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A/N: So this is the prologue restarted because the first time it deleted everything!! I hope this time it does not delete!! So this will contain spoilers from Trolls World Tour and the prologue will be very long! Besides that on to reading and as always hope you enjoy!!

In land far away lived the Trolls, the happiest creatures the world has ever known. The trolls stayed in the Troll Tree in Bergen Town ever since Queen Poppy of the Pop Trolls, her now boyfriend Branch😃❤💏💑😻, their friends The Snackpack, and all the trolls in Pop Village (Minus Creek the Creep who betrayed them all!!😠😡). After the World Tour all the tribes (Pop, Techno, Rock, Funk, Classical, and Country. Plus the Bounty Hunters Reggaton, K-Pop😸😆❤❤, Jazz, and Yodelers) were all united and most came to live in the Troll Tree where the Pop Trolls were. For a while nobody gave much thought about other worlds and the tribes all tried to live in harmony with a little help from all their leaders. Little do they know their lives are about to change again!! Right now they are all living their normal lives. Lets go see how Poppy and Branch are doing.

*With Poppy and Branch in Pop Village*

Poppy and Branch were trying to help a group of trolls hug detach themselves. "How does this keep happening?!" Branch groaned as he detached a troll.
Poppy grunted as she detached two trolls at once. "I don't know."

They continued working for about half an hour. "How many trolls get stuck in a group hug anyway?" Branch asked as he detach three trolls at once. Poppy laughed lightly. "Your lucky! I've had to attach at least 150 trolls at once before."
"Wow." was Branch's only reply. After detaching 20 more trolls EACH, both of them groaned and face planted on the ground. "This is going to take forever." Poppy muffled. "Why can't we just use Gary to untangle them." Branch muffled back.

Poppy immediately got up with a wide grin on her face. Branch got up and look at her confused. "What are you thinking about?" Poppy didn't answer and instead walked up to him and kissed him! Branch look shocked after it ended and could only speak in studders. "Wha?...was that...did you?"

"BROPPY!!!" Shouted a voice from inside a bush. Poppy walked over and moved the leafs and twigs to reveal Guy Diamond?! "Guy? What in Trollstopia are you doing?" Guy shot out of the bush and ran off! "I was never here!"

Poppy and Branch stood there for a minute. "Yeah...So just use Gary!" Poppy said. Branch got out Gary and used the robot like arms to untangle all the trolls. "Well...That's done!" Poppy said awkwardly. Branch noticed how uncomfortable she looked. He walked closer to her to cheer her up. While they were talking neither one of them noticed Guy Diamond sneaking back into the bush with a Broppy t-shirt on and a video camera in his hair!! DJ Suki was walking but stop when she saw Guy Diamond. "What are you doing?"

Guy looked around and saw the troll. "What are doing?" DJ asked him again. Guy Diamond pointed over to Poppy and Branch who were now hugging. "AWWWW!! Can I watch?" Guy nodded and moved over in the bush to make room for her. "Wow do you do this all the time?" The troll asked Guy.
Guy nodded. "Yeah! I actually have cameras around the main places they go together."

"Wow." DJ said. Their probably going to be watching Poppy and Branch for a while. While they do that lets check up on Cooper and his twin brother.

Recently in The World Tour Cooper discovered he had a twin brother who lived in Vibe City with their parents- Prince D!! They still have a lot of catching up to do. Lets go see how their coming along.

*With Cooper in Prince D*

Cooper and Prince D are taking a walk in the forest outside Trollstopia catching up on the things they had missed with each other. Until they both see a really pretty funk troll girl.

She was pink and purple with green eyes, an orange nose, her hair was pink, orange, and yellow ombre and flowed down on both sides of her head and had a few small braids on each side, her four legs were a yellow, pink, and green ombre, and lastly she wore a pair of dark and light green ombre ear rings.

Romantic music began to play as she winked at the two princes. They both stood there lost in a dream gaze. Cooper was the first to snap out of it and walked over to talk to her. "Hey! I'm Cooper! What's your name? Also you look really beautiful!"

The girl giggled. "Hi Cooper! My name's Amethyst. And thank you!" Prince D snapped out if it when he heard Cooper talking to the troll he didn't know yet. He walked over to her. "Wassup. Name's D. Prince D. What's your name? Also if you want you can call me D."

Amethyst giggled. "Hello D! My name's Amethyst." They chit chatted for a while until Amethyst had to go. Before she left she kissed each of them on the cheek and waved to them. Cooper and D stood there frozen for a while. Finally they snapped out of it and continued talking.
"I finally found my date to the Trollentine's Day Dance!" Cooper told D. "Well it better not be Amethyst because I'm taking her." D told Cooper with full confidence. "For your information it is Amethyst!" Cooper told D. "Ha! Fat chance! She's going with me!" D told Cooper. Both glared at each other and started arguing.

