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Sortiz327:Hey Everyone We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!

Poppy:Welcome Back Sammy! But is it okay if I ask-


Guy Diamond:Branch be nice to her, she has other things to do!

Sortiz327:(glares at Branch) Thank you Guy Diamond, And to answer your question Poppy Before you were so rudely interrupted the reason I haven't been here lately is because me and my family have been packing.

King Trollex:Packing? For what for Sammy?

Maya:Are you moving to a new house?

Sortiz327:(Smiles at Maya) Yes I am Maya, so I'm pretty much completely packed so I thought I'd come back!

Poppy:Well we're glad you're back Sammy because Branch and I have some pretty exciting news.(smiles at Branch who smiles back at her.)

Sortiz327:(All Excited.) Oooh What is it? Tell me Tell me!

Poppy:We're getting married!(shows everyone the ring on her finger.)


Everyone was running around the studio screaming with excited grins Poppy and Branch had to cover their ears because of how loud they were, honestly it felt like they weren't even a human or trolls it felt like they were some different type of creatures.

Maya:Oh my gosh Oh my gosh! When did this happen?! (Shakes Poppy.) TELL USSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

King Trollex:Whoa Hey Maya Sweetie, let her go and let her explain. I'm so sorry about that Poppy she gets really excited when something Broppy related happens.

Poppy:(eyes swirling.) It's fine.(shakes her head to stop her crazy eyes.) Anyway it happened on Valentine's Day, me and Branch were on a romantic date he looked handsome as ever.

Branch:And of course you looked drop dead gorgeous as always, so anyway I thought it was the perfect time to sing a song to my sweet beautiful Poppy and after the song I proposed to her.

Poppy:And it was so romantic and beautiful and I'm so happy.(grabs Branch's arm and snuggles in his neck.)


Maya:So cute and romantic!!!

Guy Diamond:So What other things have you been up to Sammy?

Sortiz327:Well I got sick on KFC again!

King Trollex:Gross! Not you getting sick Sammy, I was talking about KFC it's disgusting. I don't think you should eat there ever again.

Sortiz327:It wasn't my idea to eat it for dinner, also I had my first panic attack.

Everyone:WHAT?!(shocked and sad)

Sortiz327:It's true I was so scared I Don't know what came over me.

Poppy and Maya:(hugs her.)

Sortiz327:(Hugs them back.)

Branch:It's going to be okay Sammy we're going to make sure you overcome your stress and anxiety.

Guy Diamond:That's right we will always have your back

King Trollex:Do you have a stress ball you can squeeze? That always helps with stress.

Sortiz327:Thanks guys and yes I do have one Trollex although I don't think it will help with my anxiety.

King Trollex:Don't worry Sammy we'll help you.

Guy Diamond:And Hey we heard it's going to be someone's birthday in a month.(elbowing Sammy.)

Sortiz327:(rolls her eyes.) A month from tomorrow but please don't remind me, anyway we have a dare.

Poppy:Who's it from Sammy?

Sortiz327:It's from AlexSwin and it's actually for you Poppy, it says:


King Trollex:(Sarcastically.) Great here we go again.

Maya: I don't know how to feel about this.

Sortiz327:Don't worry Branch I'll make sure they'll stay as far away from you as possible.

Poppy:That's right because nobody steals my man!(puts hands on hips sassily.)

Maya:You Said it girlfriend!


Everyone:(Kawaii faces.) Luna!!!

K-Pop gang:We're not interrupting anything are we?

Branch:And just like that the fun is over.

K-Pop gang:Hey Branch~

Poppy:Stand back ladies, he's already taken.(protects Branch.)

Wani:Hello Queen Poppy.(Curtsies.) How is ruling Troll Village going your majesty?

Poppy:It's going great actually thank you for asking and please just call me Poppy.(smiles at them.

Branch:Stay away from me I'm happily engaged.(glares at them.)

Maya:Hey girls it's nice to meet you all I'm Maya.

K-Pop gang:Hey Maya!(waves at her.)

Baby Bun:Hey Trollex~

King Trollex:Sorry girl but I'm taken by Maya.

Baby Bun:Awww Well you're really lucky.

King Trollex:Thanks.


K-Pop gang:(Gasp with Kawaii looks on their faces.) KITTY!!!!(runs over to her and starts petting her.) Who's this cutie?

Sortiz327:This is my cat Luna.

K-Pop gang:(Petting Luna while she's purring.) She's so cute!!!

Poppy:Alright Ladies Let's Get this dare over with.

Wani:We would like to apologize for constantly flirting with Branch, we'll respect that he's with you Poppy and he's really lucky to have someone like you.

Poppy:It's Okay girls if you want I can help you ladies find other trolls to fawn over.

K-Pop Gang:Really? You mean it?

Poppy:Of course I do now come on this dare ain't going to do itself!

So together Poppy and the K-Pop Trolls danced along to one of the group's songs and they had a lot of fun.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Poppy:That was so much fun girls, you ladies are great dancers.

Wani:Thanks Poppy So Are you. Sammy is it okay if we do the outro?

Sortiz327:Sure thing go ahead.

Wani:Well that's all for today readers.

Gomdori:Be sure to leave a dare in the comment section below

Baby Bun:And we'll see you all next time.

Ari and Kim-Petit:BYE EVERYONE!!!

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