Chapter 2

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     Branch snored loudly, as he lay on the ground, sleeping in the grass next to Poppy.

     "Ugh," he groaned, slowly beginning to blink his eyes open, as he sat up, putting his hands on his back, to stretched. "Ow," he whined, his back aching from spending the night sleeping on the hard ground instead of his specially made Tempur-Pedic mattress.

He looked beside himself, seeing Poppy sleeping on the ground next to him, drooling, her hair a complete mess.

"Poppy," Branch said softly, shaking her gently to try and wake her up. "Poppy. Get up. We fell asleep."
"Five more minutes, dad," she whined, rolling over so her back was facing Branch. "I don't wanna go to school."
"Poppy," Branch sighed, rolling his eyes. "It's me."

She slowly opened her eyes, looking sleepily up at Branch.

"Oh... hi, Branch," she yawned, as she sat up, stretching out her body.

     Branch rose to his feet, helping Poppy up after him, before looking up, suddenly noticing all the trolls surrounding the two of them, seeming worried.

"Uh... guys? What are you all starring at?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. They didn't answer the question. They just kept starring at the two of them, their eyes wide in shock.

Poppy looked at them all, cocking her head slightly.

"Is everything ok?" she asked, concerned about what was going on, but they didn't answer her either.

Branch looked at everyone, confused about why they were staring at the two of them. And more importantly... why wouldn't they answer them? They were acting like the two trolls weren't even there...

     Slowly, Poppy turned, her eyes suddenly widening in shock at what she saw behind her.

"Uh... B... B... Branch..." she said nervously, tapping Branch's shoulder slowly.

     Branch turned, his eyes opening wide as well, when he saw what Poppy was so freaked out about. Laying on the ground in front of them, were their own bodies.

     Slowly, Branch walked over to himself, kneeling down, as he lifted his own arm up into the air.

     "What... what is happening?" Poppy asked, her voice trembling, as she walked up next to Branch. "I... I don't know," he answered, still looking down at himself in shock. "We must be in some sort of dream state or something."
"Can you say that in English?" Poppy groaned, rolling her eyes at Branch, as she crossed her arms.

     Branch sighed, looking up at Poppy in frustration.

     "We're asleep," he said simply.
"Ooohhh..." Poppy said slowly, understanding what Branch was telling her, before slowly looking back at her and Branch's bodies, still laying motionless on the ground in front of them.

     "So... this is a dream?" she asked.
"Well... not exactly..." Branch explained, rising up to his feet. "It seems more like we're having some sort of out of body experience. You see... in a hypothetical, self-contained..."

     Poppy looked at him, blankly, and Branch sighed again, knowing he'd have to dumb it down for her.

     "We're ghosts," he said dryly.
"Ooohhh... wait... we're dead!?" Poppy panicked.

     "No!" Branch said quickly, trying to calm her down. "Don't worry. We're still alive."
"Than how are we ghosts?" Poppy asked, still terrified about the situation they were in.

     "I... I don't know," Branch answered, beginning to pace as he tried to think.
"What do you mean, you don't know!?" Poppy yelled, panicking. "You're the genius!"

"What's wrong with them, y'all?" Holly suddenly asked, starring down at Poppy and Branch's bodies, as they lay motionless on the ground.

     "Hey'o, dude. Wake up," Barb said, poking Branch's face repeatedly.
"Hey!" Branch yelled at her. "Cut that out!" He tried to slap her hand away, but his arm went right though her.

     His eyes widened, as he looked at his hands in shock. This wasn't good...

    "Branch!" Poppy panicked, grabbing onto his shoulders, as she shook him back and forth rapidly. "What do we do!?"

He pulled away from Poppy, looking back at Barb in confusion, as he slowly reached for the queen of rock's face. Again, his hand went right through her.

"Are you ok, sugar?" Holly asked, concerned about her friends, as she leaned over Poppy's body. "They ain't waking up, y'all."

     "Holly! We're right here! We're ok!" Poppy yelled, waving her hands in front of Holly's face, but the country troll didn't react.

     "Poppy..." Branch said softly, but the queen of pop payed no attention to him.
"Come on, Holly! Look at me!" Poppy cried.
"Poppy..." Branch tried again, but she just continued trying to get Holly's attention, to no avail. "Poppy, stop!"

     He grabbed her hands in his, so that she would finally turn to look at him.

     "She can't see us," he said gently. "None of them can."

Poppy looked around at everyone standing around them, none of them having any idea the two trolls were standing right there.

"Hey, guys," Barb chuckled mischievously. "Watch this."

