Chapter 3 - A Nightmare

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Back with Branch, night had fallen, he set down for the night. He was falling asleep, but not before whispering "Hang in there Poppy, I'm coming to get you" and then he fell asleep. But he couldn't sleep well at all. He had a nightmare. In his nightmare, he didn't go and rescue her. He just sat in his bunker, not caring at all for the future queen. Until he got a letter in the mail. It was a card stating that a memorial service was to be held for her as she was never heard of again. The card said "Rest in peace Princess Poppy. Daughter, Princess and future leader. August 9th, 1995 - October 12th, 2016" Branch started crying at the card. He could have saved her. He could have brought her back. This was all his fault. "I'm sorry! Im sorry i didnt save you! If only i had more of a heart to do so." He cried. He was so upset. The nightmare ended and Branch woke up, Panting. He was not sure about his surroundings. Until he remembered, he was on a mission. A mission to rescue Poppy. The one troll who truly cared for him. He got up and pushed on towards Bergen Town. He made it to the root tunnels but wasnt sure which one to take. "Choose a hole wisely. For 1 will lead to Bergen Town and the others, to certain death..death..death" A voice called out. "Who said that?" Branch said in confusion. "It was... Me!" Said a cloud who just popped out of seemingly no where. "Hey there, welcome to the root tunnels, I just wanted to warn you that one leads to the troll tree and the others... to certain death..death..death." He continued. Branch looked at him in confusion. "Who... what? Who are you?" Branch asked. "I'm Cloud Guy. What about you?" The cloud asked back. "Well, My name is Branch." Branch replied back. "So what brings you along this way?" Cloud Guy asked trying to conversate with Branch. "Well, the Princess of my village got kidnapped and.... Well i have to go save her." Branch replied as he stammered. "Haha, looks like she's a special girl to you." Cloud Guy teased. "Well yeah, she is the Princess after all." Branch replied. Cloud Guy winked at Branch. "(Sigh) OK fine i do have feelings for her, but whats the point? She'd never go out with a grey troll like me?" Branch said depressingly. "Hey, don't be all depressing dumpy diapers, remember whenever you speak to her, speak from your heart. Or even better, Sing. She'll appreciate you for who you are." Cloud Guy said in a convincing voice. "Thanks. Ok so which way do I go?" Branch asked not wanting to waste anymore of his time. "The big tunnel right there." Cloud Guy said pointing to a big tunnel right in the centre. "Thank you for your help Cloud Guy." Branch said happily before running into the tunnel. "Hurry Boy She's Waiting There For You!" Cloud Guy yelled in the tune of Africa by Toto. Branch ran all the way through the tunnel. He reached the other end. It was all grey, gloomy and dull. This was definitely Bergen Town. "The Troll Tree." He murmured to himself. He observed all the Bergens around it. Everyone one miserable. "OK good, There really miserable so that means they haven't eaten her yet. YET... OK lets go." Branch said to Himself as he walked to the castle.

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