Chapter 4

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Down in the Bunker, Clampers ran around, destroying everything in sight with her teeth.

     Branch sat in a corner, watching in terror, his eyes wide, not knowing what to do.

     He was wearing a helmet, he had pillows tied all around his entire body, and he was holding a baseball bat for protection.

     Clampers bit through Branch's couch, setting her eyes on the cowering troll in the corner, as she licked her lips.

     Branch's eyes widened in horror, as the little monster charged at him.

     "No, no, no!" he screamed, swinging his bat at Clampers, but she quickly grabbed it in her mouth, chewing it all up in a matter of seconds.

     Branch looked at what little of the bat was left in his hands, whimpering quietly, before looking back up at Clampers, who was smiling maliciously at him, using a sliver of the broken bat as a toothpick.



     Outside, Synth, Trollzart, Gust, and Hickory walked through the forest, getting acquainted with one another, as they laughed.

     The bigger Trollstopia was working out great so far, and everyone was getting along perfectly. Well... almost everyone...

     "So the mollusk says to the sea cucumber... with fronds like these... who needs anemones!?" Synth joked, everyone breaking out into uncontrollable laughter.

     As they walked, they suddenly began to hear banging, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering.

     "Um... what was that?" Hickory questioned, everyone looking off in the direction the sounds were coming from. "I think it's coming from Branch's bunker..." Gust said.

     "AHHHHH! No! No!" a splitting scream suddenly rung out through the forest.

     "Well... that doesn't sound good..."


"Hey, Dubstep! What's going..." Synth yelled out, as he, Gust, Hickory, and Trollzart came down the bunker elevator, but he paused, everyone's eyes widening in terror, as they saw the destruction around them. "On?"

     "This isn't good, y'all..." Gust said softly.
"What madness has accrued in here?" Trollzart questioned, looking around.

     "N... no... p... please... no..." they all suddenly heard in a quiet whimper.

     Slowly, they walked farther into the bunker, a strange silence over taking them, as the lights flickered slightly.

     A small whimpering sound was all they could hear, as they walked through the dirt halls, an uneasy feeling rushing through them.

     "M... maybe we should.. l... leave..." Synth stuttered, shaking in fear, as he looked around. "Not until we find Branch," Hickory stated firmly. "We need to make sure he's ok."

     They followed the cries of fear to a door that had been partially torn off it's hinges.

     "I... I don't wanna go in there..." Synth whimpered, backing away slightly.

     The door, although the top hinges were broken, was closed, only a sliver of light shining through.

     "We gotta," Gust said, his voice trembling a bit.

     Slowly, he walked towards the door, gently pushing it open.

     They all gasped, as they saw the room destroyed just like the rest of the bunker, Branch laying on the floor in the fettle position as he whimpered softly, his eyes wide in terror.

     He was no longer wearing his helmet. Instead it was on the floor completely chewed apart. His pillows were still tied to him, but they were all ripped up, feathers gushing out everywhere.

     "S... so many teeth..." Branch whimpered softly, rocking back and forth. "S... so many..."

     "Branch!" everyone yelled, quickly running into the room to help him up.

     He looked at them for a moment, not seeming to fully register that they were even there, or who they even were.

     "Hey... Branch?" Hickory said softly, the group of trolls gently forcing the shaking troll to sit up.

     "So... so many..." Branch muttered, his eyes wide, as he stared off into the distance, not even hearing the voices of his friends trying to calm him down.

     "Calm down, Branch," Gust said, gently rubbing his back comfortingly. "What happened?"

     "T... teeth... big... sharp t... teeth..."

     The group looked at each other, concerned about their friend, not knowing what could possibly be wrong with him.

     Finally, Branch blinked, realization flashing into his eyes, as he looked at the group.

"Guys!" he yelled loudly, as he finally noticed them standing around him. "Run! Save yourselves!"

They all looked at Branch confused.

"What happened in here?" Gust asked, still trying to figure out why Branch was so scared.

     "There's a demon in my bunker!" Branch yelled, almost crying with fear. "Go! Run, while you still can!"

Suddenly, the power went out, all the lights instantly shutting off, as everyone gasped, looking around in fear.

"She's coming..." Branch whispered softly, his voice trembling.

Footsteps rung through the bunker, as everyone turned to look at the doorway.

Branch stood, slowly walking over to the group, as they all huddled together in fear.

The footsteps came closer... and closer... a shadow, slowly making it's way around the corner.

"Uhhhhh..." everyone whimpered in fear, shaking as they hugged each other tight.

Slowly, a figure began to step through the doorway, everyone backing up slightly, as they screamed. "AHHHHH!"

     "Wait..." Synth suddenly said, noticing what the figure was. "It's... a kid? You're afraid of a kid?" He started laughing, as he broke away from the group. "I can't believe this little cutie is what we've been freaking out about," he said, walking towards Clampers, who stood innocently in the doorway.

"Synth..." Branch whimpered, his voice shaking. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..."
"Please," the Techno troll scoffed. "What is she going to do? Tickle me to death?"

     Synth laughed again, bending down in front of Clampers to meet her eyes.

"Hello, little cutie," he said in a baby voice. "Aren't you just the sweet..."

Clampers smiled wide, showing her teeth, Synth's eyes widening, immediately regretting his decision.

"Oh no..."

Suddenly, Clampers bit down on his flipper, throwing him back and forth, slamming him against the ground.

"HELP!" Synth cried out, but the group of trolls were too scared to move. They just stayed huddled up together, watching Synth getting his butt kicked.

Finally, Clampers let go of the Techno troll, charging for Branch instead, as she chomped her teeth fiercely.

"AHHH! No!" Branch cried out in terror, cowering away, as Gust jumped in front of him, kicking the little Country troll away with his back hooves.

Branch looked back up at Gust, his heart racing.

"RUN!" Gust yelled, quickly galloping out of the room.

The group of trolls all ran, picking up Synth, as they ran past.

     Clampers shook her head, standing back up, as she looked at the escaping trolls.

     "Ha, ha..." she cackled maniacally, quickly chasing after them while chomping her sharp teeth.

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