     She grabbed Branch's arm, and began hitting him in the face with it.

     "Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?" she laughed hysterically, thinking her prank was hilarious.

As she did that to real Branch, ghost Branch's arm mimicked it, slapping him in the face over and over.

     "Ow. Ow. Ow!" he said, hitting himself hard across the face involuntarily. "Knock it off, Barb!"

     Quickly, he grabbed his own hand back from Barb, slapping her with it in return.

"Ow!" she screamed, stumbling back a little in surprise. "Why you little..."
"Barb!" Riff yelled, catching the queen of rock's attention. "Just stop."
"But he hit me!" she complained.

     Everyone crossed their arms, glaring at her, unamused by her childish behavior.

"Ugh, fine! Take his side, why don't ya!" she whined, crossing her arms, as she turned away from everyone in anger.

"Branch! How did you do that!?" Poppy asked, surprised that he had controlled his body.

     "I... I don't know," he answered in shock. "I just..." He grabbed his arm again, swinging it at Barb.

"Hey!" she yelled, glaring at Branch's unconscious body, as it hit her again.

     Branch smiled, laughing at his discovery.

     "This is kinda fun," he laughed, continuing to hit Barb over and over, the queen of rock having no way of defending herself.

     "Branch..." Poppy sighed, rolling her eyes at him. "Quit acting like a child."
"She started it," Branch pouted, crossing his arms, as he turned his back to her.

     Poppy looked at him for a moment, and then at her body, getting an idea.

     "Hmm... I wonder..."

Carefully, she wrapped her arms around her body, lifting it up off the ground.

"Look, y'all! Poppy's moving!" Holly shouted, pointing at the queen of pop.
"Poppy? What are you doing?" Branch questioned, looking at her in confusion.
"Telling them what's going on," Poppy responded, beginning to play sherades with her body.

"What is she doing?" Demo asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"I have no idea," Gust answered.

Poppy kept moving her unconscious body around, trying to make her friends understand what was going on, but she couldn't.

"Oh, forget it," she yelled out in defeat, letting go of her body, so that it fell back down to the ground roughly. "Ow!" she yelled out in pain, accidentally hitting her head.

     "Poppy! Be carful!" Branch warned, running over to make sure she was ok. "We can feel what our body's feel."
"Yeah... I think I figured that out," she said grumpily, rubbing her head as she glared at him.

     "Are they ok?" Delta asked a few minutes later, concerned about the two troll's safety. "Are... are they..." She didn't want to finish her question, afraid of what the answer might be...

Slowly, Synth walked over to Poppy's body, kneeling down next to her to check her pulse.

     "She's deffenetly alive," he informed, as Hickory went over to Branch's body, checking his pulse as well. "Same for Branch," he said, looking back up at the group. "Than what's wrong with them?" Prince D asked, standing next to his mom and dad, as well as his twin brother, Cooper.

"Step aside," a voice suddenly called out from behind everyone. They all turned in confusion, Dr. Moonbloom stepping forewords dramatically. "I'm a doctor!"

She walked over to Poppy and Branch's bodies, checking them over.

"Mmm... mmhmm," she mumbled quietly, as Poppy looked at Branch in concern.

     Finally, Dr. Moonbloom finished her examination, standing up as she turned to face everyone once more.

     "They're done for."

The trolls all gasped in horror, one of them fainting out of shock.

Poppy gasped at the news, grabbing Branch's shoulders in a panic.

     "Branch!" she yelled, worried.
"Don't worry Poppy," Branch said, trying to calm her down. "She says that to everyone."
"No she doesn't..." Poppy objected.

"Dr. Moonbloom! Dr. Moonbloom!" a random troll yelled in a panic, running up to the doctor, clearly unaware of what was going on. "I have a splinter!" He lifted his finger, showing Dr. Moonbloom the harmless splinter.

"Mmm... mmhmm... I see," she said, checking him over. "You're done for." The troll broke down into tears, running away after hearing the devastating news.

Branch looked over at Poppy smugly, crossing his arms, as he smirked at her.

     "Ok... point made..." she sighed, rolling her eyes. "But we still don't know what's wrong with us, or how to fix it."

     "Hmm..." Branch muttered softly, thinking about what to do. "I've got lots of safety books in my bunker. Maybe one of them can tell us what's going on, and how to reverse it."

     "To the bunker!" Poppy yelled, running off quickly without even thinking.
"Poppy!" Branch called after her, cupping his hands around his mouth. "You're going the wrong way!"
"To the bunker!" she yelled again, changing direction.

     Branch sighed, and then finally ran off after her.

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