Well I guess the dance is going to be full of surprises. I wonder who is Amethyst going to pick. D or Cooper? Anyway lets go check on Barb and Trollex.

Trollex and Barb are having a few music issues. Lets go see if they've finally solved their musical differences.

*In Techno Reef*

Trollex and the techno trolls were still hard at work rebuilding their home. "Alright everyone! Lets keep going your doing great! Keep this up and we could be done before the sun sets today." Trollex shouted as he passed out more pieces of coral to everyone who needed extra. "Hey TBDB lets get some motivational music up." He shouted over to TBDB. "You got it Trollex!" He shouted back over to him and got to the DJ booth.

🎶One More Time🎶

Trollex began swimming around helping everyone who needed it. Until rock music blared in and the new foundations wobble a little. Trollex groaned. "You have got to be kidding me!" He swam over to the DJ both where TBDB was. "Your in charge while I'm gone." Trollex told him and swam off toward the surface. "You got Trollex!" TBDB shouted to him.

*Meanwhile At The Surface*

"Oh Yeah Rockers!! Lets keep this up!" Barb shouted above all the rock music. "Yo Riff!" She shouted to Riff.

Riff popped up from behind the rock trolls speaker. "Yes your Rockness?"
"Can you turn up the speakers?" She shouted to him.

"Can I polish the beakers?" Riff shouted to her. "No!"she shouted back. "I said can you turn up the speakers?"

"Massage the bleachers?" He shouted. "NO!!" Barb shouted over to him. At that time Trollex had made it to the surface. "BARB!!" He shouted. By that point Riff had stop the speakers so he could here Barb. "Yeah? What you want?" Barb asked Trollex.

"We are TRYING to fix our homes that YOU destroyed!!" Trollex shouted at her. "But we can't because YOU and the other rock trolls won't stop playing so loudly!!"

Barb raised an eyebrow. "And... What do you want me to do about it?"
"Well..." Trollex started. "The techno trolls and I would greatly appreciate it if you and your rock trolls would please either turn down your volume or play your music somewhere else?" Barb looked a little angry at him. "Give me one good reason why I should!" She told Trollex through clenched teeth. "Fine. Put on this helmet and I'll show you!" He gave Barb a head helmet to put on.

Barb looked confused. "Why do you want me to wear this?" She asked.
"Cause I'm taking you to Techno Reef and that helmet will allow you to breathe." Trollex explained to her. "I'm sure I won't need that." Barb said confidently and in the water without the helmet. Riff watched. "Uh should we go get her?" Riff asked Trollex.

Trollex shook his head. "Nope! She'll be up here in 3...2...1!" Barb shot out of the water gasping for air. Trollex just sat in the water calmly. "Now do you want the helmet?" Barb coughed for a second and stood up. Trollex smirked. After Barb stopped coughing she stood up and nodded. "Yeah I'll take the helmet." She told Trollex. Trollex smirked and handed her the helmet. Once she secured it they both dove down into the water. "Riff your in charge until I get back!"

Riff popped up from the speakers. "Yay!!😃😆 Now I can find those speakers Barb wanted me to polish."
He went over to the other rock trolls.
"Okay everyone! Barb wanted me to polish the beakers and massage the bleachers! So while I go find the beakers to polish, I would like everyone else to find and massage the bleachers!😆😀😃" Everyone found massaging supplies and ran to go find the bleachers to polish.

While they do that lets check on Delta Dawn and Clampers.

Clampers and Delta are walking in the forest until they both saw a giant, bright flash of light. "Hey Auntie Delta what was that?" Clampers asked Delta. "I don't know Clampers. Lets go find out!" Delta told Clampers.

"Yay!! Lets go!" Clampers shot out of Delta's hair and started to burrow down in the ground towards the direction of the light!! Delta galloped off after her. "Clampers wait up!" They continued through the forest until Clampers stopped burrowing. "Alright Aunt Delta we can stop we made it!" Clampers shouted to Delta. However Delta Dawn was going so fast she couldn't stop. "Aunt Delta STOP!!" Clampers shouted. Delta crashed right into Clampers and both of them tumbled right into a strange building! Delta got up a little bit wobbly and grabbed onto a strange table to hold herself steady until she regained her balance. She stepped on something without realizing it. "Ow my hand!!" A strange voice shouted. "What was that?" Clampers asked Delta nervously. "I don't know get in my hair and I'll get Poppy and everyone else."

