Chapter 12

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I could barely grasp my mind around this, so I can only imagine what Poppy's reaction would be! "Wait if your leader really is Poppy's mom and Poppy's mom is a troll then how did she turn into a dove?"

"The story goes like this......" She started telling me the story. Does Poppy even know what happened to her mother?! Does she remember the building incident I read about? Did King Peppy tell her? "Well this is just great! Who's going to tell Poppy?!" I ask Iris. "Tell Poppy what?" I turned around and saw Poppy staring at us, her eyebrow raised. Great we just got busted!

Me and Iris looked at each other. "What do we tell her?" I whispered to her. She shrugged. "Tell me what?" She repeated. I knew I had to think of an excuse, but what could I tell her? Iris seemed to have had an excuse ready to go. "We wanted to tell you that we have a surprise for you at the library." She lied quickly. "Meet us there and we'll show you." Poppy looked uncertain, but agreed. "Alright I'll be there in a few hours. I still have some queen duties to finish up."

Ocean walked out of the store with box of books. "What are you two up to?" He eyed us suspiciously. "Better question," I start. "Why do you have all those books?" He held out the box to us. I dug through them. "All of them are books on sports." I realized. "I wanted to try some new sports like hang gliding, water skiing, and a lot of others." He explained. "Cool, but that'll have to wait." I told him. "Why?"

"Just follow us." I tell him. He shrugs and we start walking to a trolls home - Branch's bunker. If anyone would be able to tell her in the most comforting way possible, it would be him. After a lot of walking we finally made it to the bunker. I walked over and typed in his not-so-secret password. After a few seconds the trap door opened and all of us got on the elevator and started riding it down. Gosh! When you actually go in this bunker it looks even bigger. "Okay," Ocean started. "Who's going to tell him?" We looked at one another. "Uhhhhh...."

"You know I just remembered I promised I would babysit Tiny Diamond for Guy!" Ocean started walking out. "Well have fun without me!" I run over to the elevator and pull him back. "Don't even try!" He rolled his eyes and groaned. "Fine!" He started walking toward Branch's room. Then turned around and pushed me towards them room. "Coward!" I whispered to him. "Branch!" I called. "In here!" He called back. "Come on!" I tell Ocean and Iris. We walked in his room and saw him storing rations.

"Yeah what?" He asked. I look at Ocean. He shrugs and backs away. Iris can't tell him because they can't under stand each other, so that leaves me. "Fine here goes nothing." I take a deep breath. "So.....Lets lighten things up a bit!" I raise my voice trying to change the subject. "How are things going with you and Poppy?" He raised an eyebrow. "Great." He answered blankly. "Have you went on your first date yet?"

He suddenly froze. I wave my hand in front of him. He didn't react. "Is he dead?" Ocean asked. I rolled my eyes. "Of course not! He's probably just frozen in shock." We continued staring at him for while. "Anyone know how we can snap him out of it?" I asked. Ocean and Iris shook their heads. I have an idea! I walked over to where he keeps Gary. "Gee I wonder what would happen if we just took Gary and maybe.......I don't know....Set off all the traps around here." I said casually. Branch snapped out of it, ran over, and snatched Gary away from me. "Are trying to kill us?!"

"No I was trying to snap you out of your trance." I told him. "So good talk!" I run over to where Ocean and Iris are. "Okay one of you jump in!" They look at me. Iris lays down on the floor trying to pretend she's dead. I look at Ocean. He puts on head phones. I give him 'the look'. He groans and takes off the headphones. "Fine!" Branch continues staring at us. "So has Poppy ever told you anything about her mother?" Ocean asked him. "No. Not that I can remember. To be honest I never asked." He raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Okay I'll explain." Ocean sighed.

*A Few Minutes Of Explaining Later*

"And that's about it." Ocean finished. "Your kidding right?!" He asked. We shook our heads. "That book could just be one of the fairy tale books little kids like reading." He stated. "Are you calling me a little kid?" I felt offended. "No chill." He said. I turn to Iris. "You know what to do." I told her. She winked and flew off to one of the sinks. "Branch, are you saying I can't talk to animals?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I love science and see the facts. No proof. Don't believe."

"What if I could prove it to you?" I asked. "I'll considered." He answered. "Okay then! Good cause' I just told Iris to go get a pail of water and dump it on you." I held out a hat and towel. "If and only if you believe me, I'll give you this towel and hat to keep you from getting too wet." He looked and started thinking it over. "I told you I see the facts and what your saying doesn't sound real."

I shrug and hand them to him anyway. "Hey!" Ocean sounded annoyed and confused. "Why didn't I get those?" I turn to him. "Because he didn't die laughing unlike somebody else I know." He glared at me. "Okay Iris you almost ready?" I call to the kitchen. "Coming now!" She answered. She flew out, the water spinning as she flapped. She got right over Ocean. He backed away and hid behind me. "Don't even think about it." He told her. "Only trying to tease him." She told me smirking😏. "Couldn't resist."

Then she flew over to Branch. He stood up. She gently tipped the bucket over and half of it landed on him. He took the hat off and used the towel to dry himself, though he really didn't need it. I was surprised that he didn't start chasing us. I guess he's use to it considering the fact that Cloud Dude loves annoying him. (I love calling him Cloud Dude. Besides you all know who I'm talking about.)

