Chapter 20

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A\N: Wow Chapter 20 already?! Thanks to all of you who have stuck to this book for so long!! It means so much to me that you like it so much!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 All of you are amazing, beautiful, caring, talented people!! Thank you all so much!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💙💙💙💙 *ahem* Anyway on with the show!🥰😇 Also I ain't gonna do no more chapter names. It takes too long to come up with the names.

Branch stopped in his tracks as his ear twitched to sudden noise. "What is it?" Poppy asked as she got out of the wagon. Branch turned to her. "I don't know. Something doesn't sound right."

Journey grunted from behind. "Oh really? I wonder...what...that...could be?" Branch shrugged. "I don't know." Journey rolled her eyes and continued pulling Adventure. "If we don't...find Ocean or...somebody to snap...Adventure out...of it...I'm mind!!!" She shouted out of breath. Branch continued looking around. "I think somebody's watching us." He put down the map and stood in front of Poppy. All of them stared intently at the tree, from which Branch heard the noise. Two figures jumped out and they all screamed. The two figures slowly came into view and Branch had grabbed a pinecone and threw it at the taller one.

The taller figure started trying to pull it off, so it wouldn't pull his hair. The smaller figure ripped it off the taller figure's head. "Ow!!!!" The taller figured revealed Ocean. "Seriously?!" He shouted at Branch. "Are you and Esmerald related?!" Iris flew over to Ocean and yanked it off his head - hard. Ocean screamed again. "Stop doing that!!" He shouted at Iris. "Don't make me tell them what you told me!" Iris threatened. Ocean groaned. "Fine! Just try not to yank my hair off."

Poppy, Branch, and Journey continued staring at both of them. Adventure's face was still blank. Ocean stared at him. "Did somebody tell him to not tell anymore jokes?" Journey nodded. "He won't move now! I've been dragging him for two hours in a hair wagon!!" Ocean dug in his hair and pulled out a book. "Oh that's all? That's an easy fix." He started turning the pages in the book. "Hummmmmmm......where is it? No not that page. This one maybe? No that isn't it. Aha! Here it is!" He opened the book to a page filled with jokes.

Journey stared at the page. "I don't get it." Ocean went over to Adventure and put the book in his hands. Adventure twitched his hand for a second, before he felt the cover. "Oh my....this is the limited addition joke book of 2016! Black leather cover, with a gold rainbow spine!" Adventure sniffed the book. "And it still has the new book smell!!" He jumped out of the wagon and started jumping around with excitement.

Journey stared at him. "Are you serious?!?!? That's all I had to do?!" Ocean nodded. "Yep!" Journey's eye twitched. Ocean stared at her. "Anyway," He went over to Poppy and Branch. "So long story short, Esmerald has her colors back, Barb, Trollex, Riff, GD, and DJ are not Rock Zombies, we've found Creek's hideout, Esmerald can turn into a dragon-" Branch held up his hand. "Okay we get it, she sent you to find us and Emerald, so we can all go into battle against Creek and his father. Ocean stared at them. "How did you? Nevermind, just follow me." He lead the way.

*Meanwhile With Esmerald, Phoenix, and Barb*

Barb continued leading us back to the hideout. I listened carefully to every direction she gave me. Finally we made it. "Swoop down there." She instructed. I landed swiftly, Barb disconnected the hangglider, and I turned into a troll. My leg didn't hurt as much, so I tried walking. I limped a little, but it didn't feel as painful, so I could walk. Barb led us to a small piece of wood covered by vines. Barb uncovered the vines, punched in a code and the door rose up. She lead us into a small, dark room.

The room was a little dusty, and had a small lamp in one corner for a little light. There were no windows at all. Barb walked through the room like it was her home. At the far back end of the room was a large staircase. That must've been what caused the bumpiness in the bag Barb trapped me in. At the top of the staircase there was a small wooden door. Barb didn't open it though. Instead, she lifted up an old rug to reveal another door that was on the floor. She opened that door and dove in. "Wohoo!!!!" New and Phoenix stared at each other, then back at the door. "What are you waiting for?! Jump!" We heard Barb call to us. I backed up and pushed Phoenix in front of me. "After you!" Phoenix turned around and pushed me towards the door. "Oh no! Ladies first!" 