Clampers climbed in and Delta started galloping off to go find everyone.

*With Poppy, Branch, Guy, and DJ*

"Okay so how many people spy on us besides you two weirdos?" Branch asked Guy and DJ after Poppy and him discovered them both in the bushes for the second time! "How am I suppose to know?" Guy told him. "I only put cameras in the spots outside around the places you two go the most in Trollstopia."

"I'm sorry what?" Poppy asked him. "Nothing!" Guy said nervously.😁😅
By that time Delta and Clampers had made it to where they all were. "Hi Delta!" Poppy said. "Building... Voices... Follow... Me!" Delta said out of breath.

The four of them looked at one another and took off after Delta.

*With Cooper and D*

"For the last time Amethyst is going to the dance with me!" D shouted at Cooper. "No she's not!" Cooper shouted back. Cooper stopped for a second. "Do you here that?"

"Quit trying to change the subject!" D told him. "I'm not trying to!" Cooper told him. "Listen!" D stopped talking and turned himself towards the noise. "Is that Delta, Guy, Poppy, Branch, and DJ?" D asked. "Yeah." Cooper answered. "I wonder where their going."

"Guys follow us!" Poppy shouted to them. Cooper and D ran off and followed them.

*With Trollex, Barb, and The Rockers*

"Now do you see why I we need all of you to quiet down?" Trollex asked all of them. "Yeah I guess I kinda do." Barb admitted. "Thank you!" Trollex said. "So can you turn down your volume?"

"Well we're rock trolls so that's not going to happen." Barb told him. "What?! But you said-"

Barb held up a finger to silence him. "Dude chill out! You didn't let me finish!" Trollex stopped talking. Barb continued. "Now as I was saying... We rockers won't turn down our music... but we will move somewhere else to practice. We can either go back to Volcanic Rock City or find a spot in the forest to rehearse."

"Wow!! You'll really do that?" Trollex asked her. "Yeah, but not because we care, but rather because I don't need one of my rockers falling into the water without one of those helmets." Barb told him. "Good enough for me." Trollex said and started to swim back in the water. "Wait!" Barb told him. "Barb, not to sound annoyed, but me and the other techno trolls have a lot of work to do."

"Listen!" Barb told him. He stayed in the water and listened. "Is that galloping.?" He asked. By that time Delta, Guy, DJ, Poppy, Branch, Cooper, and D were finally in their view. "Follow us!" D shouted to them. Barb ran off and Trollex swam in the direction they were heading. "Riff your in charge until I get back."

"Yay! Now rockers don't forget once you find the bleachers, you have to massage them!" Riff told everyone. They all nodded and continued looking for the bleachers to massage.

*At The Strange Building*

"Delta why are we here?" Trollex asked. "Because me and Clampers were taking a walk and saw a bright flash of light, I was running two Clampers crashed into Clampers. We both tumbled and fell into this building. I grabbed onto a table to keep myself steady and must have stepped on someone's hand because I heard someone say 'Ow my hand'."

"Well which one of us should go check out what's in there." Guy asked. "I vote Branch." Barb said. "Everyone who agrees with me take one step away from the building." Everyone minus Poppy, Branch, and Trollex stepped away from the building.

"Wow everyone minus my girlfriend and one of my new friends votes I should go in there." Branch said sarcastically. "Shocker." He rolled his eyes🙄 and walked over to the door.
"Careful Branch." Poppy told him. "Yeah, yeah." He mumbled and walked in the building.

Everyone stood there as he walked in. "What do you think is in there?" Guy whispered. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

"Maybe that wasn't Branch?" Trollex said. "No that's his scream." Poppy said and slowly walked over to the door and opened it. Everyone held their breathe as the door slowly creeped open. Poppy walked in and saw.... Branch tied up?! Beside him were two shadowy figures!

"Hey!" Poppy shouted. "Who's in here? Show yourself!" The two shadowy figures slowly walked forward and became visible to Poppy, Branch, and the rest of the trolls. Two human boys?! One looked to be about 6 years old and another who looked to be about 15 years old. Poppy slowly stepped forward. "Who are you?" The older boy asked. "We are the trolls!" Poppy gestured to all the other trolls as she said this. "Who are you?"

"I'm Caleb." The older boy said. "And this..." He gestured to the younger boy. "Is Liam, my little brother."

"Okay before we sort all this out can you please untie my boyfriend?" Poppy asked them. Caleb and Liam untied Branch. "Sorry we tied him up." Liam said. "Yeah we thought he was a threat." Caleb said.

