Chapter 14

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Poppy whimpered softly not knowing what was going to happen.

Zarynx: Well, that was a rude interruption, now, back to business!

Zara: Of course, sir...!

Phoenix: But Father-

Zarynx: Phoenix, enough! I'm sick of your sympathy!

Phoenix: But this could hurt her!

Zarynx: Why do you care so much?!

Phoenix: She has feelings too, it may take a toll on her, or worse, kill her!

Zarynx: That shouldn't bother you!

Phoenix: SHE'S MY FRIEND!!!!

The Nebulan King went silent when he heard those words from his daughter. That got Poppy's attention and she uncovered her face a little bit.

Zarynx: What did you just say?!

Phoenix: I said she's my friend! And I'm not gonna let you keep torturing her!!!

With that, Phoenix tore the lever off the controls so the extraction wouldn't happen.

Zarynx: You foolish child, what have you done?!

Phoenix pushed a button and the glass tube holding Poppy was lifted.

Poppy: Ph-Phoenix...?!

Phoenix: Poppy, get out of here, you and your friends save yourselves!

Poppy nodded and attempted to get out through the window her friends got out through, but something suddenly zapped her before she could go any further and she collapsed to the ground.

Zarynx: Not on my watch!

Phoenix gasped when she saw her father with his scepter in his hand.

Zarynx: We didn't come this far just to let her escape! If you want our planet to have color again, you'll do what I say!

Phoenix: Father, no!

The Nebulan Princess attempted to snatch the scepter away from her stubborn father.

Zarynx: Phoenix, stop!!!

Amidst the chaos, Poppy forced herself to get back up again despite what just happened. She saw an opportunity and made her way out the window. Unfortunately, the king saw her and shoved his daughter to the ground taking his scepter in his hands.

Phoenix: Father, don't do this, leave her alone!

Poppy gasped and started climbing upwards, but the king pursued her following close behind.

Zarynx: No you don't! I came too far to let you get away!

Phoenix covered her mouth watching her father pursue her new friend up the castle.

Branch and Viva both observed the flask still not sure what it was. If this wasn't Poppy's colors, then whose was it?

Viva: I know my sister, believe me, she's all about rainbows, but not this much. That's a lot of colors even for her.

Branch: Point made.

John Dory: I got it!

Viva: What?!

John Dory: It's from a double rainbow!

Everyone looked at John Dory like he was a total ding dong.

Branch: How often do you see a rainbow in space? And a double rainbow?!

John Dory: ...Oh yeah. Good point, Bitty B.

Phoenix: Guys!!!

Everyone froze when they heard a voice behind them, but to their relief, it was just Phoenix.

Phoenix: Good, you're still here, come outside, quickly!

Viva: What's wrong?!

Phoenix: It's my father, I helped Poppy get away, but he's pursuing her!

Viva: WHAT?!?!?!

Branch: Where is he?!?!

Phoenix: They're heading for the top of the castle! Hurry!

Phoenix led everyone outside and pointed upwards, Poppy was halfway up the castle and the king kept trying to zap her with his scepter.

Tiny: Oh this is too good!

Zarynx: Come back here so we can do the extraction!

The king attempted to zap the pop queen again but she quickly hid in her hair and it deflected the beam.

Zarynx: Why you little...!

Viva: Poppy!!!

Poppy heard her sister's voice and looked down seeing everyone at the bottom of the castle.

Poppy: Branch!!!

Zarynx: What?!

Unfortunately, the king saw them too and pointed his scepter right at them.

Poppy: No!!!

Poppy messed up the king's aim pointing the scepter in another direction and it hit one of the roofs on the castle. Viva gasped when she saw it falling right towards her.

Clay: BABE!!!!

Clay quickly picked up Viva by her waist swinging her in another direction before the roof collapsed very close to where everyone was standing.

Viva: W-Whoa...thanks, Clay.

Zarynx: You little...! Doesn't matter, you'll be next!

Branch: Not on my watch, pal!

Spruce: Bitty B, what are you-

Branch made his way up the castle using his hair as a grappling rope. At that time, Poppy was cornered by Zarynx who kept trying to zap her but she dodged each time or hid in her hair.

Zarynx: Stop moving!

Poppy started hyperventilating when she had nowhere to run.

Branch: Leave my girlfriend alone!

Branch wrapped his hair around the king's ankle making him trip, but while he was falling backwards, he zapped the platform Poppy was standing and she lost her balance plummeting towards the ground.

Poppy: BRANCH!!!!!!!!

Branch: NO!!!!!

Without hesitation, Branch dove after Poppy swinging on a pole with his hair and catching her bridal style before she hit the ground. Both of them were out of breath and quivering. Poppy hugged Branch tightly and started sobbing silently.

Branch: Poppy, are you okay?!

Poppy: I-I was so scared...!

Branch: It's okay, Poppy, you're safe now.

Everyone else caught up with the two after witnessing the whole ordeal.

Floyd: Branch, are you guys okay?!

Viva: Poppy!

Viva took her little sister in her arms and gave her a tight hug.

Poppy: Vivi...!

Viva: Hermanita, I was so worried about you!

Poppy: I...I thought I'd never see you again...!

John Dory: Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but-

The Nebulan king started making his way back down the castle

Zarynx: I'm not done with you yet!

Phoenix: Guys, you need to go, right now!

Poppy: W-What about-

Phoenix: Don't worry about me, Poppy, I'll be fine. You guys' safety is more important.

Poppy nodded and followed everyone back to Rhonda, but she suddenly stepped on the flask causing it to open up.

Branch: Poppy?!

Poppy: B-Branch, look!

All the light and color swirled right out the flask, but to everyone's surprise, this wasn't color that belonged to someone. Rather...somewhere.

Poppy: A-Are you seeing this...?

In just mere seconds, all of Planet Nebula was bright and full of color, no longer gray and gloomy.

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