Viva la Vida

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A/N: Requested by dolliebabydoll15 on Tumblr :)


Branch didn't know that a simple bunch of flowers could throw some Trolls into a frenzy.

Flowers grew everywhere and anywhere in all the kingdoms, all unique. Some were big, some were small. Some had colorful florets, others were more plantlike. Some even had faces and could talk. But in the end, they were just flowers.

But, that's not what the Trolls at the wedding were making it seem like.

They were making it seem like the simple but beautiful bunch of flowers that Poppy had been holding were made out of gold, or the rarest glitter of some kind. He guessed that they were pretty nice, but as he'd learned, in accordance with wedding tradition, it was custom for the bride to throw flowers and have the guests attempt to catch them. Why? Supposedly, it was a surefire indicator of who was to be wed next.

Branch scrunched his nose. He didn't think he needed a flower of all things to predict his future. Still though, he supposed it was a fun game of sorts. He watched, amused, at all the Trolls who'd gathered behind Poppy, knees bent and arms out, ready to take action.

"Ready, guys?" the Queen asked. Then, in a sly manner, she made sure to turn away from Branch so that she could wink at the group. The Trolls understood what she meant by that wink, and some confirmed their understanding with a small nod. Poppy giggled to herself. The plan she had was going to go perfectly!

"Alright then! On the count of three! Three..."

The crowd got into position.

"... Two..."

Fingers twitched.

"... ONE!"

At that last number, the Queen threw the bunch out from behind her as hard as she could. For a heart stopping moment, the flower bunch hovered in the air high above everyone's heads, and then it finally fell down, smack in the middle of all the Trolls. However, they made sure to allow one Troll among them to obtain the flower bunch in her grasp. And, thankfully, she was unsuspecting of this purposeful occurrence.

"Woo-hooo! Yeah! I got it!" Viva cried, hosting the flower bunch high into the air and dancing around with it. "YES!" She loved these types of games, and had always wanted to participate. She hadn't actually anticipating catching the flower bouquet though. This was exciting!

But Viva's excitement began to dwindle down when she noticed the looks that the Trolls around her were giving her awfully knowing looks, as if they understood what this meant now that she caught it. And that's when she remembered, too.

"Oh!" she gasped to herself, whirling around and happening to come face-to-face with none other than her right-hand man, Clay.

He was blushing, as was she.

"You um... caught it," he said bashfully.

"Y-yeah, I know..." she replied, stuttering a little. Why did she feel so warm all of a sudden?

Branch glanced at Poppy and crossed his arms. "You planned this out and had everyone else in on it, didn't you?" he asked, smirking.

Poppy nodded, giggling at how shy the two Trolls had become, ande already making plans for what would become her sister's future wedding. "You think it could work out?" she asked Branch.

Branch eyed his brother and Viva skeptically, and shrugged. "Eh. I give em a week at most."

Poppy gasped. "Branch!"

"Alright, alright, maybe it could work out for a bit longer," he chuckled.

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