"Fine. I'll consider." He said and started walking to the elevator. Iris flew down and landed on Ocean's shoulder and we all followed him. Once we got outside, we stepped off the elevator and started walking in the direction of Poppy's pod. Once we finally got there, I chose to stay outside and wait. Iris stayed with me. She flew and landed on the ground beside me. We stayed there for a few minutes and waited until Poppy finally came out of her pod. "Okay lets here this story."

"Okay I'll translate as Iris tells you." I told everyone. Iris started talking to me and I translated everything to everybody else.


According Emerald herself, after the building she built exploded, she ran into the forest to try and find 4 year old Poppy and King Peppy to make sure they were okay. The deeper she went in the forest, the more confused she became. She stopped for a minute to look around her, but she couldn't tell where she was.

"Hey you lost?" A voice asked her. She immediately went into defense mode. "Who are you?!" She inched closer to where the voice was coming from. She noticed it was coming from a bush. The shadowy figure emerged to reveal................ An 13 year old Creek?! "What in Trollstopia are you doing here?!" She asked him. "Well you know that unexpected explosion?" He asked in his Australian accent. Emerald nodded. "Well what would you say if I told you my father did that?" Emerald raised her eyebrows. "Why would you do that?!"

"Lets just say that your family's not the only one that knows about your magic." He told her. She laughed lightly at him. "And you think that I am going to give you my magic?!"
He looked at her. "Oh no! Not me alone!" Another troll stepped out of the shadows. "We are!"

Emerald didn't look too surprised. "Let me guess your his father." The troll nodded. "Yeah so lets just save the annoying argument and you can hand over the magic." Emerald looked at them like they were crazy. "Absolutely not!" And with that she ran into the forest. She heard them calling to her in the back, but she ignored them and ran deeper.

Meanwhile, Iris was still a chick and had already learned how to fly. She was flying with her mother, brother, and sister, when she saw Emerald running. "Mama who's that?" She asked her mom. Her mother came over and saw the troll that was running. "I don't know but she looks like she could use some help." All of them swooped down and told her to follow them. Since she still had her magic, she understood them. She followed them all the way to where they lived. Once they got there, Emerald looked around and noticed that Creep- I mean Creek and his father were still following her.

She knew her magic would not be safe in their hands. Once she found a place to hide. She used her sorceress magic to see to the human world. She was able to see three young children. All were around the ages of 5 years old. She said a few spells and sent her magic to them.

The first type of magic- the weather magic- went to the young five year old boy, who was playing with his newborn sibling. As the two of them laughed together neither one of them noticed the sparkles in the room that went to the older brother.

The second type of magic- the sorceress magic- went to a young five year old girl, who was at her home coloring. As she reached for a light pink crayon, she didn't see the rainbow sparkles that went into her hair.

Last, but certainly not least, the nature magic went to a little five year old girl who was playing with a person that she thought was her grandad. She loved him so much she called him 'Daddy'. As he was pushing her and her 3 year sister on the two person swing none of them noticed the light green and purple sparkles that floated into the 5 year old girl's hair.

Once Emerald finished sending all of her magic away to some people she trusted, she turned herself into a dove and flew off with Iris's family. She really hoped that she could somehow find her family again.

*End of flashback*

"And that's what happened." I finished translating everything. "Wow. You mean to tell me my mom is still alive?!" Poppy asked us. All of us nodded. "Well what are we waiting for?!" She ran into her pod and came out with a bunch of supplies. "Where did you get all that?" I asked her. "From Branch. He gave all of this to me and told me to put it up in case of there being another adventure."

Branch got cutesy eyed. "You actually kept them." Poppy looked at him confused. "Yeah?" Branch walked over and hugged her. "Thank you!"😍❤💖😊

I stood there, took out my phone, and snapped a quick picture of them. Ocean apparently couldn't take it and walked over there to break it up. "Okay break it up! This is getting awkward."

"Speak for yourself!" I told him and showed him the picture I took. Poppy and Branch looked at each other blushing😳😳. "You took a picture?!" Branch asked. I quickly hid my phone. "No!😁😂" Branch calmly walked over to a pile of wood, grabbed a twig, and broke it in half. Then he started running after me with the twig! "Ocean grabbed me with his hair and pulled me back. I hid behind him. "Okay, okay! I think she gets it!"

Branch glared at me and dropped the stick. "Okay everybody! All of you can go back to your homes and pack for the trip." Poppy told all of us. We looked at each other confused. "What trip?"

"The trip to find my mom." She told us. We all nodded and started walking to our homes to pack everything. I obviously called Journey and told her about everything, so she started packing. Obviously I told Adventure he could come too. Ocean is going to be so mad! I can't wait to see his face!! After I finished packing, I told Poppy that we could all meet at the buildings. She agreed, called everyone, and told them to do that.

I got started early because I wanted to go see Sunny and her family. After all I promised her that I would tell her everything. I looked around to make sure no one was watching me and ran into the forest.

A/N: That took me at least three days to write!😁😃😀😂 Word Count is 2,248. Hope this makes up for the other shorted chapters! Also the person you saw Annalise playing with in the flashback was someone very special to me. He died of leukemia when I was 5 years old. Believe it or not he actually died on Broppy Day.

Anyway, I'm suppose to go to a Christmas Party today so next update will probably be published on this Wednesday. I'm super excited for Monday because that's when my birthday is!!!🎉🎉 I'll be turning 15 years old!! So until next Wednesday! Bye!!!!


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