The Proposal v2

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A/N: A rewrite of the first half of my oneshot "The Prosposal" requested by mariesme on Tumblr. Some stuff is the same as the original version, but there are some tweaks :)


"Guys, I think this calls for a celebration!"

Branch cringed as John Dory yelled out right next to his ear, still interlocked in the five-brother hug that had resulted from Branch's Hug Time's bracelet chiming. He cringed slightly more at the loud chorus of agreement that rung out from his other brothers, enthusiastic to join in the celebratory moment and fully agreeing with their oldest brother's suggestion. Branch, too, voiced his agreement – the time felt right, and the joyous mood amongst them was just right – but only after he was released from the tight hug and could regain his breath. As he allowed his lungs to expand again, he heard John Dory begin to harmonize the beginnings of a song.


Branch recognized it right away. It was one of the songs that they used to sing all the time, in every concert that they'd ever performed at, every rehearsal, and sometimes even in their downtime when they simply chilled together in their pod.

It was Spruce who followed up in the harmony next. "Yeahahh..."

"Rock your body..." John Dory continued.

"Yeahahh..." Clay sang, picking up the melody.

"Everybody..." JD sang again.

"Yeahahh..." Floyd crooned smoothly, joining in.

Four sets of eyes fell upon Branch next, expectantly and kindly. They had all contributed thus far, and only he remained left. The blue Troll smiled, gladly adding to the perfect quintet chorus. "Rock your body, right..."

Reenergized, the five Trolls – brothers, friends, and family – struck a pose, side by side and grinning broadly as they let the song's beat drop.

"BroZone's back, ALL RIGHT!"


What a celebration it had turned out to be!

The brothers sang their song all through the trip back home on the caterbus, and back upon the mushroom stage that was in Pop Village. Trolls from all tribes had gathered to see the spectacle that was BroZone 2.0 – AKA BroZone Reunion, BroZone: Here We Bro Again, BroZone: Where Did They Bro? Well, It Turned Out To Be A LOT of Different Places, But We FOUND THEM!! (Hey, the title was still a work in progress for them, but it could be dealt with later). Like it had many years ago, the feeling of being back on the stage filled them with life, made them each feel like they were truly home again. Clearly, it mattered not where they were, so long as they had had each other once more. But Branch could dwell on the sap later – right now, they had a show to put on!

Bounding up on the stage in a near perfect replica of how they'd done so almost two decades prior, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and Branch – all donning brand-new colorful hair-matching vests – made the crowd go wild with applause. The five wasted no time bursting into their song, recreating the perfect Family Harmony flawlessly.

"Oh, my gah, we're back again!" Branch sang, spreading his arms out wide.

"Brothers, sisters, everybody sing," Floyd sang, coming alongside his younger brother for a quick side hug.

"Gonna bring the flavor, show you how," Clay sang, busting a slick breakdancing move that seemed to be a combination of a one-armed cartwheel and a split.

"Gotta question for you, better answer now, yeah," Spruce sang, grooving along to the beat.

"Am I original?" John Dory sang, gesturing to himself, snapping with both his hands and making a finger gun.

"Am I the only one?" Floyd sang, placing a hand over his heart.

"Am I sensual?" Spruce sang, blowing kisses to his wife in the audience, who blew kisses right back at him.

"Am I everything you need?" Clay sang, right as Branch finished with, "You better rock your body now!" The five sang the chorus all together, stepping in rhythm with each other, voices strong and proud.



Rock your body!



Rock your body right..."

Automatically, the brothers all grouped together, stacking themselves with John Dory at the bottom, Floyd and Spruce atop his shoulders, Clay hoisted atop them, and then Branch at the very top, while they all sang the last line. "BroZone's back, ALL RIGHT!"

Cheering erupted from the audience watching. Right at the front, and being held back by her sister Viva, was an overly excited Poppy. She screamed joyously, tears streaming down her pink cheeks as she jumped up and down.

"I LOVE YOU BROZONE!" she cried, and then even more loudly yelled, "I LOVE YOU BRANCH!!"

Around her, other cheers for the brothers were being screamed out.

The teal and magenta bros smiled when they heard Trolls crying out "You're awesome, JD!" and "Rock on, Floyd!"

Spruce's family were really pumped, too, and his children in particular were very excited for the performance that their father had done.

"Great job, Daddy!"

"That was so cool!"

"Do it again! Do it again!"

The kids were so excited, in fact, that they didn't even mind it when their mother and father shared the look that always indicated that, more than likely, as soon as Spruce climbed down from that stage, they would both share a great, big kiss (yuck!).

All of a sudden, through the cheering, a very distinct and exceptionally loud call of "MARRY ME, CLAY!" was heard.

Poppy gasped when she realized that the one who'd called it out was none other than her sister! Viva clamped her hand over her mouth, blushing heavily when she'd made eye contact with Clay. His blue eyes were as wide as dinner platters, and he'd grown significantly pale with shock. And if that weren't enough, his jaw dropped, too. Suddenly, his legs felt wobbly with a weakness that only being lovestruck could bring, and the brother stack began to falter! But, unlike the time they'd all tumbled onto the stage, the brothers acted quickly and managed to land on their feet, breaking Clay's fall by combining their hair and making a sort of net to catch him in.

"Ah well, I guess that brings a whole new meaning to 'falling in love,' now, doesn't it?" Spruce joked, nudging Clay once he'd helped him to his feet.

"I... um... well, I g-guess you could, err... say that..." the lime-green-haired Troll stammered, trying to keep his cool but not doing so well at it with the blush that was still bright on his cheeks. He couldn't hear all too well from where he was upon the stage, but from what he could see, it appeared that Viva was faring no better than he with the bashfulness. Poppy had a gleam in her eye and seemed to be asking Viva questions about the outburst, while the Putt Putt Queen giggled nervously and twirled her golden hair in her fingers.

"Hey man, there's nothin' wrong with boarding the love train, bro," Spruce said, breaking into Clay's thoughts. "Which brings me to my other point..."

He huddled the brothers together, and whispered at Branch. "Now, you know as well as all of us here do that it's time, brother."

Branch felt himself grow nervous when Spruce made the motion of putting an imaginary ring on a finger, while JD, Clay, and Floyd nodded approvingly.

He bit his lip, feeling his hands go clammy. "Y-you really think so?"

"Dude, she's totally in sync with you!" John Dory said, nudging Branch.

"I didn't get to see much of you two together," Floyd admitted, "but I can definitely tell that you've got something special going on."

But, even with their support, Branch still looked quite uncertain.

"Look, bro, you got nothing to worry about," Spruce assured. "I've already done this before, and lookie where that's got me!" He peeked over at where his kids and his wife were in the audience, the latter of whom he flashed a charming smile to and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

John Dory rolled his eyes and tugged at his younger brother's vest. "YO BRO, mind staying focused here? This is Bitty B's Big Breakthrough!"

"Try saying that three times fast," Clay mumbled, and then watched as Spruce spoke to Branch again.

"Sorry for getting distracted there, Branch. JD has a point, though. Right now, this is all about you!" He slung an arm around Branch's shoulders and spoke in hushed tones. "So here's what we're gonna do..."

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