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One year later...

Branch: So...yeah, that's pretty much how it went down.

All of Branch's brothers stared at him in utter shock. Clay's jaw dropped right to the floor.

John Dory: Dude, that is deeeeeep.

Floyd: Hang on, hang on, you're telling us that all this happened? Way to make me feel even more guilty about leaving, Branch.

Clay: Maybe we should leave you alone more often.

Branch: Absolutely not!

Poppy began to giggle in the back, she was putting cream on her scarred arm.

Poppy: That's not exactly how I remember it, Branch. While you did save me from the Bergens, you weren't exactly a full superhero.

Branch: Poppy, I saved your life 3 times in one day!

Poppy: True, but you were more reluctant then than you are now.

Branch: Really? I thought I was pretty heroic!

Poppy laughed and gave Branch a quick kiss on the lips before squishing his face.

Poppy: You and your tall tales, Branchifer.

Branch: What's wrong with that, Poppifer? I'm just...making the story more exciting.

Poppy: Uh huh, let me know when you're done with that. Don't be late to our picnic!

Poppy tapped Branch's cheek lightly and skipped out of her pod. Branch only stood there in absolute silence.

Branch: Can you believe this, you guys?

But Branch was surprised when he saw all of his brothers smirking at each other.

Branch: ...What's so funny? Is there an inside joke that I missed out on? Please tell me you didn't trash my bunker!!!

Floyd: Little bro, relax, it's not what you think.

Spruce: We had...something else in mind.

Branch: What?

Spruce snickered and took something out of his hair.

John Dory: We uh...kinda snuck into your bunker while you were sleeping last night.

Branch: You what?! No wonder there was a draft when I woke up this morning! What did you do?!

John Dory: Re...lax! We didn't do any harm to your crib!

Branch: Okay, good, 'cause I was about-

Clay: We...sort of stole something.

Branch: Wait, what?!

Spruce snickered and put a heart shaped velvet red box in Branch's hand. When Branch opened it, he realized what his brothers had done.

Branch: Are you serious?! Who gave you permission to go through my things?!

Spruce: We're your brothers, it's our job to invade your privacy!

Branch looked down at the box that contained his late grandma's ring. It was colored lavender and was decorated with flowers...Poppy's favorite flowers.

Branch: Wait...are you guys saying...

Floyd: It's time, Branch, you guys have a good thing going on. Besides, after everything you've been through, plus what you just told us, you basically just told us that you're more than ready.

Branch: ...No, no, I can't be ready, it's only been a year since-

Floyd: Branch, little bro, you're definitely ready. Plus, if it hadn't been for her...I wouldn't be here right now.

John Dory: He's right, Bitty B, go get her.

Branch glanced at all his older brothers who were giving him reassuring smiles.

Branch: You guys...really think I'm ready?

Spruce: Dude, you're more than ready for this. Now go get that rock on her finger.

Branch sighed and put the box in his pocket. He took a deep breath and went to meet up with Poppy.


Poppy was on a high hill overlooking Pop Village, she was singing softly to herself while unloading her picnic basket.

🎶 Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something 🎶

Branch: Poppy?

Poppy stopped singing and smiled when she saw Branch arriving.

Branch: Hey...

Poppy: Hey.

The two met halfway and held hands, Branch nervously adjusted his vest before placing a rose in Poppy's hair.

Branch: You look great.

Poppy: Thanks, so do you.

There was silence for about a moment, both of them began to blush slightly turning their heads away.

Poppy: I uh...set up our picnic. Just for...the two of us.

Branch: Yeah, uh...and...I made sure not to be late.

Poppy giggled at the reminder of her feisty behavior from earlier.

Branch: Hey...what do you say we...well...dance?

Poppy: I thought you didn't really dance.

Branch: Well...never too late for a change, right?

Poppy: Right.

Branch set down a radio next to Poppy's basket and put a mixtape inside before pressing play. When the music began, he led Poppy in a sweet, slow dance; his left hand on her waist and his right hand on hers. The both of them glided along the grassy field.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Loving can hurt
Loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard
You know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer
'Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone
Wait for me to come home

Loving can heal
Loving can mend your soul
And it's the only thing that I know (know)
I swear it will get easier
Remember that with every piece of ya
And it's the only thing we take with us when we die

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts were never broken
Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer
'Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone

And if you hurt me
That's OK, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go

Wait for me to come home
Wait for me to come home
Wait for me to come home
Wait for me to come home

Oh you can fit me
Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen
Next to your heartbeat
Where I should be
Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me
Well, that's OK, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go

When I'm away
I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost
Back on 6th street
Hearing you whisper through the phone
"Wait for me to come home"

Poppy blushed looking down at the grass, a small smile began to form on her face. The two trolls sat on the picnic blanket and Poppy took out a plate of cupcakes.

Poppy: That was sweet, Branch...where'd you learn that?

Branch: I'm in a boyband, Poppy, where do you think?

Poppy giggled and slapped Branch's arm playfully. They both stared at each other for a short moment before leaning in for a sweet, warm kiss, their faces meeting halfway.


