Chapter 5

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     "99 friends in the pod that need hugs! 99 friends that need hugs!" Branch proceeded to sing cheerfully at the top of his lungs as he stood up on his seat for the whole bus to hear, the little blue troll moving his hands rhythmically along with the beat as he did so. "Take whichever you please, and give them a squeeze! 98 friends in the pod that need hugs!"

     As the former village grump continued to happily sing his heart out up at the very front of the Caterbus, the small group of friends simply stared silently up at him with confused and bewildered looks, raising an eyebrow at the paranoid survivalist's extremely unusual behavior...

     Even Cloud Guy who had been tasked with driving the trolls to their final destination looked annoyed... a pair of earmuffs on his head to help drown out the obnoxious noise...

     "Oh my gah... what is he doing?" Smidge whispered worriedly in Poppy's ear, never once taking her disturbed gaze off the singing blue troll...

     "I have no idea," Poppy whispered back in an equally confused tone... her eyes locked on her best friend in genuine concern...

"Is he sick...?" DJ asked softly, everyone making sure to keep their voices low so that the formally gray troll in question wouldn't hear. "Maybe he's drunk..." Guy casually suggested with a raised eyebrow of his own, everyone just watching Branch's out of character song and dance number in major dumbfounded confusion.

     "Mew," Mr. Dinkles suddenly cut in out of nowhere.
"Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie gasped in pure undeniable shock before quickly covering his pet worm's mouth at the atrocity of his vile uncalled for statement. "Where on earth did you learn that word!?"

     "Come on guys!" Branch suddenly yelled out with a smile as he noticed he was the only one performing. "Why is no one singing!? 90 friends in the pod that need hugs! 90 friends that need hugs! Take whichever you please and give them, a squeeze! 89 friends in the pod that need hugs!"

The group of friends looked at each other in concern... sharing worried glances with one another as Branch just continued on with his peppy upbeat behavior...

2 hours later

     "1 friend in the pod that needs a hug. 1 friend that needs a hug!" Branch continued to sing out at the top of his lungs as if it were perfectly normal, the strangely energetic troll too engrossed in his attempts to get everyone to like him to even notice that everyone on the bus had been covering their ears in annoyance ever since the 84th hug, the group of friends groaning in exasperation and just wanting the 'performance' to end already... "Take whichever you please, and give them a squeeze! 0 friends in the pod that need hugs!"

     As the song casually comes to an end at long last... everyone simultaneously let out a huge sigh of relief... the Snack Pack all beyond thrilled that the song was finally over...

     But... before the relief could even fully sink in... not even a second into the much needed piece and quiet...

     "Let's sing it again!" Branch suddenly shouted out in joyful excitement as he threw his hands spontaneously up into the air with the biggest smile ever now seeming to be permanently glued to his face... the formally gray and grumpy troll not realizing in the slightest how everyone's relieved smiles instantaneously vanished at the sound of his overhyped exclamation... "99 friends in the pod that need hugs! 99 friends that need hugs! Take whichever you please! And give them a squee..."

"Oh my gah!" Smidge suddenly shouted out in pure unfiltered rage, the tiny yellow troll practically yanking the hair right out of her head.  "JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!"

His song abruptly halting at the overwhelming sound of Smidge's firm shout... Branch's smile instantly faded as he slowly looked around... suddenly becoming painfully aware of everyone's eyes locked hotly on him... all glaring at the former village grump in pure undeniable rage...

     "Oh..." the paranoid survivalist muttered softly, his ears drooping down a bit in shame with the realization he had messed up... again... "Uhh... s... sorry..."

His heart utterly filled with shameful despair... Branch quickly plopped down into his seat, the poor boy leaning his head up against the window with a soft but deep sigh of defeat...

Grumbling softly to themselves in annoyance after the unwanted performance which had gone on for far too long... the Snack Pack slowly turned their furious glares away from Branch... going about their own business as they quickly began to laugh and chat happily amongst themselves...

     Sigh... well... it was official... even when he tried to be normal... he still wasn't good enough... he truly was just a freak who simply couldn't fit in... no wonder no one liked him... 😔

     With a mournful look of despair... Branch slowly took out his hug watch from its safe spot in his hair, holding it gently in his hands to stare down at with a longing gaze of desire, a single teardrop falling from his glassy crystal blue eye... why couldn't he just be like everyone else...?


"(Gasp) HUG TIME!" the chorus of trolls suddenly chimed excitedly before quickly huddling into each other's arms...

"Oh, that feels good..." Biggie proclaimed as he wrapped his arms completely around his small group of friends. "I can squeeeeeeeze you forever!" Guy sang out in auto-tune as he was the only one to hug himself, the melody of the Snack Pack gushing about their favorite pastime filling the air with Poppy smiling amongst her friends right smack dab center in the middle of them all...

But... it wasn't long before she realized... someone was missing from the group...

