Bodyguard Branch (TrollsTopia)

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If there's one thing that Branch knew for sure, it's that he was willing to do anything for the safety of all the trolls. But Poppy? Just the sheer thought of something happening to Poppy sent chills down his spine, Branch loved Poppy more than any other troll in TrollsTopia, she's the whole reason he's the troll he is today, and he couldn't imagine letting anything happen to her; he loved her too too much, he would be willing to go above and beyond just for his beloved's safety. Anything to make sure she stays safe and happy.


The day started off normal, royal duties as queen, resolving conflicts, being with friends-

Synth: Yo, Poppy!

Yo, Poppy?

Poppy: Hi Synth, what do you need?

Synth: Listen, Popstar...

Popstar? That's new, and suitable for a pop queen.

Synth: ...I kinda need your help, I'm throwing a huge raaaave down at Techno Lagoon!

Poppy: Really?! I love all of your raves, Synth!

Synth: Not rave, Poppy, raaaave!

Poppy: Riiiiiight.

Synth: So anyways, I got everything set, the music, the guests, the VIP tickets, everything except for one hiccup.

Poppy: And that is...

Synth: I forgot the most important thing about parties! ...Supplies!

Poppy gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. How could Synth forget party supplies? Every troll knows that in order to throw a good party, you need all the proper supplies.

Poppy: It's's fine, I'll help you, Synth, I just ordered a bunch of party supplies anyway.

Synth: Oh you're a saint, Poppy, thanks a lot!


For the next several hours, Poppy loaded all the packed supplies into the lagoon, the glow sticks, the accessories, basically anything a Techno troll would need for a big party.

Synth: Thanks again, Popstar, I got it from here.

Poppy: Sure thing, take care, Synth. Have a good party!

It was getting late, and Poppy needed to get home, so she started heading back home. But on her way, a creature emerged from behind a rock and started slithering towards the unsuspecting queen. This went on for about a minute or two before Poppy felt that she was being followed. It was getting dark, and she could barely make out what was in front of her, let alone what was behind, next to, or near her, she gulped nervously and stopped in her tracks. Poppy suddenly gasped when she heard hissing noises from behind her. No, it couldn't be, she was hearing things, her ears were playing tricks on her; but the hissing noise was getting louder and louder by the minute making the pop queen visibly nervous, and practically paralyzed where she was standing.

The hissing grew louder and louder, until it sounded as if it was just centimeters away, along with...rattling? No, no! It couldn't be! Poppy recognized that rattling anywhere, she slowly turned around and gasped, her hair and skin turning as white as cotton. Was it really...? Yes it was! It was a Maraca Snake!

Poppy couldn't believe it! How did a Maraca Snake get so close to TrollsTopia? She remembered Gust was able to handle one a while back, but she didn't have any maracas on her, she was screwed; too shocked to run, unable to defend herself.

Poppy: Uh...uh...nice snake...nice snake...!!!

The snake hissed at the helpless troll and she fell backwards as if someone had just shoved her to the ground. The scary creature began to slither closer and closer to her. Poppy was petrified, she couldn't move, she was too stiff, too shocked, too overwhelmed with her life flashing before her eyes. The poor young troll didn't know what to do, her eyes began to well up as the snake prepared to strike her. Poppy looked away shielding her face, bracing herself for the painful, poisonous feeling she was about to experience.


But nothing happened, blue troll hair wrapped around her waist and pulled her away before the snake could bite her, its fangs getting stuck in a tree. Poppy looked up and gasped.

Poppy: Branch!!!

The young pop queen stood up giving her savior a ginormous hug.

Branch: Poppy! Are you okay?!

Poppy: Yeah...yeah, I'm okay, thanks to you!

Poppy kissed Branch's cheek and gave him another hug. A lot was going on in Branch's head, what if he arrived any later? What would've become of his beloved girlfriend? But...Poppy was all alone, she wouldn't have been nearly attacked if she was with someone, preferably her bold boyfriend. He was the only troll nearby, and was brave enough to rescue her.

Branch: Poppy, I can't let anything else happen to you, who knows what would've happened if I hadn't come looking for you.

Poppy: I know...I know, and I'm so lucky you were nearby.

Luck...that doesn't always hold out, it's not something that should be reliable. Poppy got lucky this time, she wasn't injured, and the snake didn't get to attack her, but what would happen the next time? For all Branch knew, he could lose the love of his life in just moments, or much sooner than he imagined. He could NOT let that happen, after what just happened, he had to keep Poppy safe, at all costs.


Poppy got through the day normally, she had a few errands to run, she spent some quality time with her dad, and went to Cooper's half birthday party. But there was one problem with her day, Branch was not, I repeat, not leaving her alone; he was wearing a bodyguard uniform with his remote control on his belt, and sunglasses, much to Poppy's annoyance. He was standing next to her with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

Poppy: Branch, is this really necessary?

Branch: Of course, I said I was gonna do whatever I can to keep you safe, and I meant it.