"Oh no. Please I insist." I pushed him in front of me. "Will one of you just jump in already?!" Barb called from from below. "Fine!" I sat down and was about to slide down until Phoenix pushed me down! "Woahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" I slid down an oddly shaped, brown slide with loops. "Ha!" I heard Phoenix shout. "Woahhhhh!!!" He flew down behind me. "There was a boot on a stick and it kicked me down!" He crossed his wings, then uncrossed them once he saw where we were. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

I groaned and covered my ears. We continued sliding down the twisty slide. As it twisted Phoenix screamed louder. I just relaxed as we slid down. I looked up and saw a door opening ahead. Phoenix screamed louder once he saw it too. "We're gonna die!!!!!" We slid through the door and landed on a hard, wooden floor. I landed first then Phoenix landed on top of me. He was still screaming his head off. "Phoenix get off me!" I shouted. "And you can stop screaming. We're alive!"

He stopped screaming and got off me. I stood up and looked around. We slid into another room. It was dusty with brown walls, and small, old, wooden chairs. Barb was sitting in one of them listening to music. She looked up when she saw us. "It's about time." She remarked as she stood up. She continued leading us around. Up the stairs, down a slide until Phoenix looked like he was going to be sick. Finally we made it to another door. She opened it and led us inside. Once inside, we saw Trollex, Guy Diamond, DJ Suki, and Riff.

Trollex and DJ were sitting on small chairs, Guy was on a step stool and Riff was sitting on the floor playing with a butterfly and a stick. DJ and Guy were talking and Trollex was staring at Riff. They all looked up when they saw us. Barb plopped into another chair. "So do any of you have a plan?"

They looked at one another. "Plan?" Guy laughed quietly. Barb raised her eyebrow. "Yeah a plan to, you know, defeat Creek?"
"Oh.....That plan!" Trollex grinned. "Yeah we don't have one." DJ said. Barb groaned. "Seriously?!"

"Well," I started. "I do have a plan." They turned to me. "We just have to wait for Ocean and Iris to bring everyone here." They slumped down. "Speaking of," Phoenix piped up. "How are they going to get here?" Barb started casually whistling. "Are you telling me that we're going to have to do all of that sliding and climbing again?" I asked. Barb nodded. Phoenix hid behind Riff. "Have fun you two!" I grabbed him. "Your coming too!" He crossed his wings. "Aw frosting."

*Two Hours Later*

Me, Phoenix, and Barb finally made it back to the full entrance. We walked to the door and opened it. We walked outside and waited for a few hours. Barb turned to me. "Don't you think they would've shown up by now?" I nodded. "Yeah, this place doesn't blend in. I'll go look for them." I got ready to turn into an eagle. "Can I come?"
Barb asked excitedly. I groaned. "Fine!"

After we fixed the hangglider on my talons, we started off flying. Barb used binaculars to scan the whole forest. I felt a sharp tug on my talons. "Ow stop that!" I told her. She glared at me. "What are you talking about? I'm not tugging you." I shrugged. Guess it was just my imagination. We continued searching. Finally Barb said she saw something walking. I swooped down and we started looking. Finally we spotted a flying figure ahead of us. Barb ran and I walked, until the figure became close enough to reveal... Iris!

Just a few feet behind her were Ocean, Poppy, Branch, Journey, and Adventure. Journey ran to me and hugged me."Finally we found you!" I hugged her back. Once we stopped I turned to everyone. "Aren't we missing someone?" Everyone looked around. Suddenly Ocean snapped his fingers. "River! That's who we forgot!"

Phoenix snapped his wing. "But Iris said you were the only one we haven't found!" Iris glared at him. "I said based on my calculations she's the only one we haven't found!" We all groaned. "Great! We still have one more troll to find!"

"No we don't." I heard a voice. "Did anyone else hear that?" I asked. Everyone nodded and started looking. "Up here!" The voice said. I look up in a tree. There was River, sitting on one of the branches. He looked down at us and started laughing. "I've been traveling through the trees! I've finally figured out why birds and squirrels love trees so much! Oh by the way Ocean, once we get home can you help me build a treehouse?"

Ocean rolled his eyes. "I already told you mom said no treehouse." River smirked. "Okay that's cool, but it would be a shame if someone oh I don't know...reveal what you told that dove with the orange and yellow feathers about -"

"Okay that's enough!" Ocean interrupted. He sighed. "Fine! I'll ask her again, but this time your helping!" River shrugged. "Fine with me."

