next!" Clay called out, jumping up and down, and raising his hand up in a playful manner.

Rosiepuff giggled. "Clay, being able to make anybody laugh is a fantastic gift. You're a fun little guy, and I don't think you'll have a problem knowing how to keep things real when they matter."

"Nope, I don't think so either!" Clay chimed back in reply, living up to his jokey personality and doing a goofy little dance.

Rosiepuff had to laugh again, and then spoke to Floyd. "Floyd. Your talent to write songs is beyond incredible. You don't have to be afraid to sing or dance in front of a lot of people - you have great friends by your side." She gestured behind him at John Dory, Spruce, and Clay. "If you ever feel like you're in trouble, just know that they'll be there for you. Always."

Floyd responded by giving his Grandma a hug.

In the baby carrier, Branch giggled.

"And I can't forget about you, Branch!" Rosiepuff said, nuzzling the top of his rich blue hair. "You, my little boy, are so lucky. You have the best big brothers in the world!"

Branch babbled something babyish that they knew meant he was so grateful for it.

Rosepuff smiled down at him, and then opened up her arms to the others. "Come here, boys!"

John Dory, Spruce, and Clay crowded around to join their Grandma, Floyd, and Branch, all warm and happy in her embrace...

... And feeling nothing like that now.

John Dory sure wished his Grandma could hug him right there and then and provide the comfort he needed. Her hugs always felt like they could cure anything, including the guilt he felt for not upholding to her words.

Just remember that with the right determination, and with your brothers by your side, you CAN achieve anything that your heart desires.

Well, he hadn't had his brothers by his side, and he hadn't achieved his goal of having BroZone be together forever.

Spruce hadn't let his passion die down... in some respects. Of those did not include performing though, which he felt bad for. His Grandmother would've perhaps been happy that he was able to start and raise his very own family, but a little sad to see that he didn't have that desire to get up on a stage and sing anymore like he'd used to. He had tried to bury his boyband days behind him, going as far as to even change his name.

For Clay, it was very rare for a joke to slip past his lips nowadays. Grandma had told him to keep things real when they mattered, though he'd taken it to a much farther level. In fact, his humorous side had almost gone away completely. He no longer chuckled or snickered as often as he used to, and he'd believed that being serious was the way he should continue about his life. But, if he was being truthful, he really did miss that side of him that Grandma said could make anybody laugh. Snubbing it felt like snubbing his Grandmother.

Regardless of their individual reasonings, all three brothers felt as though they'd let her down.

John Dory hadn't realized that the one person he might've wanted to speak to again - aside from the brothers he'd silently hoped he'd make up with one day - was his Grandma. There was so much he wanted to tell her about his adventures out with his caterbus Rhonda, seeing the world.

Spruce would've liked to have told her much about his newfound understanding about relationships, and the true love he'd found with his wife that was so much better than any meaningless fling he'd previously had in his youth.

Clay ached to hear her sweet little laugh again, seeing the smile spread on her face that was because of a joke he'd cracked, and wanting to show her the cool tuck-and-roll trick he'd learned in Putt Putt Village.

A simultaneous sigh heaved from the three brothers.

"I mean, we could see her again one day... right?" Spruce asked.

John Dory didn't understand. "Bro, Branch said she died, though!"

"No, dude, he meant, like, somewhere else," Clay clarified, gesturing an arm up and out, the direction towards the sky.

JD cocked his head, not sure what exactly he was supposed to be looking at, until it came to him. His brothers were talking about a better place, one that was not their world full of troubles and regrets. One where Grandma Rosiepuff was free of her suffering, and where they may go one day when they grew old themselves and passed on.

"Ohhh," he said, nodding once and answering honestly.

"Yes. I think so."


A/N: I guess this could take place when the brothers are waiting for Branch to return after my oneshot "By Your Side"? (and for that matter, before the oneshot "Reconciled")

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