     Looking around in slight confusion and even just a speck of concern... Poppy finally spotted Branch still sitting all by himself in the front seat of the Caturbus... the new queen instantly noticing her best friend's sad expression as he looked longingly down at the budding flower sprouting up beautifully on his hug watch... the hug watch... that he still didn't believe he deserved to wear...

Frowning deeply... Poppy carefully squeezed her way out of the group hug, none of her other friends seeming to notice her exit as they were all too lost in the joy of being held so lovingly in each other's arms...

Branch sighed yet again as he looked mournfully down at his hug watch... not noticing the pink troll slowly and cautiously coming up behind him until he heard a small yet familiar voice... "Branch...?"

Gasping softly in surprise... the former village grump quickly slapped the flower shut before stuffing the hug watch hurriedly back into his hair... hoping beyond hope that his secret crush hadn't seen him staring so intently at it...

"Oh! Hey, Poppy! 😁"

The young queen was taken slightly aback by the painfully obvious fake smile on her best friend's face as he quickly jumped up to his feet to face her... his arms bouncing slightly behind his back...

"Are you ok...?" she asked softly, her voice filled with overpowering concern for the clearly hurting blue troll standing right in front of her. "You're smiling and crying at the same time... it kinda looks like it's hurting your face..."

Branch froze for a moment at her words... finally sighing in defeat as he carefully reached up to rub his slightly burning cheeks... "It does hurt my face..."

     "What's wrong, bud?" Poppy asked softly after a moment of silence, knowing there was something going on with him... she just didn't know what...

     Faking another wide smile... Branch instantly put on his 'overly happy' act once again... trying his absolute best to hide his overwhelming despair from the one he loved so much...

     "Wrong? Nothing's wrong! Absolutely nothing!" he quickly lied in a hyper and overly peppy tone. "Why would you think something's wrong!? I'm super normally happy! See!?" He pointed 'enthusiastically' at his faked smile, laughing quietly with an innocent yet slightly crazed chuckle... a single tear of distress slipping down his dull blue cheek...

     Needless to say... Poppy wasn't even the slightest bit convinced by Branch's words and actions as she gave him her famous 'don't you dare lie to me' glare... crossing her arms over her chest with a slight head shake before sighing softly as Branch didn't break his act...

"Hey..." she begins softly... her voice filled with comfort as she placed a gentle hand on her best friend's shoulder... "Remember when i told you you could be honest with me?"
"Well..." Branch muttered softly in response... looking away as his ears drooped slightly in shame... remembering when Poppy told him that before their adventure with the Bergens... "Come on, bud..." her voice remaining gentle and kind as she carefully turned his head back to look at her... "Tell me what's going on... why are you acting so weird..."

Branch hesitates... gazing sadly into Poppy's eyes with a small frown for a long moment... before he finally sighed in defeat... lowering his head in despair once more...

      "Fine..." he sighed mournfully... looking down at his feet with sad shameful eyes... "I... I was trying to be normal... like you all want me to be... but... but I guess I failed... (shrugs slightly) typical Branch... right...? 😔"

     Poppy couldn't believe her ears... her eyes widening in shock at what her best friend was saying... her heart filling with compassionate concern...

He... he actually felt that way about himself...? Why...? Why would he ever think that...?

     "Branch..." the new queen began softly, looking to the light blue troll in pure saddened disbelief as she lightly squeezed his shoulder in as comforting a manner as she could possibly manage... "No one wants you to be anything other than yourself, bud... you're perfect just the way you are..."

     With a soft but deep sigh... the paranoid loner simply shook his head at Poppy's kind but lying words... the poor boy not even looking up at his closest friend... his heart absolutely filled with sorrowful self doubt and hatred...

     "No I'm not..." Branch muttered softly under his breath... slowly sitting back down in his seat as the contentious hermit leaned his head up against the window of the Caterbus with a light thud... "I'm a freak... you said so yourself, Poppy... I'm not normal... and no matter how hard I try..." He pauses... taking a deep shuttering breath to try and steady his emotions before continuing tearfully... "I'll just... I'll never be normal... no matter what I do... I'm just... a failure... a good for nothing hated freak... 😖"

     Breaking down fully... Branch uncontrollably let out a soft heart wrenching sob which instantly worked to catch everyone's attention... the Snack Pack immediately turning in concern to see what was going on as tears of pure despair ran down their friend's slightly graying cheeks...

     Her heart breaking at the sight... Poppy slowly sat down beside her best friend... placing a comforting hand to gently rub his trembling back as she looked to him in pure concern...

     "🎶Made a wrong turn, once or twice...🎶" Poppy suddenly began singing softly... her voice gentle and soothing as she tried to draw Branch's attention to no avail. "🎶Dug my way out, blood and fire... bad decisions... that's alright...🎶" Gently nudging the survivalist's shoulder... Branch slowly turning his sad tearful gaze slightly towards the lightly smiling queen... "🎶Welcome to my silly life...🎶"

     "🎶Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood, miss knowing it's all good, it didn't slow me down... mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated, look, I'm still around...🎶"

     Branch slowly turned to face Poppy... his frown slightly faltering as the pink troll lightly brushed away some of his tears... her song getting just a bit louder as she continued... smiling as she gazed lovingly into her best friend's glassy eyes, and lightly took both his hands into her own...

