Chapter 8 - A Miracle

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Chef returned with everyone. They all were thrown into a pot. Poppy's dad ran up to her. "Poppy! Oh my sweet princess you're OK!" He said before giving her a great big hug. "I'm doing great. I got everybody I loved thrown in a pot thanks for asking." She replied depressingly. She looked around and noticed there was one troll who wasnt there. "Where's creek?" She asked. Chef opened the top of the pot and said "right here." Creek was alive and well standing in her hand. "Im sorry Poppy. I sold you out." He said smirking. "What Creek? How?... Why?" Poppy asked. Creek explained what happened. He was on guard standing outside the bunker. Then he heard the cowbell noise and ran to it. and it was Chef. Chef said sh'll spare his life if he tell her where the others are. So he did. "No Creek. Why?" Poppy said as her voice cracked. "Believe me, I wish there some other, me not getting killed way, but there isn't. And now i have to live with this with the rest of my life. Atleast you get to die with a clear conscience. so In a way, I'm doing this for you." Creek said cupping her chin. Chef then left and locked the pot. Tears began to fall. "I'm sorry everyone, This is all my fault. If only I had listened to Branch and not thrown that stupid party." She said before she fell to her knees in the middle of the pot. "But poppy..." Branch murmured. "This is how we die. It's all my fault. I'm sorry." She said before going Grey and sobbing more and more. Everybody else went Grey too. Bridget was cleaning dished in her room downstairs. She looked over to her bed and saw the outfit of Lady Glitter Sparkles. She just sighed. There was nothing she could do. If anything she didn't care about Lady Glitter Sparkles. All she could think about were the little trolls. In the pot, Branch was in shock. Everyone was grey like him. He knew he had to do something. The whole pot was silent. The only thing that could be heard were the cries of Poppy. He decided to sing. He remembered what Cloud Guy Had told him. True Colors was one of his favourite songs as a kid. Singing is very powerful for a troll. He thought maybe that could bring Poppy back to her proper self. He started to sing. "You with the sad eyes." Poppy's cries softened and she looked over to Branch. "Don't be discouraged." Branch continued. "Oh i realise, its hard to take courage. In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all. The darkness inside you can make you feel so small" Poppy's hug time bracelet went off. Branch offered to hug, but she covered it up. "Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy, cant remember when, I last saw you laughing. This world makes you crazy and youve taken all you can bear, just, call me up, cause i will always be there. And I see your true colors, shining through, I see your true colors, thats why I love you..." Branch sang as Poppy pink skin and hair were restored. She and branch continued the song. Dancing around the pot. Their colors spreading to the others. Even Branch's colors came back. He was teal blue with midnight blue hair. Once they concluded the song, everyone shared a hug. "Thank you." Poppy said. "No, Thank you." Branch replied. "For what?" Poppy asked confused. "For showing me how to be happy." Branch said with a smile. "Really?! You're finally happy?! Now?" Poppy asked surprised. "I think so, happiness is inside all of us. Sometimes you just need someone to help you find it." Branch said smiling. A little troll yanked on Poppy's dress. "What's gonna happen now Princess Poppy?" She asked. "I don't know. But I know we're not giving up." Poppy replied. Just then, the top of the pot opened. Everyone huddled up together in fear. Chef's head poked over the top. "Wait Chef, shouldn't we wait for Lady Glitter Sparkles?" Gristle asked. "Oh you're absolutely right. Now everyone, there will be no trolls until the King's plus one ha arrived." Chef said. Everyone started complaining. "Unless she doesn't come at all but thats crazy talk who wouldnt wanna be with you" Chef said. Gristle looked at the complaining bergens. "Yeah I guess we should start." He said depressingly. Chef reached into the pot and grabbed Poppy. "No please! Don't take her!" King Peppy pleaded. But it was no use. Chef didn't listen. "King Gristle, I present to you the happiest troll ever born. Princess Poppy. Dig in!" She said. Gristle held Poppy tightly in his hands. She was so scared. Gristle was moving his hands to his mouth. "Please King Gristle, please. Please please don't." She whispered to him. Begging for mercy. Her hands were together just hoping that somehow, a miracle would happen. Everyone else in the pot watched in horror. Their future Queen was about to be eaten. But miraculously, King Gristle heard Poppy's pleas and actually took notice of how frightened all the other trolls were. And then, it dawned on him. What Lady Glitter Sparkles said to him was true. The trolls really were people just like him. Poppy was shivering in his hands. Shaking her head in hopes he wouldn't eat her. It finally hit him. The Bergens shouldn't be eating the trolls, they should be friends with them. This was not who he was. King Gristle had a good heart. "Everyone stop!" Gristle Demanded. Everyone looked at him. "It is only now that I realise that... Eating trolls is possibly the most evil thing we've done. They are people just like us, trying to get on with life." He said. Bridget smiled at what he said. "We are not going to eat these trolls! Look at her!" he said pointing to Poppy. "Look how scared she is, look how scared the others are! You think they want to get eaten? No! Tell the maid to take that pot and set them free and lock up Chef!" Gristle demanded. "Sire, you cant!" Chef said. "I can do what I want. I am the king!" He said. He put Poppy back in the pot. King Peppy ran up to her. "Poppy! You're alive! It's a miracle!" He yelled in Glee. But she wasnt too happy. She looked through the cracks of the pot and saw the Bergens started throwing their starter food like apples and and fruit, yelling "The worst king ever!" and "you're a disgrace to the Bergens!" Poppy, being unnecessarily kind hearted at times... well all the time, knew she had to something. Branch noticed this. "Poppy?" He asked. "Gristle just ruined his life to save ours it's not right! He deserves to be just as happy as we do!" She said before turning back to the sight of the dining hall and saying "They all do!"

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