Chapter 2

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"Holly! Delta!" Poppy called out, as she ran towards the two country trolls, waving her arms excitedly. They were standing together chatting, as they stood in the center of Country Coral, but looked up when they heard Poppy's voice.

"Hey sugar. What's up?" Delta said, smiling at the Queen of pop.
"I'm here to officially invite you to girl's night!" Poppy replied cheerfully.

     "Oh, I am so in, ya'll!" Holly shouted, throwing her hands up into the air. "Woohoo!"

     Delta laughed, shaking her head slightly at the two girl's over exaggerated enthusiasm. Back in Lownsome Flats, there wasn't much excitement to be found, but now that she was in Trollstopia, Delta figured she should just roll with whatever was thrown at her.

     "Guess I'm in too," she said with a smile, placing her hands on her hips.

     "Great!" Poppy exclaimed. "Then I guess, I'll see you both toni..."
"Poppy!" a shout suddenly rang out through the desert landscape. 🏜

     Poppy raised an eyebrow at the voice, recognizing it instantly.


They all turned to see Clampers chasing Branch through Country Coral, her teeth snapping, as he ran away for dear life.

     "Poppy! Help!" Branch cried out, sprinting over to Poppy, as he ducked behind her, cowering in terror, Clampers following close behind, ready to sink her teeth into him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Delta said, quickly grabbing Clampers by the hair, and lifting her off the ground. "What did I tell you about tormenting that poor boy?"
"Sorry Aunt Delta..." Clampers said with cutesy eyes, trying to look innocent.

Delta sighed, rolling her eyes, as she put Clampers into her hair.

     "That girl... I swear, sometimes I just wanna..." She paused, before sighing again, looking over at Branch. "Sorry about that, sugar. You ok?"

     Branch looked at her, and then up at her hair, seeing Clampers poking her head out, giving him a death glare.

     Clampers pointed to her eyes, and then at Branch, mouthing the words; 'I'm watchin' you...' before slowly sliding her way back into her aunts hair, never losing eye contact with the shaking blue troll, until she was completely out of sight.

     "Uh..." Branch said, gulping in terror, before his gaze fell back down to Delta. "Y... yeah... I... I think so," he stuttered, his heart still racing. "I think... I'm just gonna stick with you for a while, Poppy."

     Poppy smiled down at him, petting his head comfortingly.

     "Ok," she said. "Than I guess it's off to Vibe Town for the both of us."

     She grabbed Branch's hand, pulling him off towards the Vibe Town spaceship.

     "Bye, Holly! By Delta!" she called back to them, as she ran out of Country Corral, dragging Branch behind her.


     "AHHHHH!" Branch screamed, as his bubble popped, sending him plummeting down to the floor, so that he landed on his head. "Ow..."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

     Poppy hovered down gently, her feet landing on the floor before her bubble popped.

     "You ok, Branch?" she asked, as she helped him up.
"There's gotta be a safer way to get in here," he groaned, rubbing his head.

     "Hey, hey, Poppy!" R greeted, she and B walking over to the two trolls. "Hi, Branch."

     Branch waved, giving the two sisters a slight smile, as he continued rubbing his head, still dizzy from the bubble ride.

     "Hi, R&B. You guys want to come to girl's night tonight?" Poppy asked, smiling wide.
"Does this answer your question?" R&B said simultaneously, as they pressed a button, fireworks shooting up to the ceiling, and then exploding to spell out the word 'YES'.

     "Uh... yeah..." Poppy said, a bit confused. "But couldn't you of just said 'yes'?"
"What's the fun in that?" both girls said with a smile.

     Poppy shrugged, turning back to Branch, who had finally shook the dizziness from his bubble ride, out of his head.

     "Ok, Branch," she said to him. "Now we've just got to get to Smidge's pod, so we can invite her to girl's night."
"Yeah..." Branch said, looking at Poppy. "But isn't there any chance we could skip the bubble ride?"

     She looked to R&B, who rubbed their chins, thinking about the question.

     "Well..." B said.
"We have been working on a molecular adam splitter."

     Branch's eyes widened at the sentence.

     "A... a what?" he asked, his voice shaking a bit. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to know the answer.

     "It pulls you apart into little tiny particles, hopefully putting you back together at your requested destination," B explained.

     "Hope... hopefully?" Branch stuttered.
"Yeah..." R said, smiling innocently. "We haven't exactly had a successful test yet. All our test subjects... well... let's just say it didn't work out too well for them..."
"But maybe it'll work on you two," B exclaimed happily.

     "You know what..." Branch said nervously. "I think I'll stick with the bubble..."

     The funk sisters shrugged, pushing a button so that a bubble formed around Poppy and Branch, lifting them up and out of the space ship.

"Not again!" Branch cried out, as he was flung around the bubble uncontrollably.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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