Chapter 4

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     The two trolls fallowed the light through the forest, finally ending up at a tall tree, where the light suddenly stopped dead in it's tracks.

     Poppy and Branch stopped as well, before looking up at the tree that towered above them.

     "Umm..." Branch said, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "It's... a tree... why would it lead us to a tree?"

     The light seemed to look at the two of them for a moment, before it suddenly shot up into the branches above, disappearing out of view.

     Branch cocked his head slightly, searching for the light, but it was completely out of his sight.

     "So..." he said softly. "What now?"

     It was silent for a moment as the two trolls looked up at the tree, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did... the light had just left them standing under this massive tree. Why?

     Finally, Poppy shrugged, walking over to the tree, ready to climb it.

     "Woah! Woah, woah, woah!" Branch yelled, quickly running over to stop her, grabbing onto her wrist so he could pull her back. "You are not climbing this tree."
"Come on, Branch," Poppy whined, stomping her feet a bit like a child having a temper tantrum. "It's what the light wants."
"Yeah... it wants to lead us to our deaths!" he yelled in complete panic.
"We're already ghosts, Branch," she sighed, rolling her eyes at him. "What's the worst that can happen?"

     Branch sighed, looking away from her, knowing she wasn't going to give this up. Once she had her mind set on something... there was no changing it...

     Poppy smiled, beginning to climb the tree again.

     "Wait!" Branch yelled, quickly stopping her again. She looked at him, kind of annoyed, and he sighed, his ears drooping slightly in fear. "I'll go..." he sighed, pulling her away from the tree once more. "You stay here, where it's safe."

     He walked over to the tree, looking up it with wide eyes. It was so tall... Branch had always been afraid of heights. Actually... Branch was afraid of almost everything... especially birds. Which just so happened to live in trees! Why was he doing this again?

     Branch looked at Poppy, knowing he had to do this to protect her, and then sighed again, beginning to climb slowly up the tree, making sure not to grab hold of any dead branches that would make him fall.

     "Be careful, Branch!" Poppy yelled up to him, cupping her hands around her mouth. "Yeah. Thanks, Poppy. Super helpful," Branch replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

     He climbed... and climbed... and climbed... until he was finally at the very top, hugging the tree for dear life, as he looked down, his heart racing in terror.

     "What's up there!?" Poppy yelled up to him.
"Death!" he yelled back, his voice trembling in fear, as he looked down below him, Poppy looking as if she was just a little spec from how high he was.

     He gulped, tightening his grip on the tree, as he began to look around for any reason he would be up there, but saw absolutely nothing. Even the light was gone... nowhere to be seen...

     "There's nothing up here, Poppy!" Branch yelled down to her, his voice clearly shaking.

     "Well... maybe the thing we're looking for isn't in the tree," Poppy suggested. "Maybe it's something you see from the tree."

     Branch looked off into the distance, taking Poppy's advice, but saw nothing other more trees. Forest... that's all that was around them... in fact... they were so far out... he couldn't even see the village from up there.

     "Nope... nothing," he called down to her. "I'm coming back down!"

     He started to climb back down the tree, when suddenly something caught his eye. It was the light, hiding in a small hole in the trunk of the tree.

     Branch blinked, the light suddenly vanishing out of sight.

     "Ok..." he said softly, completely confused. What was that about?

     "Branch! What's going on!?" Poppy yelled up to him, seeing he had stopped.
"Nothing!" he yelled back. "I'll be down in a minute!"

     He started climbing down from the tree again, but then looked up at the hole. Why was the light hiding in there...

     "Great..." he muttered with a sigh, climbing back up to it. "Why can't I just have a normal day with no death defying adventures? Just once... is that too much to ask?"

     Finally, he reached the hole, looking into it. There was something inside...

     "What is that?" he whispered to himself, reaching into the hole, to grab the thing he had seen, and then pulling it out to look at.

     It was an old scrapbook, covered in dirt and dust.

     "Hugh..." he said softly, looking at it curiously.

     Suddenly, a bird came down, landing ever so gently on the book.

     Branch's eyes widened at the sight of it, his heart racing even faster now than it had been before.

     "B... b... bird..." he muttered, trying not to make any sudden movements.

     The bird looked at him, cocking it's head slightly in confusion, staring straight into Branch's soul, as if it could sense his fear.

     'SQUAK!' it suddenly shouted out loudly, the sound causing Branch to jump.

     "AHHH!" he screamed in pure and utter terror, flinching and accidentally letting go of the tree.

     He floated there for a moment nothing but air holding him up, as he slowly looked down.

     "Frosting..." he muttered to himself, before suddenly beginning to plummet back down towards the ground, far below him. "AHHHHH!"

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