Chapter 8

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"Put me down! Let me go!" Branch yelled, as he tried to fight his way out of the predator's jaws.

The growl beasts walked into a cave, one of them holding Branch by his long blue hair.

     "Let go of me!"

Finally, the growl beast that held Branch, opened up it's mouth, Branch falling out of it, and landing on the ground with a thud.

Once free of the predator's jaws, Branch immediately jumped up to his feet, making a break for the exit.

     "AHHH!" he screamed, running as fast as his little legs would take him, but the growl beast wasn't about to let it's lunch escape.

     Quickly, it whacked the little troll with it's paw, sending him flying backwards, before smashing hard into one of the rock walls.

He hit the wall, banging his head on it, before immediately falling to the ground.

"Ow..." he groaned, as he sat leaned up against the wall, his eyes closed, and a dizzying pain shooting through his skull.

     Slowly, he blinked his eyes open, his vision blurry.

     His vision began to clear, his eyes widening in horror, as he saw the growl beast right in front of him, slowly moving its mouth forwards to eat him whole.

"AHHH!" Branch screamed, covering his head with his arms, as he shut his eyes in fear, bracing himself for the pain he was about to feel.


      "How is it that you plan on finding him?" Barb asked Poppy, as the group of friends walked through the forest, searching for Branch. "He's probably already been eaten."

     Holly punched the queen of rock's arm, giving her a look to stop talking.

     Barb glared at her for a moment, ready to punch her back, but Holly kept her firm look, gesturing up to Poppy, who was ahead of the group, looking around frantically, a look of terror on her face, as she struggled to hold back her tears.

     "I... I mean..." Barb said, realizing her mistake. "I'm sure he's fine, Popsqueek. Maybe he's already escaped, and is on his way back to the village right now."

     Poppy turned, looking at Barb with sad eyes. She knew she was just saying that to make her feel better. Branch was in trouble... and she had to find him... she had to save him.

     "AHHHHH!" a scream suddenly rang through the forest.

     "Branch!" Poppy gasped. "This way, guys! Hurry!"

     She started running towards the scream, the group of trolls following quickly behind.


     Branch pressed his body tightly against the rock wall, shaking slightly, as he held his arms over his head, his eyes shut tight, as the growl beast came closer and closer to eating him.

Suddenly, another growl beast roared, causing Branch to flinch, gasping quietly in fear.

     When nothing happened, he slowly opened his eyes, looking up to see a growl beast fighting with the one who was about to eat him. They were fighting over who should get to eat the troll.

Branch watched in fear, as the two growl beasts fought each other, the others surrounding them to cheer them on, growling and roaring loudly.

"Pst... Branch," he suddenly heard in a whisper from above him. "Branch... up here."

     He looked up, his eyes widening when he saw Poppy and the other's up on a small ledge.

"Poppy?" Branch whispered up to her, his heart still racing in fear. "What are you doing here!?"
"Saving you, you dork," Val replied. "Now hurry up, and get your butt up here, before you become growl beast food!"

Branch looked back at the growl beasts, who were too distracted with the fight to notice him.

     Slowly, he rose to his feet, slinking forewords silently, trying to go unnoticed by the hungry predators.

     When he reached the bottom of the ledge the group of trolls were standing on, he whipped his hair upwards, Poppy quickly whipping her hair down, so they could grab onto each other.

Poppy pulled Branch up to the ledge, immediately hugging him tight, not wanting to ever let go.

     "Never scare me like that again!" Poppy yelled at him in a whisper, slapping his arm gently.

     "You think you were scared," Branch whispered back. "I was the one who was almost lunch!"

     She buried her face into his shoulder, crying with joy, happy that he was ok.

     Branch sighed, hugging her tightly, as he lay his head down onto hers, closing his eyes gently.

     "I told you to stay in the bunker..." he finally whispered.
"I'm not leaving you, Branch," she whispered back. "I love you..."

     Branch smiled, kissing her head.

     "I love you two, Poppy," he whispered. "So much."

     Poppy looked at him, gazing into his light blue eyes, as she smiled, just happy he was ok.

     "Get a room," Barb gaged, turning away from the love fest.
"Now let's go before those growl beasts realize their meal is gone," Val added.

Quickly, the trolls headed for the exit, the growl beasts still fighting with each other, growling viciously while clawing at each other's eyes, not even noticing that what they were fighting for, was currently walking out the cave door.

"Peace out, losers!" Barb suddenly yelled out loudly, right as the group of friends exited the cave.

     "Barb!" everyone yelled in anger, turning to glare at her.
"Oh right... we were supposed to be sneaky..."

Everyone slowly turned back to the heard of growl beasts, who had now stopped fighting, staring right back at the trolls, growling softly.

Now that there were more trolls, they had no reason to fight. Everyone would get something to eat now.

They licked their lips, slowly approaching the group of trolls.

"Uh... what do we do now, y'all?" Delta asked in a whisper, as the group of trolls backed away slowly, their eyes wide in terror.

     "Run!" Branch and Poppy both screamed, as they all quickly turned to run away, the growl beasts sprinting after them.

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