By Your Side

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Branch: Tiny Diamond, pull over! Now!

Tiny suddenly stepped on the breaks and Rhonda stopped. Branch then slammed the door open and began to step out.

Poppy: Branch...?

Spruce: Don't be a baby, Branch!

That did it, Branch turned to his brothers with a very upset look.

Branch: You're mad at him, but you guys do the exact same thing to me! You all still treat me like the baby of the family, but guess what? I stopped being a baby the day you guys walk out on me, 'cause I had to. Then Grandma got eaten and there was no one else to take care of me! This time, I'm walking out on you!

Branch crumpled up his picture and left Rhonda shutting the door. Poppy stepped forward and knelt down gazing at the picture. When she took a good look at it, she realized what it was supposed to be.

Poppy: This...this is Branch's bunker. He built this...for you guys.

That shocked Branch's brothers, they remembered him talking about a hideout when they were younger, and how he wanted to build it with them...but he did it by himself.

John Dory: I didn't know...

Poppy: I guess you never asked...

The thought of her boyfriend being all alone broke Poppy's heart. She stepped out of Rhonda and went to look for him.

Clay: ...Wait, Grandma got eaten?

Poppy: Branch...?

The pop queen searched frantically for her beloved but couldn't find him anywhere. How far did he get? It took a good amount of time to find but she finally located him walking to Mount Rageous...on his own.

Poppy: Branch, where are you going?!

Branch: To save Floyd, alone!

Poppy: But your brothers-

Branch: Forget it, Poppy! I didn't need my brothers growing up and I don't need them now!

Poppy caught up with Branch trying to reason with him.

Branch: Wait, what are you doing? Why are you following me?

Poppy: What do you mean? I'm coming with you, Branch!

Branch: Why bother? Aren't you gonna leave me eventually anyway? Everyone else does.

That broke Poppy's heart into a bajillion pieces, leave him? No way, she would never do that to him! She stopped Branch in his tracks and grabbed his wrist.

Poppy: Branch, look at me!

Branch reluctantly turned his attention to his girlfriend.

Poppy: I have been by your side from the moment we met, and you've been by mine. Let's give each other some credit here.

But Branch wasn't moved, he turned away so he wouldn't have to keep looking at her.

Branch: You're one to talk, Poppy, you only just found out you had a sister, and she didn't seem to want anything to do with what you were saying!

Poppy gasped when she heard those cruel words and let go of his wrist.

Poppy: could you say that? Viva's case is a lot different. Even though I just met her, I still wanted to give her a chance. Having a sibling...that's like having a best friend who's always got your back. And you have 4 of them.

Branch: Really?! If that's true, then why did I not see them for over 20 years and why do they have the audacity to treat it as a joke?!

Poppy: Branch-

Branch: Why did you forgive your sister so easily when you just learned about her?! You're one to lecture about siblings, Poppy! You didn't even know about Viva until 7 hours ago and you're acting like you've been with her your whole life! Don't even bother trying to make me change my mind when you yourself grew up believing you were an only child, because you're not helping! I don't need to hear your empty words!

Poppy gasped softly and went silent putting a hand over her mouth. She fell to her knees closing her eyes softly. When Branch saw something wet rolling down her cheek, he realized he went too far.

Branch: Hey...

He knelt down in front of his girlfriend and gently lifted her chin, her silent tears broke his heart.

Branch: I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me. I guess I just...let my emotions run wild and just...

Poppy: Took it out on me...?

Branch: Yeah...

Poppy: ...Branch?

Branch: Yeah?

Poppy: Be straight with I really have empty words? Do I really not know what I'm talking about?

There were times like that, but Branch couldn't lie to Poppy, he had to be honest with her.

Branch: Poppy...look, there are times that sometimes you don't think before talking, but that doesn't make you a bad person. I know you're only just trying to help.

Poppy: But...about what I said about siblings...

Branch: Yeah, I know...

Poppy: But you're right, Branch, I can't tell you how to treat your brothers because I grew up without my sister by my side. I'm just trying to help you because...maybe it's because I was jealous.

Branch: Jealous? Of what?

Poppy: Jealous have so many siblings to spend time with while I just learned I had a sister that I never got to spend time with...or sing songs...or tell stories...or even scrapbook with.

Branch gently touched Poppy's cheek wiping away her tears.

Poppy: I'm sorry, maybe I just-mmph!

Poppy was taken by surprise when she looked back up, she saw...Branch kissing her! What? Why would he? She just admitted that she was jealous, how could he forgive her so easily? She didn't know how to react when Branch pulled away and held her hands. All she could do was blush.

Branch: If anyone should be sorry, it's me. You're right, Poppy, I can't leave my brothers in the dust, especially not Floyd, he still needs us.

Poppy: Oh Branch...

Branch stood up and helped Poppy to her feet.

Branch: I'm sorry for how I acted. Thank you...for your support.

Poppy: You're welcome, and I'm not going anywhere...unless it's with you. To save Floyd.

The pop queen gently ran her fingers over Branch's hand and he gave her a big hug. The moment was suddenly interrupted when the two heard the sound of a bell. They turned around and saw Tiny on a bike.

Poppy: Tiny! You're coming too?!

Tiny: What can I say? I was moved by Branch's speech! And his sad, sad drawing. Now let's roll.

Poppy and Branch both smiled and got onto the bike, Poppy was at the back holding onto Branch's shoulders as Tiny began to petal on the bike and the team began to make their way to Mount Rageous to rescue Floyd.

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