Branch walked over and stood next to Poppy. "Okay. Now you two can follow us outside." Both Caleb and Liam were hesitate, but followed them out. "What is this place?" Caleb asked. "Oh your on an island drifting away to Weirdo Land!" Branch said sarcastically. "Ignore him." Guy said. "Your actually in the woods outside Trollstopia."

Poppy immediately started explaining to them where they were.

*Time Skip*

"You got all that?" Branch asked them.
Caleb and Liam blinked and nodded. "Now we'll allow you to tell us how you ended up here." Poppy said. "Okay it all started like this...."


*At Caleb and Liam's house*

Liam was outside playing on a swing and Caleb was inside reading a Harry Potter book. Caleb looked at the time and knew their mom was about to call him and Liam for dinner. "Caleb! Liam! Dinner!" He heard their mom's voice. "I'll get Liam!" He told their mom as he went outside to get Liam. Meanwhile Liam had got bored of the swing and went to explore the yard. He had found a building with a picture of a troll that the Pop Tribe knows really well- King Peppy! Liam was walking over to explore it when Caleb caught him. "What are you doing?" Caleb asked him. "Nothing. Why are you out here I thought you were reading." Liam said. "Mom said it was time for dinner. So I told her I would get you to come inside." Caleb explained. Liam eyed the building. "Come on Caleb!" He whined. "Can't we explore it really quick?"

Caleb looked at the building. He thought it looked really cool and mysterious, so he told Liam they could explore it really quick. When they made it to the building, Caleb opened the door, and the two of them stepped inside. The building was very old and obviously hadn't been touched in a while. There was a table at the back of the building with a very old looking book on top of it. Beside the table was an odd diamond shaped button. The first thing Caleb did was run to the table with the book on it, grabbed the book, and started flipping through the pages. He noticed it was a dairy and every page of it was signed with the same name- Emerald. Caleb was so busy looking through the book, he didn't notice Liam walking over to the diamond shaped button. Before Caleb could stop him, Liam pushed the button!

The building door slammed shut. Caleb looked out the window on the door and noticed everything that was moving before wasn't anymore. Shortly after that the building started started shaking! Liam and Caleb ran to the back and hid under the table. When the building stopped shaking, Caleb crawled out from under the table and Liam followed him. Then Branch walked in and they tied him up with some rope they found.

*End Of Flashback*

"And that's how it happened." Caleb finished. "Well we're going to have to talk to King Peppy." Poppy said. "But we can't leave you two alone so I'm staying with you!" Trollex told them. "Okay, but what ever you do don't let anyone see you while we're gone!" Branch told them. "Got it!" They said.

*Time Skip*

"Okay so you two could be here a while." Poppy told them when her and the other trolls got back. "WHAT?!" They shouted. "But we got you this!" Guy told them and gave each of them a hug time bracelet. They look at them confused. "Just put them on." Guy told them. They put them on and turned into trolls.

Caleb turned into a troll with light blue skin, green eyes, hair that was dark blue and faded into light blue on top, and a dark green nose. He wore a short yellow sleeve shirt that was teal on top and orange on the bottom. In the middle of the shirt was a green, teal, and brown turtle. Below the turtle were the words 'Turtles Rule!' Lastly he wore a pair of brown shorts.

Liam turned into a troll with light orange skin, dark blue eyes, light blue hair, and lightish orange nose. His outfit was a pair of blue jeans and an orange shirt with a red pocket on the upper right hand side.

"So now that you guys are trolls and won't stand out. We need to find you guys a house to stay." Trollex said.

"And that's what I'm going to help you with." Poppy told them. "Also one more thing... What are your troll names going to be." Caleb thought for a minute. "I'll go with Ocean." Liam thought. "And I'll go with River."

"Okay lets go house/pod hunting!" Poppy said as Liam and Caleb followed her.

*Time Skip*

"Okay this is the last pod option." Poppy said. She showed them an old run down pod. "Nope!" They said instantly. "Okay would you like a beach house?" She asked them. "Sure!" They said. "Okay! Follow me!"

"Do you think any other humans might come here?" Liam asked. "Their might be more humans here. Trollstopia is a strange place."

And with that they all walked off to find a new home for Caleb and Liam now known as Ocean and River. At least until the trolls can figure out how to send them back.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that 3,553 word long prologue that took me a day and a half to write!😁😀😃 It's almost 8:00pm where I'm at!! I hope this makes up for yesterday when I couldn't write because my work got deleted!! If you want a full description of Ocean and River then you can read my trolls Oc book. Also if you would like to read about Amethyst and see a drawing of her leave a request in the comments!!

Gotta Go!! BYE!!


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