It was late in the afternoon and the sun was making its way to the west. Branch glanced around before taking his box out of his pocket for a quick moment and then putting it back. He turned to Poppy who was resting her head on his chest and watching a ladybug crawl on her toes. Was this it? Was this the right time to ask her?

Branch: Hey, Poppy?

Poppy looked up at Branch, her tired expression turning into a curious one.

Poppy: What's up?

Branch: There's uh...something I wanna talk to you about.

Poppy: What is it?

Poppy sat up waiting for Branch's response, he began to look nervous.

Branch: Do you uh...remember when we were little, how you used to annoy me by touching my face and talking to me as if I were a toddler?

Poppy: Branchie...

The pop queen covered her face and moaned.

Poppy: How many times do I have to apologize for that? Sheesh!

Branch: Actually, Poppy, you don't need to apologize. 'Cause...I actually kinda liked it.

Poppy: I know, you don't have to-wait, what?

Branch: Yeah...don't get me wrong, those habits annoyed me to pieces, and thank goodness you grew out of them. It's not that I liked it, it was...getting the chance to be next to you. I actually liked seeing you a lot, so...I didn't say anything and just let you do your thing. Know what I mean?

Poppy: So...you're saying you liked seeing me with you?

Branch: Yeah, I really enjoyed your presence. And...when we first met, I don't know how to describe it, but it was like...having some kind of awakening. It actually felt like my heart lit up the moment I saw you.

Poppy was getting confused.

Poppy: Branch...what are you saying?

Branch took Poppy's hands in his.

Branch: I'm saying...ever since we were kids, I was...I was in love with you, Poppy.

Poppy's eyes widened when she heard that.

Poppy: B-Branch...really...?

Branch: Really really.

Poppy kept her eyes glued to Branch and her hands gripped in his as the sun set in the distance and the sky was filled with stars.

Branch: So, Poppy...bare with me, okay?

Poppy nodded slowly and Branch took a deep breath.

Branch: Before I say anything, you might wanna take a look at the view.

Poppy began to giggle thinking that Branch might've been setting up a prank. She still gazed at the view of her home, the sights never got old. While Poppy's back was turned, Branch got down on one knee pulling the heart shaped box out of his pocket.

Branch: Keep watching.

Poppy gazed at the view but suddenly saw something in the sky, fireworks.

Poppy: Branch, it's beautiful...

Branch: It gets better, just keep watching.

Poppy stared at the fireworks in awe, she couldn't look away, they were just too beautiful. But the pop queen didn't know what was to come. The last few fireworks that blew up in the sky left her absolutely speechless.

In astonishment, Poppy let out a soft gasp, both at the amazing sight, and the words that were spelled out in the sky. Not only that, but she was also confused, was that directed to someone?

Poppy: Branch, what's goi-

When Poppy turned around, she immediately gasped covering her mouth in absolute shock and disbelief.

Poppy: B-Branch...are you...is this...for real?

Branch smiled and took one of Poppy's hand.

Branch: Queen Poppy, you're the melody in my song and the missing piece in my puzzle. This past year with you has been nothing but extraordinary, and I don't know where I would be if it weren't for you. You're the sweetest, funniest, smartest, most kind hearted, and the most beautiful troll that's ever come into my life. Everyday with you is magical, and I hope the magic can spread forever...just you and me. My dear Poppy, will you marry me? Will you be my queen?

Tears began to pour down Poppy's eyes, she buried her head in Branch's shoulder and sobbed silently soaking his vest. Branch, growing rather concerned, wrapped his arms around her and started caressing her back gently.

Branch: Is that a yes?

Poppy wiped her tears and looked at Branch with a big smile on her face. Unable to find the words, she nodded rapidly trying not to cry again. She gave Branch a kiss on his forehead and pulled him into another hug. Branch smiled and hugged her back. When they pulled away, Branch took Poppy's left hand and gently slipped the lavender ring onto her finger. He held her hand in his for a few seconds before placing a sweet, gentle kiss on it. Poppy blushed and gave Branch a big smile.

Branch: Poppy...this ring I just gave you...it actually belonged to my grandma.

Poppy: Really...?

Branch: Yeah...it was actually my brothers that suggested this, but the fireworks were my idea. This ring...I've been treasuring it ever since I lost my grandma, she told me in the future, if I ever meet someone I truly loved and wanted to be with them, to give this to them when I felt ready. And Poppy...you're the perfect troll to wear this ring, it was meant to be with you.

Poppy: Oh Branch...you're the best friend I could ever ask for...I can't wait to become your wife.

Poppy and Branch both shared a heartfelt kiss under the night sky as the fireworks continued to erupt in the distance sealing their love for each other. Poppy couldn't be more happy, it was the best day of her life. Branch felt the exact same way, he was just as happy as Poppy was. With their newfound love, there was nothing that could separate them. It would always be this way, forever and ever.

Surprise! Didn't expect an ending based off Band Together, did you? Anyway, so the story's done now. I hope you all liked it and enjoyed seeing Trolls (2016) in a different way.


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