Chapter 11

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Zarynx: You did the right thing catching the prisoner, Phoenix.

The Nebulan king patted his daughter on the head, but deep down, Phoenix didn't feel accomplished.

Phoenix: Father...what's going to happen to her?

Zarynx: Why do you care, Phoenix? I don't care what happens as long as I get to claim her color!

Phoenix: Wait...what?

Zarynx: You know what I mean, child, Planet Nebula will soon be unstoppable!

Phoenix watched as her father left the prison, then she looked at Poppy in her cell, she looked really upset.

Poppy: Can't believe this happened...and we were starting to become friends. Phoenix!

Phoenix froze when she heard her name.

Poppy: Why would you do this?! We were becoming friends and you still chose to help your cold blooded father!

Phoenix: I-I'm sorry, Poppy...I really didn't want to...

Poppy: Then why did you?!

Phoenix: You don't understand, my father's too powerful! One step out of line could get us killed!

Poppy: Phoenix, you're not your greedy father, and you're definitely not your bratty brother, you're you! Family or not, you shouldn't let them walk all over you! That's no excuse!

Phoenix: But...he's my father.

Poppy: Doesn't matter, if he really did care, he wouldn't have kidnapped me in the first place!

Phoenix: But father's a hero, he's trying to restore our planet to his former glory...I can't defy him, he's doing what he can for our planet.

Poppy: By sucking color out of someone else?! Your father's a bloodsucker!

Phoenix: What do you mean...?

Poppy: My boyfriend's brother was abducted months ago and he almost suffered a similar fate that nearly killed him! His musical talent was being sucked dry and the same thing will happen to me with my color...who knows what would happen. I'm a Troll, and sometimes when we're really upset we lose color...but in this case...literally losing your color and not being able to get it back...I hate to think about the consequences. Your dad is a selfish bloodsucker! He may not be doing this for your planet, he's probably doing it for fame!

Fame? Phoenix fiddled her fingers, she remembered seeing how power hungry her father would get when she was a little kid. Maybe Poppy was right, his desire to change their planet was putting an innocent earthling at risk. Was he really willing to take a life to get what he wants?

Poppy: Your father won't stop until he's fact, I don't think we will be. Pretty soon, my friends' lives will be at risk! I mean...look what he did just for attention! He destroyed our village, my birthday party! He attacked and terrorized my friends, my father, my sister, my boyfriend! Then he took me away from everything, my home, my loved ones, everything! Are you really going to stand by and let him do this?!

Poppy was right, her father was really willing to destroy someone's life for his own selfish desires...she did see that as a kid, and that scared her unlike her brother. Phoenix looked around the room before looking at Poppy, the anguished look on her face said it all.

Phoenix: Y...You're right, Poppy, I'm sorry, I'll...I'll try and talk him out if it.

Poppy smiled when she heard those words.

Poppy: I knew you had it in you, Phoenix, you're a good person deep down.

Zarynx: Finally! It's time!

Poppy gasped when she heard the Nebulan king's voice, no...there's no way it was ni-Wait...she was in space, there was no daylight!

Phoenix: Father?! B-But you said you would-

Zarynx: I know...I lied.

The king pressed a red button on the wall and Poppy turned paper white. A peculiar smoke started filling her cell and she started coughing trying to fan it away.

Phoenix: W-Wait, what are you doing?! Are you hurting her?!

Zarynx: Let's just say...I'm letting her catch a few winks.

Phoenix: Wait, what?!

A feeling of drowsiness began to overwhelm Poppy and she fell to her knees...oh no, Phoenix covered her mouth when she realized what was going on. That wasn't smoke in her cell, it was gas.

Phoenix: Poppy?!


The helpless pop queen fought to keep her eyes open, but she was too overwhelmed, too weak, she collapsed unable to get back up again. Her eyes shutting quickly unable to stay open any longer.

Poppy: Branch...

Before she knew it, she was out like a light, unable to defend herself for what was yet to come.

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