Chapter 6

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It was getting late, as the group of trolls walked through the forest.


     Several critters were calling out, the sounds echoing around to trolls, who didn't think anything of them. Except for Branch of course.

     He looked around nervously, finally turning his gaze up to the moon as it whistled in the nighttime sky. (In the jungle... the mighty jungle...)

"Guys..." Branch said, having to run a bit to catch up with the group. "We should probably stop for the night. It's not safe to travel in the dark."
"Oh come on, Branch. Don't be such a worry wart. We're fine," Poppy said continuing to walk.

     Branch lowered his head sadly, as he continued walking, slowing down his pace a bit, as several sad thoughts swirled through his mind. He knew Poppy had said he didn't need to change to fit in, but when he was being himself, all she did was criticize him, and tell him to be different. It's all anyone did... maybe they would just be better off without him...

     He sighed, his ears drooping at the thought, as he stopped walking, closing his eyes in sadness, trying to hold back his tears.

     Smidge and Guy were walking together, laughing and singing a song with eachother.

     "You'll be seein' us together day and night," Guy sang.
"He and I birds of a feather, yeah we're flying high," Smidge sang in her deep voice. "Ain't nothin' can come between us we so tight," they both sang together. "Not siblings but we feel... like Satin and Chenille."

     Satin and Chenille looked over at them, raising their eyebrows in confusion.

     "That line doesn't even make sense," Satin said.
"Yeah... we're always fighting," Chenille added.
"Not always..." Satin argued.
"Yes always!" Chenille yelled back.

     They started yelling at each other, talking over one another, so their complaints couldn't even be understood.

     "You see!?" Chenille yelled. "Right now we're fighting about not fighting!"
"Well you started it!" Satin yelled.

     Smidge rolled her eyes, turning back to Branch.

     "Oh my gah..." she sighed. "Can you believe these two, Branch?" She looked around, noticing Branch was no longer following them. "Branch?"

     Finally, she spotted him a few feet away, his head still low in sadness.

     The little yellow troll frowned. She could tell her friend was sad, and she thought she knew why.

     "Uh... Poppy," Smidge said, pulling gently on Poppy's dress to get her attention. Poppy looked down at her, as she pointed to Branch.

     Poppy looked up at Branch, seeing his sadness. Smidge didn't even need to say a word. Poppy already knew exactly what was going on...

     She sighed, lowering her head in sadness, as she realized she wasn't being a very good friend to Branch right now. She knew he was struggling to fit in, and she was just making it worse by telling him he was wrong, so she stopped walking, turning to the group of trolls.

     "You know what guys..." she said. "Branch is right."

     He looked up, surprised by Poppy's words.

     "I... I am?" he asked in confusion. Poppy nodded, smiling at Branch.

     "Let's make camp here for the night," she announced. "We'll continue on our quest in the morning."

     Branch smiled slightly, as everyone went to find leaves to sleep in, Poppy heading over to him.

     "Thanks, Poppy," he thanked. Poppy smiled at him, hugging him for a moment, before she walked away to find a sleeping leaf.


     The trolls slept peacefully, snuggled up in their leaf sleeping bags, until a sudden noise came from the darkness surrounding them.

     Branch's ear twitched slightly at the sound, awakening him instantly from his dream.

     Slowly, he opened his eyes, looking around for what could have caused the sound. Everyone was still asleep. Even the moon was up in the sky, snoring. He must've just been imagining it.

     He lay back down, closing his eyes once again, but before he could fall back to sleep, he heard the noise again.

     Quickly, he sat back up, looking around again. What was that?

     "What is he?" he heard in a small whisper.
"I don't know..." replied another whisper.

     "Who's there?" Branch said, looking around defensively.
"Shhh... he heard us."
"Show yourself!" Branch demanded, rising up to his feet, but no one came into view.

     Quickly, he ran over to Poppy, trying to shake her awake.

     "Poppy. Poppy, wake up," he whispered, shaking Poppy slightly.
"Not now, dad," she grumbled, still half asleep. "I don't wanna go to school. Five more minutes."
"Poppy. It's me. Wake up." She rolled over, turning her back to him, as she remained asleep.

     "Do you think, he thinks we're gone?" he heard again.
"Shut up, you idiot! He'll hear you."

     Branch stood again, slowly walking towards the forest where the whispers were coming from.

     "You better not try anything," he said nervously. "I have two fists, and I'm not afraid to use 'em."

     "Shh... stay quiet," he heard. He turned towards the noise.
"Aw, frosting. He heard us."

     Branch gulped, walking forwards.

     He stepped closer and closer to the bush the voices were coming from, his heart racing in terror.

     "Gotcha!" he shouted, jumping behind the bush, but no one was there. "Wait..." He looked around for a moment, confused. "What?"

     Suddenly, something grabbed him from behind, wrapping it's hand around his mouth, so he couldn't scream out for help, as they dragged him away.

     "Poppy!" he mumbled under the creature's hands, his voice unrecognizable. "Help!"

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