"Yeah, yeah just get down here." Ocean told him. River frowned. "But I wanna stay up here! I can spy on so many trolls and hear all there secrets!" Branch raised his eyebrow. "Wait what?!"

"Nothing!" River interrupted. "Are you sure I can't stay up here?" He whined. "No!" Ocean was firm. River rolled his eyes and climbed down. He glared at Ocean. "You better help me build one great treehouse!" Ocean rolled his eyes.

Journey cleared her throat. "Can we move on?" I nod in agreement. "Yes please! I'd like to get home before my next birthday." Ocean rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure."

I turned into an eagle, helped Barb and Ocean get their hang gliders ready, got everyone else on my back to ride, and took off. Eventually Barb was able to direct me back to the hideout. Once we landed I undid the hang gliders, everyone walked\jumped off my back, and I turned back into a troll. We all were about to follow Barb in until she stopped in her tracks. "Hide!" She whispered. We looked at each other. "Why?" Journey asked. "Creek is in our hideout! Now hide!!" She whispered shouted. Poppy, Branch, and Barb ducked in a large bush. Journey grabbed River and both of them, along with Phoenix and Iris climbed\flew up a tree. I found a small spot near a tree and was about to crouch down and cover myself with my hair, until I saw Ocean desperately looking for a spot to hide. I quickly started gesturing for him to come over to the small spot. He did, we crouched down and covered ourselves with our hair. Less than a second later I heard footsteps. I peeked a little through my hair and saw Creek. He was talking to someone, but I couldn't see who. All I could see was his shadow. "Yep. So you'll be ready to bulldoze this place down tomorrow?" Creek was asking the shadow. "Yep. Only if I get that payment you told me about."

Creek rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. You'll get the green trolls magic and you can have that land that Queen Emerald lives on." I gasped. I was about run outside and pounce on him until I felt something hold me back. I turned around, but didn't see anyone. I tried to pounce on Creek again, but was stopped. I turned around again. I noticed my dress got caught on a branch. I tried to pull it lose but it was on too tight. I pulled really hard, but then I flew out and landed right behind Creek!

I stayed as still and quiet as I possibly could, hoping neither of them would notice me. Slowly I started crawling away from him. I kept crawling until I made it to the tree that Journey and River hid in. I carefully extended my hair and grabbed the furthest tree branch that I could reach. I held on tight and started slowly pulling myself up, avoiding as many twigs and leaves that I could. Finally once I made to the tree branch, I climbed on it and sat down carefully on the branch.

I kept looking down at Creek and that strange shadow, hoping they'd leave soon because I wasn't sure how long that branch would hold up. Finally I felt it breaking and I tumbler down fast and landed hard on the ground - right in front of Creek! He looked down and stared at me. "Aha! Finally found one of you!"

I gulped in fear. "So," He started looking around. "Is there anyone else around here?" I knew I couldn't let him find out about everyone else hiding. "No. No one else is here. It's just me." I lied. He glared at me like he didn't believe me. I glared at him. "Don't even try me!"

He looked at me. "Hum...Feisty. Respect." I stared at him with my arms crossed. "You gonna explain this whole evil plan of yours or what?"

He glared at me. "Don't have an attitude with me!" I rolled my eyes. "Last time I checked, your not in charge of me! So I can have an attitude with you if I want!" He glared at me, but started walking.  Great. Now I have to walk with him too?! This is just swell! Well at least everyone else is fine, so maybe they can come up with a new plan or just use the one I gave them. I continued walking behind Creek.

*With The Good Trolls*

Everyone sat silently in the bushes and trees, not daring to make a sound. It wasn't until Journey lowered carefully down and said that Creek was gone that everyone slowly moved out of their hiding places. Everyone turned around to look at Esmerald, who sacrificed herself so they wouldn't be captured. Adventure broke the silence. "So what now?"

Poppy took charge. "Now we follow them! We already have a plan, now we just have to use it!" She turned to Barb. "Can you go get Trollex, DJ, Guy, and Riff?"

