Chapter 3

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Branch waited outside Che Dante, holding a bouquet of Poppy's favorite flower as he looked around for for the queen of pop, not seeing the beautiful pink troll anywhere in sight.

"Where is she..." he whispered quietly to himself, looking down at his watch for what had to be the billionth time that night.

     Much to the blue pop troll's dismay, the hands read that it was already 7:00... way past their scheduled meeting time...

     Usually, he didn't mind when Poppy ran a little late for their casual meetups. He was a pretty patient troll, and after all... his girlfriend was a very busy queen... But after what Gary had said down in the bunker... Branch was a little anxious... Scratch that... a lot anxious...

     And a whole hour... usually Poppy was pretty punctual. Especially when it came to spending time with her friends...

     But then again... was he actually her friend? Did she even want to spend time with him? What if she only accepted the proposal for dinner to be nice!? So he wouldn't get upset!? She had been avoiding him lately... she totally hated him...

"No..." he softly mumbled to himself after a short moment of panic, quickly shaking the horrible thoughts out of his brain, fearing that his bunker dwelling introllvert side was about to take over once more... "You are not getting in my head, Gary. She's just running a little late. That's all... She'll be here. I know she will..."

"Branch!" Dante suddenly yelled out in excitement at the sight of the blue pop troll standing on his restaurant's doorstep, quickly using his little wings to fly over to him.

"Hey, Dante," Branch greeted, smiling slightly at the little Classical Troll, his fear still being seen clearly on his sad looking face.

"Everything is all set for your date with Poppy," Dante informed enthusiastically. "She's gonna love the night you have planned for her."
"Yeah..." Branch said softly, looking off into the distance once more to see if he could spot Poppy. "I hope so..."

Hearing the despair in his friend's voice, Dante looked around for a moment before finally turning his gaze back to Branch.

"Where is Poppy?" he asked, noticing the pink troll was nowhere to be seen.
"She's just... running a bit late," Branch assured, still looking around for the love of his life to no avail...

     "A bit?" the little classical troll asked, raising an eyebrow in prying uncertainty. "But Branch... weren't you supposed to meet at 6? It's after 7..."
"I know, Dante," Branch groaned in annoyance, rolling his eyes slightly at the meddling words of his friend. "But she'll be here... I trust her. There has to be a reasonable explanation for why she's late. She is the Queen after all. She's just busy..."

"Right you are," Dante said, giving Branch a quick pat on the back. "And when she does get here... your table is ready."
"Thanks, Dante," Branch said as the little glittery troll flew back inside.

Once Dante was gone, completely out of sight, Branch looked back off into the distance before then turning his gaze down to his watch again.

"She's coming..." he whispered to himself, trying so hard to reassure his racing heart. "She has to be coming..."

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