Things Come Together

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(Floyd loses color and is now transparent. BroZone, Poppy and Viva lands safely and witness Floyd who now loses his color and is crystallized. Floyd slowly falls into Brnch's arms)

Branch: Floyd. [sighs]

Spruce: Come on, man, wake up. Wake up, Floyd.

John Dory: We need you, Brother.

Clay: Oh, no.

Branch: I-I built the hideout, Floyd. Except the ten-story waterslide.

Floyd: [opens his eyes as his color slowly returns] But... how will we shower?

Branch: Floyd! [crowd cheering]

John Dory: Floyd?

Spruce: Yeah!

Clay: Floyd! No way! Yeah!

Floyd: [chuckles]

(The seven Trolls gather around for a hug)

(Velvet and Veneer recover from falling off the pedestal after the explosion from the Family Harmony)

Veneer: Listen up, Mount Rageons! We are... frauds!

(crowd gasping, exclaiming)

Veneer: And we've been literally torturing little Trolls!

Mount Rageons: [gasping]

Veneer: [grabs one of the cmeras] We just wanted to be famous.

(All the Mount Rageons watch Veneer's confession)

Veneer: Honestly, my sister wanted to be famous, and, truly, I was too afraid to stand up to her.

(crowd murmuring)

Velvet: It's like I don't even know who you are!

Veneer: Yeah, you do. And you asked me to change anyway. Which isn't okay. Family or not. [he and Floyd exchange smiles]

(Crimp thumb-cuffs Velvet)

Velvet: Crimp, what are you doing?!

Veneer: [then Crimp puts on thumb-cuffs on Veneer] I was just saying that I had a change of heart.

Crimp: You also engaged in Troll—napping, Troll torture, fraud. [snickers sheepishly] It's just—

Clay: ...And tax evasion! I'm gonna have to repossess your yacht.

Veneer: Fair enough. Prison it is!

(Crimp snaps her fingers, and law enforcement guards take the twins away)

Crimp: Wow, this is liberating!

(crowd cheering)

Poppy: So, how you feeling?

Branch: Happy. Grateful. And... really sorry that it's taken me this long to open up to you.

Poppy: Whoa, TMI! Boundaries, my man. That is a lot of feelings. [both laugh]

(Poppy and Branch kiss, and the other Mount Rageons see this on the screens)

(crowd cheering)

Mount Rageon: Awww!

(Spruce and Clay fist-bump, then Floyd is seen wiping a tear from his eye and is next to John Dory)

Rhonda: [growling]

Branch: [feels something on his head] Um, what just happened?

Poppy: Oh, that. [chuckles] Viva just braided your hair. It means she likes you.

Viva: [Branch's hair is braided into two by Viva] It means I like you!

Poppy: We're gonna have the best family reunion ever.

Viva: And a big, long talk with Dad.

Poppy: [scoffs] King of secrets, that guy.

Viva: Right? What is his deal?

Poppy: Oh, he's gonna be so happy to see you.

(Zooms out where the other Mount Rageons are seeing the Trolls, Bridget and Gristle, Rhonda, and Crimp, who are still on the yacht)

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