🐾 - Chapter 2 - 🐾

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The 5 of them were still walking, trying to find the hot air balloons. Branch was the only one not complaining, though.

"Are you sure its around here Branchie? We have been walking foreverr!" Poppy said.

"Poppy it's been 4 minutes." Branch responded.


"And I'm not exactly sure where it's at. They didn't really give us a location." Branch pointed out.

That's when Barb stopped walking

"So your telling me you don't even know where we are going?!" Barb asked.

"You didn't have to come with us y'know-" Branch pointed out.

"It's not like I can go back! You don't even know where we are." Barb said.

"Uhm- why don't we just keep going? It has to be around here somewhere!" Poppy looked around.

Surrounding them were a bunch of trees, like they were in a forest. It was kind of difficult to spot anything besides trees.

"Hey do you think  this tree could help?" Cooper asked

"Whats the tree gonna do- its a TREE." Barb said

"You cant blame him. I don't see anything besides trees!" Branch pointed out

"I see a rock." Barb picked up a rock.

"Oo, and a leaf!" Poppy held up a leaf.

"And I see grass." Prince D said.

"Ok I get it-" Branch said annoyed.

"I SEE A PATH 😄" Cooper shouted. 

He then pointed where the path was. Not far, a path could be spotted behind some of the trees in plain sight.

Everyone looked at him.

"Okaay and why didn't you say that before.?" Poppy calmly asked.

"Because he has no brain?" Barb answered 

"I was talking to Cooper." Poppy said.

"Oh, because I didn't think it was important." Cooper shrugged.

"Think about it, Cooper! They wouldn't make a path that leads to nowhere!" Branch said.

When Poppy looked up, she noticed that Prince D was gone.

"Uh guys where did Prince D go?" Poppy asked.

"I'm over here!" He called. Turns out, he had already made it to the path and was waiting for them.

"Ok let's just go-" Barb began walking.

" It won't take as long if you guys stop complaining though." Branch looked at them.

"I'll complain if I want to 🤚" Barb responded

Then they all began to follow the path. 

~About 10 minutes later~

Finnally after 10 minutes of walking, Branch spotted something

"Hey? What's that?" Branch asked Poppy.

Poppy looked up and saw. Not far in the distance, hidden behind the trees there were a bunch of vibrant rainbow colors.

"Well what could be vibrant rainbow?" Poppy smiled.

"A rainbow." Barb answered 

"I- yes, but no. A hot air balloon!!" Poppy turned around.

"Ohh yeahh." Barb said "I've never seen one though so likee-"

"Oh! Well today you will! There right over there!" Poppy pointed

The 5 of them ran over to where all the color was. 

"🤩🤩🤩🤩 It's AMAZINGG" Everone said except Branch. Branch was just confused why they were so amazed-.

"It's so colorful! 🌈 Cooper said.

"Yeah I think I'm gonna barf."

They all took a step away from Barb.

"Hey isn't there supposed to be a pilot or something to operate it.?" Prince D asked.

"Your right. But I don't see anybody." Branch said.

"Well the balloons look ready! There all blown up!" Poppy mentioned

That was when some troll appeared from the bushes next to them. He was a light blue troll with teal/mint hair.

"Hello!" The troll nicely said.

"Who are you?" Branch said, as he moved and stood in front of Poppy.

"I Could ask you the same thing." He responded,"but I guess I can start first..."

Then there was an awkward silence as the troll didn't respond.

"Hello?" Poppy asked

"Oh uhhh right! My name... it's Ryder I think!" The troll Finnally said.

"What do you mean you think? You cant even remember your name?" Barb asked

"Nope. I don't really talk to others much." He said, casually.

"AWAWWW THATS SO SAD 😣😖" Poppy responded

"Eh not really" Ryder Shrugged,"So who are you guys anway?"

"Well I'm Poppy! This is Branch, Barb, Cooper, and Prince D!" She introduced 

"Well it's nice to meet you guys! What are you doing here though. Trolls rarely come to visit here." Ryder explained.

"Well we came here to ride one of these lovely hot air balloons!" Poppy smiled.

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to ya, but your gonna need tickets. Without any you can't ride." Ryder sighed,"and I haven't seen any tickets sold in a long time."

"Oh no problem!" Poppy grinned,"we bought 5 of them!"

Branch gave Poppy all five of the tickets, to give to him.

"Wait really?! " he gladly took all five of the tickets.

"Yep!" Poppy said,"My boyfriend Branch here, actually came up with the awesome idea!"

"Well, thank you Branch! " Ryder smiled 

"Eh, no problem" Branch shrugged.

"Oooo do we get to pick which one we ride in?" Poppy eagerly asked

"Yea sure!" Ryder said,"along as you guys agree."

"Okay, guys, which do you think we should ride in?" Poppy turned to them.

Barb pointed to one. "That one."

Everyone looked to see where she had pointed. Thats when They noticed one of them on fire 🔥


"Hey uh Ryder? YOU MIGHT WANNA SEE THIS." Prince D called.

Ryder came to them and saw the one that was on fire.

"Oh that's normal!" Ryder laughed to himself

"Ooo so we can ride on it?!" Barb asked

"I didn't  finish. It's normal for hot air balloons to use fire, but not be on fire. I don't recommend using that one." Ryder explained 


Ryder sat there watching the fire engulf the hot air balloon. He didn't do anything about it, nor did he even move.

"Are you gonna do anything about it.? The fire isn't gonna put out itself." Poppy said

"Eh, not right now." Ryder said,"Just pick a diffrent one."

"I can see why nobody comes her often." Branch mumbled

"But isn't the fire gonna spread?" Prince D asked

"Nah we be alright." Ryder answered 

"You guys, I'm beginning to o think this was a bad idea..." Cooper whispered

"I know- but look how happy Ryder is! Plus, we're already here! We should atleast give it a shot!" Poppy whispered back.

"Ok well let's just pick a balloon that is not on fire." Branch suggested 

"Awwww man-" Barb said

"Ok why don't we go on that one?" Poppy pointed

Poppy pointed at a beautiful rainbow balloon with glitter, that looked pretty big enough to fit all of them.

"That one looks good!  What do you guys say?" Poppy smiled

"Eh, good enough, if it's not on fire" Branch said 

"Fine." Barb pouted,"but I really wanted to ride on the other one. 🙄"

"Ok! Ryder, we choose that one!" Poppy told him.

"The rainbow glitter one? Ok!" Ryder said

Ryder walked up to the hot air balloon they chose, and opened the door on the basket.

"Yall can come in!" Ryder called 

All 5 of them excitedly went over and got in the balloon.

"Ooooo" the trolls said

"EEEEE THIS SO EXCITING!" Poppy jumped up and down.

"No jumping!" Ryder snapped. He looked angry at her

Poppy immediately stopped jumping "Oh Oh sorry..."

Branch glared at him

Ryder began to laugh "I'm not mad at You! It just a safety rule!" Ryder explained 

"Coulda been nice about it but ok." Branch said.

"Ok uh when can we go?" Barb leaned over the side of the basket.

"Oooo look at the fireeee" Cooper pointed up, at the fire, which is what caused a hot air balloon to float, due to science  .

"We can go whenever your ready! And yep, the fire causes this thing to float." Ryder said

"Are you guys ready?" Poppy looked at them.

They all nodded, ready to finnaly ride the hot air balloon,

"And I brought my chips." Barb held up her chips.

They stared blankly at Barb 😶

"I- ok." Branch said.

That's when Ryder undid the rope, holding the balloon on the ground, and locked the basket door.

And, surely enough, they began to float into the air.


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