Chapter 1

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     "Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh... I think you should know you saved my life... I don't think you realize... what you've done... for me. Oh, I don't think you realize... what a little love... could mean..." the adorable survivalist known as Branch sang softly as he carefully picked the fruits and veggies from his garden before placing them gently into his handwoven basket to bring down to his bunker for later. "Oh, you, you stay by my side, and you, you kept on the lights, and you knew just what to say when I was fading... sometimes all that you need is someone who can believe in you... more than you do..."

     It had been so long since he sang... since he danced... since he was happy... but now... ever since the adventure where he had rediscovered his true colors... the words just seemed to flow right out of him as if he had been performing his whole life, an uncharacteristic smile plastered on the former village grump's face as he continued pouring out his soul for the world to hear, the image of a specific pink troll permanently stuck in his mind as the thought of her lit up his formally dreary life with pure joy...

     "I was lost until I saw your halo! I was blind until I saw your light... I believe, my friend, we all have angels! And you are mine..."

     Dropping his basket of fruits and veggies to the ground with a strange amount of reckless abandon, Branch almost uncontrollably began to dance around his front yard, the young boy getting lost in the song he sang so happily without a care in the world as he started to get louder... almost as if he didn't care who heard, his heart fluttering with pure uncontainable happiness...

    "I think you should know you saved my life! Oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh... I think you should know you saved my life! Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh... I think you should know you saved my life..." he sang out at the top of his lungs, the normally paranoid survivalist not even seeming to notice that he now had an unexpected audience... "I don't think you realize... what your words... can do. Oh, the whole world was falling all around me... but I held on... to you..."

     Smiling, the unknown troll watched the former village grump, seeming completely entranced by the private performance they were now unwittingly receiving...

     What a rare and beautiful sight it was...

     "Oh, you, you stay by my side, and you, you kept on the lights, and you knew just what to say when I was fading... Sometimes all that you need is someone who can believe in you... more than you do..."

Plucking a rose straight from it's home in his garden, Branch shut his eyes gently in full concentration on his melody as he began using the beautiful flower as a microphone, his song only seeming to grow louder as he completely lost sight of the real world...

     "I was lost until I saw your halo! I was blind until I saw your light... I believe, my friend, we all have angels! And you are mine... I think you should know you saved my life! Oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh... I think you should know you saved my life! I was lost until I saw your halo! Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh... I was blind until I saw your light... I think you should know you saved my life! I believe, my friend, we all have angels... Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh... And you are mine... I think you should know you saved my life..."

His song softly coming to an end, the survivalist was suddenly startled by an enthusiastic applause that had unexpectedly began just behind the young boy who once again... had been paying more attention to his melody than the world around him... a bad habit he had thought he grew out of...

     "Whooo! Yeah!" a voice filled with excitement shrieked out, causing Branch to let out a short scream of shock as he quickly spun around in terror, the rose he was holding immediately falling from his grasp as he saw that Poppy was suddenly standing directly in front of him, the new queen clapping loudly for her friend's song. "Encore!"

     "AHHH! Poppy!" the survivalist screamed out in complete panic as he stumbled back a bit, the survivalist looking to his friend in stunned disbelief. "I... I wasn't singing and dancing! I wasn't!" he quickly blurted out, the young boy completely embarrassed to have been caught performing for his harvest...

     But... instead of teasing him for his moment of weakness like the former gray grump had almost expected... Poppy just chuckled, simply shaking her head with a slight smile...

     "I thought it was cute," she admitted with that little giggle Branch loved so much, the light blue troll immediately relaxing at the sound of those absolutely heart-melting words, a nervous giggle of his own uncontrollably escaping his throat as he gave the young girl a goofy lovestruck grin...

"Really?" he questioned softly, a certain hopefulness flooding his voice, to which Poppy nodded, her smile only growing bigger as she gazed straight into her best friend's gorgeous crystal blue eyes. "Oh... well... well I..." Branch then stuttered, nervously rubbing the back of his head as he looked away from the beautiful pink troll in front of him to try and hide his major blush. "I might have been singing and dancing... a... a little..." He paused, his smile suddenly fading away completely as he quickly looked back to his friend in slight panic. "But don't tell anyone... ok?"

"My lips are sealed," Poppy promised with a quick giggle, the young queen instantly pretending to zip her lips shut to prove she could keep a secret... The former village grump had nothing to worry about... she would always be there for him...

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