Chapter 16

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Poppy ran as fast as she could, as she carried the stone of dreams with her, trying to think of a way to destroy it. She had to get rid of this thing before the sun set, or she and Branch would both vanish out of existence.

     Suddenly, much to her dismay, she reached the end of the platform, stopping to look over the edge, having nowhere else to run.

     Underneath her was a deep canyon, so deep, she couldn't even see the bottom. She would have to turn around and find another way.

"End of the line, Troll," a menacing voice suddenly rung out from behind her.

     Poppy turned, gasping in horror as she saw king Oomar standing right in front of her.

"Um... uh..." she stuttered nervously, backing up until she reached the edge of the platform.

"Your too late," Oomar chuckled, slowly approaching the pink troll. "Any minute now you will disappear. Never to be seen again."

     Poppy looked up at the sky, seeing the sun was almost set.

     "No!" she shouted, turning her gaze back to the king Bashoonga. "We still have time! We can still fix this!"
"Give me the stone, troll," Oomar demanded, holding out his hand to the queen of pop.

Poppy looked at him, and then the stone, her eyes wide, not knowing what to do.

     "Give me the stone..." he repeated. "Or I'll take it... painfully..."

     "Um..." Poppy stuttered, looking back at the massive canyon behind her. She was trapped with no way to escape...

     "I'll give you to the count of three..." Ooblec said firmly, reaching for the stone of dreams. "One... two... thr..."
"Ruuuugh!" Branch screamed, suddenly jumping out of nowhere to tackle king Oomar to the ground.

     "Branch!" Poppy screamed in excitement, a huge smile forming on her face at the sight of her husband.

The troll and the Bashoonga wrestled around on the ground for a few seconds, Branch finally ending up on top.

     "I won't let you hurt her!" Branch screamed, swinging his staff down at the king.

     King Oomar smirked, as he caught the staff in one hand, grinning mischievously up at Branch.

     Branch's eyes widened in horror, as Oomar suddenly flipped him, taking the staff right out of the little troll's hands.

Cackling evilly, Oomar stood, walking slowly towards Branch, who sat on the ground flickering in and out of existence, as he scooted away from the king Bashoonga in fear.

"You dare challenge me!?" Oomar chuckled. "You will never win this battle. You are nothing!"

     Suddenly, he flung the staff down, whacking Branch hard, as the little blue troll flopped to the ground.

     "No!" Poppy screamed in horror, seeing what had just happened. "Branch!"

     Oomar turned at the sound of her scream, turning his attention back to Poppy.

     "Give me the stone," he demanded firmly, no longer laughing. "Now!"

Poppy looked at Branch in horror, as he lay motionless on the ground, flickering in and out of existence, before turning her gaze up to the sky. The sun was almost completely out of view. There wasn't much time...

"Give it," king Oomar demanded, holding out his hand.

     The queen of pop looked at him, tears in her eyes, before slowly looking down at the stone in her hands.

     "No!" she finally shouted, quickly turning to throw the stone of dreams off the cliff, sending it falling down into the canyon.

"Nooo!" King Oomar shouted, running to the edge of the platform to try and grab it back, but it was too late. The stone was gone...

Quickly, Poppy ran over to Branch, dropping down beside him, as tears fell from her eyes.

"Branch?" she whispered softly, lifting Branch's head into her lap. "Branch? Can you hear me?"

     Slowly, he blinked open his eyes, looking up at her weakly, as they both flickered rapidly.

"I'm sorry, Poppy," he muttered softly, turning his head away from her, as he allowed his eyes to fall shut once more. "I failed you..."

     "No, Branch," she cried, gently turning his head back to look at her. "No, you didn't." She hugged him tight, crying into his chest. "We tried... that's all that matters," she whispered to him softly. "I'm... I'm just gonna miss you so much, Branch."

     Branch looked up at her, giving her a sad smile, as he placed his hand gently on her cheek.

     "I will always love you, Poppy," he told her, giving her one last kiss on the lips.
"I love you too, Branch," Poppy cried, smiling slightly back at him.

"Trolls!" An angry shout suddenly pierced the air around them, as they both looked over at King Oomar, who now faced them, looking angrier than ever, as he clutched the staff tightly in his lizard-like hands. "You will pay for this!" he shouted, suddenly sprinting towards them, as he held the staff high above his head.

Poppy and Branch held eachother tight, closing their eyes as they flickered rapidly, knowing their time was almost up...


The stone of dreams fell deeper and deeper down into the canyon, the last light of day shimmering off of it, as the sun set over head, the stone finally smashing into the ground below.


"RAAAAAAAAAA!" King Oomar shouted out in pure rage, running at top speed towards Poppy and Branch, ready to whack the helpless trolls with his staff.

     Poppy and Branch flickered one last time, before suddenly vanishing into thin air, just as King Oomar swung his staff down at them.

He breathed heavily in anger, looking at the spot the two trolls once sat in, and then smiled.

"Guards!" he shouted, standing up straight with an evil grin. "Get ready! We attack Trollstopia tonight."

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