Chapter 6

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Poppy: Who...who are you?

Poppy was still out of it after what she had been through, you couldn't blame her, she still had a lot to process.

Zarynx: That doesn't matter right now, Queen Poppy.

Poppy turned white, she had no idea who these people were, but they seemed to know a lot about her.

Poppy: H-How do you know my name?

Zarynx: Let's just say...your father and I have some...history.

Poppy: H-History?! What history?! What's going on?! Who are you?! Why did you kidnap me on my birthday?!

The Nubulan king started to get frustrated.

Zarynx: You're one for questions, are you? Trust me when I say that none of that matters now. But you, Queen Poppy, are going to help me out with my master plan.

Poppy: M-Master plan?

The distressed queen held onto the bars of her cell, her heart racing rapidly.

Zarynx: You'll see soon enough, Poppy, you'll be in here until I need you. Phoenix, keep an eye on her! Make sure she doesn't escape!

Phoenix: Yes, father...

Phoenix sat against the wall watching her father leave. Poppy was confused and scared, she had no idea where she was or who these people...creatures were and she barely got any answers to her million questions in her head. She sat down on the cold metal floor hugging her knees and putting her head down.

🎶When the day is long
And the night, the night is yours alone
When you're sure you've had enough
Of this life, well hang on

Don't let yourself go
'Cause everybody cries
And everybody hurts sometimes 🎶

The Nebulan princess saw Poppy singing to herself quietly trying to bring herself some comfort, she couldn't help but feel bad for her. She seemed like a very sweet young woman, what did she do to deserve this? Poppy glanced up at Phoenix and crawled over to her holding onto her bars that kept her in confinement.

Poppy: You're not like your father, are you?


Branch: Tiny, what are you doing here?!

Everyone glanced down at Tiny who had a clearly guilty look on his face.

Tiny: goo gaa gaa?

Branch: No Tiny, seriously!

Tiny gulped nervously when he saw everyone staring at him, and they clearly weren't happy.

Tiny: I...was looking for cookies?

Viva: You mean these cookies?

Viva held up a jar of cookies in her hand.

Branch: Hey guys, we'll deal with him later...look outside.

Everyone went to the window and glanced around, they were indeed in space.

Viva: Whoa...

Floyd: It''s beautiful.

Everyone was awestruck at this amazing sight, they had never been so close to the stars, or so close to the sky.

Tiny: Now this is rich!

Branch: Okay, enough sightseeing! We've got to find that ship plane thing, get Poppy back, and go home!

Branch sat in the front and began steering Rhonda.

Clay: Sheesh, somebody's uptight. You good, Bitty B?

Branch: I'm perfect! All I want is to get Poppy back so I can ask her to be my wife and we can plan our wedding!

Viva: Uh, Branch?

Branch: What?

Viva: How do you know Poppy's gonna say yes?

Branch: How do you know Clay's getting feelings for you?!

Viva: Wait, what?

Clay began to blush and laugh nervously.

Clay: W-What Viva means is...we're really happy for you, Baby Branch, but...things don't always go the way we plan. She might say no, and that's okay. She may not be ready yet, cut her some slack.

Floyd: Clay's right, you can't really predict what's going to happen. Her decision...that's up to her.

Branch sighed, he knew his brothers were right, but he was still hoping that Poppy would say yes. He really wanted to make her birthday extra special, but this interruption ruined it for them...for everyone. Viva joined Branch up front and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Viva: No puedes elegir lo que pasará en el futuro. Just hope for the best, cuñano.

Viva gave Branch a kiss on the cheek before giving him a reassuring smile and heading to the back. Branch sighed and continued driving. All he wanted was for Poppy to be safe.

Poppy watched as Phoenix slid down the metal wall and covered her face.

Poppy:'re not like your father, are you?

Phoenix: W-What do you mean?

Poppy: Look...I'm still trying to process everything that's happened to me in the last 8 hours or so, but I can see that you're a really kind...uh...

Phoenix: Nubulon.

Poppy: Nebulon, okay. Point is, I know when someone's feeling upset. And...has your dad done anything to make you feel this way?

Phoenix: A...A lot actually...he's always wanting more...he's been like that since I was a child...well, I still am a kid, but you get the idea.

Poppy couldn't help but feel bad for Phoenix, even though she just met the Nebulan king, she could easily tell that he was monstrous.

Phoenix: He was the one that wanted to invade your planet, it took us 3 whole days to get there. And to tell you the truth...he has a horrible, horrible plan.

Poppy: What?

Phoenix: I...I don't think I should tell you, it's best if you don't know.

The Nebulan princess suddenly heard her dad nearby, she began eavesdropping from behind a wall.

Zarynx: Once we get back to Nebula, the plan will be executed.

Zara: W-What plan, sir?

Zarynx: Were you not paying attention?! Now that we have the happiest, most colorful Earth inhabitant, her color can be used to bring color to ours! No longer will we be just a luster stone floating around the galaxy!

Phoenix gasped, she remembered her father mentioning bringing color to their planet, but never exactly how. Wait...if he was going to use Poppy...

Zara: Wait, are you suggesting...

Zarynx: Zara, get the extraction chamber ready!

Zara: But sir, you might wanna think this through because if you're-

Zarynx: Was I not clear?! Get the extraction chamber ready!!!

Zara: Y-Yes sir.

However, Poppy didn't hear any of this, she had no idea what was in store for her.

Poppy: Phoenix, you don't have to go along with all of this.

Phoenix: I-I'm sorry, I love my father, I can't defy him.

Zarynx: Phoenix!

Phoenix: I have to go...

Poppy watched as Phoenix left, she hung her head as tears began to flow down her rosy pink cheeks.

🎶 What about us?
What about all the times you said you had the answers?
What about us?
What about all the broken happy-ever-afters?
What about us?
What about all the plans that ended in disaster?
What about love? What about trust?
What about us? 🎶

The pop queen glanced out the window gazing at all the beautiful stars, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty.

Poppy: Where are you, Branch...?

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