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Poppy moaned as she felt an arm under her head, her eyes opened slightly but her vision was blurry. Was that Branch above her? She could barely make out what was right in front of her.

Viva: Poppy?

Viva too? What happened? The last thing that Poppy remembered was getting nabbed by Velvet and Veneer while helping Branch save his brothers. Everything else after that was fuzzy.

Branch: Poppy, can you hear me?

Poppy looked up at Branch weakly and coughed, she could barely move and her head was throbbing like crazy, just being able to turn her head was an accomplishment on its own.

Poppy: B-Branch...? Viva...?

Viva: Yeah, Poppy, it's us. You okay?

Poppy: I don't know...what happened?

Branch and Viva both turned to each other with worried looks before looking back at Poppy, she was barely conscious and she looked rather pale. Branch brushed her bangs back and kissed her head.

Branch: Don't worry about it right now, Poppy, we'll explain later, just focus on regaining your strength.

Poppy nodded and let out another cough. Viva took her little sister's hand in hers and started caressing it with her thumb. She tried to sit up but her body was too sore.

Branch: Shhhhhh don't move around too much.

Poppy: I'm so tired...

Viva and Branch turned to each other knowing they needed to get Poppy home.

John Dory: Yo! Rhonda's getting impatient over here!

Viva: We're coming!

Viva stood up and Branch got up carrying Poppy bridal style, her body limp in his arms. She didn't know what was happening, but she was happy to know that Branch was with her. Viva continued to hold her hand and kissed her on her forehead.

Poppy: Guys...?

Branch: Shhhhhhh save your strength.

Poppy, too tired to protest, let her head fall on Branch's chest listening to his soothing heartbeat. It was a bit faster than it usually would be, but it was still his heart. Viva and Branch both caught with the rest of the bros in Rhonda and Branch carefully laid Poppy down on the couch covering her with a soft blanket. Her breathing was steady and her eyes were closed.

Branch: She looks pale.

Viva knelt down beside Branch and placed a hand on her sister's forehead.

Viva: She's warm, I think she might be sick.

Poppy didn't even flinch when she felt her sister's hand on her head, she was out like a lightbulb. What had they done to her?


Back in Poppy's pod, Viva paced around while Branch stayed by Poppy's bedside holding her hand and watching her dream. He turned to Viva noticing how anxious she looked, she hadn't sat down since they got back, she was worried sick.

Branch: What's the matter?

Viva turned to Branch and sighed, she pulled up a chair and sat next to him, her eyes never leaving Poppy.

Viva: She just looks so fragile this way...I don't even know what they did to her. This is worse than the Bergens.

Branch looked at Poppy then back at Viva.

Viva: I know that I only just saw her again after 2 decades without her, but...I can't help but feel so protective of her.

Branch nodded understanding how Viva felt, she was just like him in a way, just...much more protective.

Branch: Viva, look...I know how you feel, I'm the same way when it comes to Poppy's wellbeing. But also, she's able to fight on her own, she's proved it to me so many times. Even to you.

Viva: I-I know, I just...sometimes I just wonder if she would be okay on her own...I'm her sister, it's my job to look after her.

Branch: That's my job as her boyfriend too, but like it or not, I've known Poppy a lot longer than you have, and she's not a little baby anymore.

Viva sighed, he was right, but she was still kind of in denial. Poppy was barely a year old the last time she saw her, and you have the Bergens to thank for that.

Viva: I guess the truth is...sometimes I still see her as a baby and not the queen she is now. It's...kind of one of the reasons I tried to keep her back at the golf course.

Branch nodded and looked over at Poppy as she continued to sleep peacefully.

Viva: But you're right, she's an adult now, she can take care of herself.

Branch: Hey, look, nothing wrong with having her back every now and then, I always try to give her a lift whenever I can. But there's a difference between helping someone and being overprotective.

Viva: Oh...

Branch: No no, nothing to be ashamed about, I've been in your shoes. Believe me, I got WAY too protective of Poppy one time.

Viva chuckled when Branch brought that up.

Viva: Oh yeah? How so?

Branch: Well, remember when I told you about those Eyestalks on the way back here?

Viva: Yeah?

Branch: Well...let's just say they got a little...too smothering...and in a way, that almost cost Poppy her life.

Viva: Wait, what?!

Poppy moaned when Viva suddenly yelled, she covered her mouth realizing that Poppy was still sleeping, she sat back down.

Viva: were saying?

Branch: Well...I don't think those Eyestalks knew what it meant to be safe and being too safe. I planted them around the village after Poppy sprained her ankle...and it kind of put the village in jeopardy. Pretty soon, everything was considered dangerous to them and they had all the other Trolls tied up.

Viva: ...What does this have to do with Poppy?

Branch: Well, let's just say it was a harsh lesson for me to learn, Poppy kind of hurt my feelings when she found out I planted the Eyestalks without her consent, but she was right. The village was in more jeopardy than before. Pretty soon, the Eyestalks saw Poppy as a threat to me and...well, they tried to get rid of her.

Branch looked down thinking about that day, it was scary thinking about how he almost lost Poppy that day, but he definitely learned his lesson after that.

Viva thought about everything Branch said and let it sink in, it was a lot to take in, and if things happened differently...she probably wouldn't be here with her little sister.

Viva: I had no idea...

Branch: But I can definitely understand how you feel, Poppy's gotten herself into trouble several times, but I always try to have her back. After what happened today, I definitely get why you'd be so protective of her.

Viva nodded and looked over at Poppy kissing her cheek.

Branch: She's very brave though.

Viva: Yeah, I guess...she did mentioned what happened with the Bergens back home.

Branch: Yup, I was there. She made me who I am today, I still worry about her every now and then...but she helped me to become a better Troll.

Viva looked down feeling a little jealous of her sister, it sounded like she had accomplished more than she did. She changed the world while she was hidden away with the other Putt Putt Trolls.

Viva: I wish I could've seen her...but I was too scared to leave to look for her and our dad...

Branch: Don't feel bad, I was just like you, I was hidden away in my bunker for who knows how long. I got pretty paranoid after I lost my grandma...and I just hid away from the world.

Viva: I'm sorry about your grandma...I'll bet she was a good Troll.

Branch: She was, but I moved on, I still miss her though.

Viva: ...Y'know, Poppy's lucky to have you, she definitely deserves someone who can always have her back. Unlike someone else I know...

Branch realized what Viva was saying and he put a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

Branch: Don't blame yourself, no one could've predicted you two getting separated. Poppy said this to me a few days ago, you can't change the past, but you can make up for it. I hope to do that with my brothers...and you two can do just that.

Viva smiled feeling a little bit better.

Viva: Thanks...talking about it helps, I think I'm good now.

Their conversation was cut short when they both heard Poppy start to moan, she rubbed her eyes and looked around, her eyes falling on her sister and boyfriend.

Branch: Hey, sleepyhead.

Branch took Poppy's hand in his and kissed it.

Poppy: Branch...? Viva...?

Viva: Hey, sis, it's okay.

Viva gave Poppy a hug rubbing her back. Poppy was still disoriented, but somehow, having her two closest people there with her made her feel more at ease.

Poppy: Did we save Floyd...?

Branch and Viva both smiled at each other than turned back to Poppy. Branch cupped her face and kissed her softly on the lips while Viva put an arm around her little sister.

Branch: Yeah, Poppy...we did.

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