Chapter 30

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     Branch walked through the forest alone, listening for the sound.

     He stopped for a moment, looking around, not knowing where to go.

     "Uh... hello? Voice thing? Where do I go?"

     There was no reply.

     Branch crossed his arms, glaring up at the sky.

     "Really? Now you're quiet?"

     Still... silence.

     "You know what... fine! I didn't want to follow you anyways! I'm going back to the trolls!"

     He stared to walk away, back in the direction he had come from, but the wind began to blow, fiercely, holding him back.

     "Stop," he said, struggling to move forewords. He dug his feet into the ground, taking one slow step at a time, as he held his hand out in front of him, trying to shield his face from the wind.

     The wind picked up, blowing him, harder.

     "Let... me... go!" he said, through gritted teeth, trying desperately to move forewords.

     "Whoa!" he shouted, the wind pushing him over, so that he fell to the ground, rolling backwards.

     "AHHH! Stop!"

     The wind stopped blowing, and Branch stopped rolling.

     "Fine!" he shouted, standing up, as he dusted himself off. "I'll keep going..."

     He started walking again, pausing, when he heard a sound.

     Quickly, he turned, going into defensive mode, as he looked around.

Footsteps... someone was coming towards him.

     "Who's there!?" he demanded. "Show yourself!"

     The footsteps stopped, as he yelled out to whoever or whatever was creating them, as if they didn't want him knowing they where there.

     "Come out!" he yelled. "I know you're there!"

Suddenly, he saw something move through the corner of his eye.

He turned, suddenly seeing a rock flying at his head.

"AHHH!" he screamed, quickly ducking, so the rock wouldn't hit him.

"What the heck!?" he heard in an angry whisper. "Why would you do that!?"
"Cuz it's fun," another whisper said, with a quiet chuckle. "Watch... this ones gonna knock him out cold.."

Another rock flew at him, and he quickly dodged it again.

"Darn! I missed!" the whisper spoke again.
"Knock it off," the first whisper said. "We don't want him to know we're here."

"Who's there!?" Branch demanded, stepping forewords cautiously.

"Kinda too late for that... he already knows," the second whisper said again.
"Yeah! Because of you!" said the first whisper.
"Don't worry. I'll handle this."

Slowly, Branch walked towards the bush that the whispers where coming from.

"And... 3... 2..." the voice whispered. "1! DIE!" it shouted, something jumping out, and tackling him to the ground.

"AHHHHH!" Branch screamed, quickly punching the creature in the face, causing it to fall off of him.

Quickly, he stood, running away, without even looking back to see what it was that had attacked him.

"You... punched me? He punched me! Oh... that's it! You are so dead, now!"

Wait... he knew that voice.

He stopped running, turning to see Barb, charging at him.

"Barb?" he said confused.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, realizing what he saw.

Barb was charging at him!

"AHHHHH!" he screamed, turning to run again.

"Wait! Barb, stop! Don't hurt him!" another familiar voice yelled out.

He didn't even stop to think about how he recognized that voice too. All he could think about was that he needed to get away from Barb.

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