Perfect for me

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Poppy's POV: (in the middle of the night)
Everyone has been asleep for a couple of hours, but I just couldn't sleep. I just keep tossing and turning. Normally when I can't sleep, Branch always calms me down and I fall asleep, but I quickly remember that he's not here. Eventually, I give up on sleeping, and just sit there thinking about Branch and the fight. I decide to sing to myself, because that calms me down sometimes.

Quick key for the song: poppy=💗 and Branch=💙

💗"I know your favorite song
I hear it every day
Whoever made your smile
Made it to get in my way
And every time you laugh,
You make that little sound
It's just the hardest thing,
To love you but not know how
I hate that you're perfect,
You're perfect for me💗

At mount brodacious, Branch begins to sing with Poppy.

💙💗-What good are words when they always just get in our way?
And it hurts the most just to know that you don't feel the same, the same.
And I hate that your perfect, you're perfect for me
I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me.💙💗
During the last part of the song, Poppy and Branch touch hands (in fantasy of course)
I finish singing, and I start crying again, tears falling down my face. I don't care at this point, I just want my Branchifer back.

The next day (still Poppy's POV)
The next day, I'm once again sitting alone scrapbooking when Viva comes over to me.

"Hey Poppy. You okay?"

"Yes, Viva. I'm fine. Why do you keep asking?"

"I'm just trying to look out for you. You've been completely silent this whole trip, and that's not normal for you. I only want to figure out what's wrong with you."

"Well I don't need you to."

"Ok, what's going on with you? This isn't the Poppy I know."

"I'm fine, so just STOP!"

I didn't realize I had yelled until everyone else looked over at us.

"What's going on?" John Dory asks as everyone walks over to us.

"What's going on is Poppy is being incredibly stuck up!"

"I'm not being stuck up, I'm just worried!"

I walk up the stairs to where Branch's clue board is.

"Don't worry, Poppy. We'll get Branch back."

"But what if I don't want Branch back!?"

I pull out my scrapbook and look at a picture.

"Rhonda, pull over, now."

She stops a second later, making everyone jerk forward a little bit.

"Poppy, what is wrong with you!?" Clay asks.

"Branch and I had a fight the night after your guys' wedding, and he said he wished we were never dating in the first place, and now I'm scared that I lost the love of my life forever!"

I rip out the picture in my scrapbook, making everyone gasp. I crinkle up the paper and walk out of the bus.

No one's POV:
Viva slowly picks up the crinkled paper, and looks at it.

"This is a picture of Poppy and Branch... when they were kids. Poppy's been in love with Branch since they were kids." Viva says slowly.

"I had no idea." John Dory says.

"I guess none of us ever asked."

Viva walks out of the bus to find Poppy.

Poppy's POV:
I start walking away from the bus when I hear Viva.

"Poppy, wait up!"

"Poppy, where are you going?"

"To go get rejected by Branch so I can go home already."

I hear Viva run up behind me, so now she's walking behind me.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean, I'm coming with you."

"Why bother? Branch is just going to yell at me again. Why do you wanna be there for that?"

Viva suddenly grabs my hand and spins me around to face her.

"Okay, listen to me hermana, I have seen the way Branch looks at you, and I know for a fact that no matter how mad he is at you, he will never reject you or yell at you on purpose."

I think for a moment, and I realize that Viva's right.

"You're right. Thanks, Viva."

"You're welcome. And I'm coming with you, to watch the sweetest reunion ever!"

Suddenly, we hear footsteps behind us.


"I'm coming with you guys. What you said back there was really beautiful, Poppy. Besides, John, Spruce, and Clay started arguing again, and I did NOT want to be a part of that."

"Well, then let's go get Branch!" I say. The three of us start running towards mount brodacious.

At mount brodacious (still Poppy's POV)
After we scale the walls, make it through the air ducts, and cut the power, we search around the vents looking for the room Branch is in.

After a lot of searching, we finally find him, and my heart literally breaks into a million pieces. Branch's hair is partially white, and his legs are glitter, which means he doesn't have much time left.

"Well, let's go get him." Viva whispers.

A wave of fear suddenly washes over me, and I take a step back.

"I'm not sure I can do this, guys."

"Seriously? You're still worried about him yelling at you?" Viva asks.

I slowly nod my head in response.

"Fine, we'll go get him, and we'll just tell him that you're with us, you just decided to stay up here." Floyd says.

"Okay." I give them a slight smile before they slide down their sticky hands.

No one's POV:

Floyd makes it down first, running to Branch.

"Branch" Floyd whisper yells.

Branch looks up and smiles.

"Floyd, Viva! I'm so happy to see you guys!"

"So are we!" Viva replies.

"Where's everyone else? Where's Poppy?" Branch asks.

"Well I have no clue where John Dory, Spruce, and Clay are because we left them, and Poppy is in the vent above us watching us." Floyd says.

"Well you guys need to get out of here before Velvet and Veneer come back."

"No! We're not leaving without you!" Viva says.

"Please, guys. You have to."

Suddenly, they hear Velvet and Veneer coming towards the door, so they quickly retract their sticky hands.

Poppy's POV:
Floyd and Viva quickly retract their sticky hands.

"What happened?" I whisper.

Viva quickly shushes me as Velvet and Veneer walk in.

"I told you that Brozone would show up."

When Velvet says this, I look at their shoulder pads, and I freeze.

Viva whisper shouts.


I watch Velvet take Branch and put him in her shoulder pad, and I almost call out his name, but I stop myself.

I hear the four of them talking.


"Bitty B! We would've been here sooner if Poppy seed hadn't left us."

"Wait, why did she leave?"

"I'll explain later."

Suddenly, Velvet speaks up.

"C'mon, they're waiting for us on the red carpet!"

Velvet and Veneer leave with the four of them, and the three of us look at each other with worried looks on our faces, now having a bigger problem on our hands.

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