     "🎶Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel... like you're less than... less than perfect... pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel... like you're nothing... you're frosting perfect... to me...🎶"

     Sniffling softly... Branch slowly looked away from Poppy once more... his heart wanting to believe her words... but mind just not allowing him to...

     "It's not gonna work, Poppy..." he sighs softly. "I'm worthless... and everyone know it... including you..."

     He lowers his head in shame... his ears drooping down low yet again...

     Not giving up... her heart aching for her beloved friend... Poppy continued to sing softly... a slight frown on her face as she leaned over to lightly hug Branch... her strong embrace warm and comforting...

     "🎶You're so mean...🎶" she continued lovingly... lightly smooshing her cheek up against his own... "🎶You're so mean...🎶" the Snack Pack chorused... joining in on the backup to try and help...
"🎶When you talk...🎶"
"🎶When you talk...🎶"
"🎶About yourself... you were wrong... change the voices...🎶"
"🎶Change the voices...🎶"
"🎶In your head...🎶"
"🎶In your head...🎶"
"🎶Make them like you... instead...🎶"

     Gently, Poppy lightly grabbed Branch's chin with a kind reassuring smile... carefully raising his head to make him look up at her once more... a small and barely noticeable smile creeping its way onto his face as he looked her mournfully in the eye... the pain in his heart slowly lightening as his secret crush continued her healing melody...

     "🎶So complicated... look how we all make it... filled with so much hatred, such a tired game... it's enough, I've done all I can think of, chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same...🎶"

     "🎶Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel... like you're less than... less than perfect... pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel... like you're nothing... you're frosting perfect... to me...🎶"

     Her song slowly coming to an end... Branch suddenly wrapped his arms around the young queen in a tight self soothing hug... holding her firmly as she lightly pet his back... the poor boy sobbing softly into her shoulder...

     "Everyone is different, Branch..." Poppy finally whispered to him after a short moment of comfort... "Our differences are what make us special..." Slowly pulling slightly away from the hug... Branch looked up at his best friend with tears sparkling in his gorgeous crystal blue eyes... still not completely convinced... but definitely feeling better than he had been just a few minutes prior... "We all love you, Branch..." Poppy continued to sooth gently... lightly cupping the former village grump's cheek in a loving gesture... "Exactly the way you are..."

     Slowly, Branch turned his still tear filled gaze away from Poppy to look carefully around at the small group of trolls silently surrounding the two of them... the Snack Pack smiling comfortingly at him as they all nod their heads in agreement with their queen...

     "Really?" he finally asked softly, roughly scrubbing the tears from his slightly burning eyes. "You... you all actually mean that...?"

"Totally!" Dj smiled.
"Oh my gah, yes!" Smidge exclaimed supportively.
"You know it, boooooy," Guy sang out in auto tune before farting out a glittered thumbs up... 👍
"No way! You're a freak!" Cooper yelled out along with his trademark Cooper laugh...

     Everyone instantly turned, glaring at Cooper for his totally uncalled for exclamation... the giraffe-like troll smiling awkwardly as he slowly slunk away...

     "Don't listen to Cooper," Poppy assured while rolling her eyes in annoyance at her friend... finally looking back to Branch with a small smile of acceptance. "Your special, Branch... and I LOVE that you're different... so never try to change who you are just to fit in ever again... got it...?"

     Smiling, Branch nodded with a small chuckle... Poppy's words actually succeeding to help him feel better...

     "Thanks, Poppy," he whispered, hugging the troll he cared about most in this world as tightly as he possibly could... "I don't know what I'd ever do without you..."
"Probably be locked up in a bunker for ten years..." Poppy joked with a small smirk, hugging her best friend right back... "Eleven..." Branch corrected with a small laugh before sighing deeply in content... the young boy feeling safe and warm in Poppy's loving arms... he could stay like this forever...

     But... of course... all good things had to come to an end...

     Suddenly... the entire group of trolls came rushing over... interrupting the perfect moment to bombard the two best friends with a massive group hug... Branch's smile instantly fading just a bit before the former loner finally shrugged... welcoming his new friends in with open arms and a warm smile of belonging...

     But... that warm feeling of acceptance didn't last long... before two familiar blue arms suddenly wrapped entirely around the group... Branch being the first to open his eyes and look at the living breathing cloud with a slightly worried glance...

     "Uh..." the light blue troll muttered in concern. "Who's driving the bus...?"

     At the sound of Branch's absolutely horrifying question... realization suddenly struck as the group all looked up to see the steering wheel spinning out of control with no one but an empty seat behind it... the bus with all nine trolls and one talking cloud suddenly barreling straight over the side of a cliff...


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