"We're already here!" Someone called. "Look in the trees!" Journey and Ocean used the hair to our them up to two different trees. Poppy and Branch did the same. River stayed on the ground and looked up. Barb did the same. "Found them!" Journey shouted. She climbed down the tree she was in.

Trollex, DJ, Guy, and Riff followed. Poppy, Branch, and Ocean climbed down the trees they were searching. "When did you get up there?" Barb asked. "We saw Creek coming so we found a secret exit and here we are!" Trollex said flatly. "Whatever." Barb said.

Poppy blinked. "Uh ok. Since you are here I guess we can head off." She started walking. Everyone else followed her.

*With Esmerald, Creek, and His Father*

I have never been so annoyed in my life!! Creek has been explaining his 'full proof' plan for the past hour! When will he shut up?! "And anyway that's how I'm gonna capture you, take your magic, take Emerald's magic, and take over Trollstopia!" He laughed menancly. I rolled my eyes. "I've already told you I'm not giving you my magic!"

He laughed quietly. "Oh you will. I just happen to have found a secret meadow and I just happened to find some of your friends!"
He lifted a tarp off a cage. Inside were Sunny, her family, Serenity, and Roscoe!

Creek walked around the cage. "So if you don't give me your magic, I may have to throw all of them off a cliff!" Sunny started banging on the cage. "Let me out right now!!"

"Zip it!" Creek shouted at her. "Anyway yeah. I'll give you time to decide." He lead me to a small room in a brick house. "In there!" He pushed me roughly in. I glared at him as he slammed the door.

Great! Just great! What am I going to do? I can't let him hurt Sunny, her family, and friends! But I also can't let him take my magic either! I groaned as I flopped on the ground. I landed on something pointy. I get up and look at it. It's a bobby pin! I quickly run over to the door and look at the lock. It just might work! I grab the bobby pin and put it inside the lock. I started moving it around until I heard the lock click. I tried turning the knob. Yes I'm out! I tip toe down a small hall and went in and out of doors to find my way out.

Finally I made it to the back door. Thankfully Creek was on the other side of the front door. I carefully opened the back door and stepped out. Unfortunately, I stepped on a bunch of twigs causing Creek to hear me. I stood froze. He walked to the back door and stared at me. I smiled lightly and waved. "Uh I was just trying to get some fresh air?"

*A Few Minutes Later*

And I'm back in the cage! Great! And this time he boarded up the door and the one window letting the tiniest bit of light in was boarded up too! I had to use my hair for light! Great now what am I gonna do?!

*With Poppy, Branch, And The Ocs*

"Ok people start moving! Faster, Faster!" Poppy told everyone as they continued walking. River continued annoying Ocean and Adventure, while Adventure and Journey exchanged jokes with each other. Phoenix and Iris continued flying while talking. Finally Ocean got tired of River talking, so he put on the sound proof headphones. Adventure glared at him. Ocean whistled casually and started walking faster. Adventure rolled his light green eyes and continued talking with Journey.

Phoenix was telling Iris the story about the twisty slide. "Unlike Esmerald I was brave enough to go in the door!"

"Oh please! I was far down the slide, but I'm not deaf!" Barb called and she started telling what she heard. "He pushed Esmerald down the slide, then a boot showed up at the top and pushed him down! I could hear him screaming half a mile down!" Phoenix glared at her. "She didn't have to know that!" Barb rolled her eyes. "Yeah she didn't have to, but I told her anyway."

Phoenix continued glaring at her. "Nobody tell her anything! She could blab it to everyone!" Barb rolled her eyes. "I'd only do it if I wanted too!"

"Cool it you two! We're here." Branch called.

"You mean at Creek's hideout?" Riff asked.

"No I mean we're in outer space! We're so close to Saturn I can feel it!" Branch spoke sarcastically.

Poppy gathered everyone around. "Ok here's the plan."

A\N: Wohoo!! Finally done with Chapter 20!! Word Count : 3,397 Hope you like it! Also if you haven't already don't forget to check out my newest book! It's called Queen Esmerald : My Trolls Oc Story. It's about my Trolls oc Esmerald and her life. It was inspired to write by one of my great friends powxbash . ❤️❤️💖💖😆😆
Anyways yeah. Bai àmazing people!!💖💖💖💖💖🥺🥺🥺🥺😆😆😆

-EsmeraldLovesBroppy 💖💖💖😆😆

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