Poppy: Yeah, but I don't need protection every 2 seconds, you should go spend time with other trolls, Branch.

Branch: Poppy, the minute I leave, you could get a paper cut, slip in a puddle, or even tumble down a hole! I can't let anything happen to you!

Keith suddenly approached Poppy and Branch.

Keith: Poppy!

But Branch blocked him from approaching the pop queen.

Branch: Whoa whoa whao, if you wanna see the queen, you need a VIP pass!

Poppy: VIP pass?! Branch, it's fine! What's up, Keith?

The young troll approached Poppy and gave her a hug.

Keith: Look what I made, it's for you!

Poppy took the paper Keith was holding and examined it. When she got a good look at it, it touched her heart; he had drawn a picture of all of TrollsTopia and all the trolls there singing together.

Poppy: Thanks, Keith, I love it.

Keith: Nice shades by the way, Branch!

Once Keith left, Poppy pulled Branch aside.

Poppy: Branch, was was that?! VIP pass just to give me a gift?!

Branch: Sorry, Poppy, had to be done.

Poppy's jaw dropped, she knew her boyfriend was often paranoid, but this was just too much coming from him.

Poppy: Branch, are you serious?! You saved my life, yay for you, but do you really need to take it this far?! I'm perfectly fine!

Branch: Poppy...

Poppy: What?

Branch pulled Poppy closer to him and cupped her face so she was looking right at him.

Branch: I'm your boyfriend, it's my job to make sure nothing happens to you, and by nothing, I mean nothing!

Poppy: Branch, while I admire your concern, you're way in over your head. You need to relax, I'm perfectly fine.

Branch: But imagine what could've happened if I hadn't saved you yesterday!

Poppy: I know, and you have my gratitude, but let it go, okay?

Poppy walked off, leaving Branch completely bewildered. He knew Poppy was right, but he still didn't feel like he should be leaving her alone. Anything could happen to her in just a few short seconds, he was not willing to let her get into trouble again.


The days progressed, but Branch's behavior towards Poppy didn't change. Whenever she left her pod, he would not leave her for even one second; and the slightest incident, slipping in a puddle, cutting herself while scrapbooking, stubbing her toe, caused him to overreact. Poppy had been wheeled to the emergency room 5 times that day, and even Dr. Moonbloom was getting sick of Branch overreacting over minor injuries or incidents. It was almost like Poppy 911 all over again, but instead of the slightest cough or sneeze, it was the slightest accident, textbook definition overprotectiveness.

Poppy: Branch!

Poppy finally snapped, she couldn't tolerate it any longer.

Branch: What?

Poppy: I can't take it anymore! Please stop harassing me about my safety!

Branch took off his shades staring at his girlfriend in utter silence.

Poppy: I get it, I was almost attacked by a Maraca Snake, and thank you again for that save. Branch, I know I can always go to you if anything were to happen to me, you don't have to be all over me!

Branch: Poppy, I'm your boyfriend, I need to keep you safe, that's my job!

Poppy: I get it, but not all the time!

Branch: I made a vow to always protect you, Poppy!

Poppy went silent the minute she heard Branch utter those words. A vow? What was he talking about? And why hadn't he mentioned it to her? Branch suddenly realized what he had said and knew he had to clear things up for his beloved queen.

Branch: I'm sorry, Poppy, it's just...ever since I lost my grandma, I've been afraid to lose someone else I care about. Then I met you and...realized how much I care about you...I can't lose someone else I love too much.

Poppy: Oh Branch...

Tears began to flow down the pop queen's cheeks hearing Branch get all mushy. It was odd coming from him, but he did have a rough childhood. She immediately gave him a big hug without thinking twice.

Poppy: Branch, you have to let go of those fears, I feel terrible about what happened to your grandma, but I promise, nothing's gonna happen to me, just let it go, I'll be okay.

Branch: Are you sure? I can walk you home if you want.

Poppy: Branchifer...

Branch sighed, he knew in his heart that Poppy was right.

Branch: I'm sorry, Poppy, can you...forgive me?

Poppy turned away rubbing her arm.

Poppy: I just need some time to myself, right now.

With that, Poppy went back to her pod. Branch felt terrible for pestering her like that, how could he make it up to her? However, none of the trolls were aware of a coming storm. No, it wasn't a storm, it was a tornado! And it was heading for TrollsTopia!


Poppy sat under a tree lost in her thoughts, she knew that Branch was only trying to look after her, but he went too far trying to portray as a bodyguard, and even overreacting over nothing. Even so, he did have good intentions.

?: Poppy?

Poppy was snapped from her thoughts when she heard the voices of her two best friends.

Val: Listen, Popsqueak, we've been thinking-

Poppy: Not right now, girls, I just need to be alone for a bit.

Holly and Val both glanced at each other before glancing back at Poppy.

Holly: Poppy, sugar, we saw what happened earlier, and well...

Val: Maybe you should...forg-*retches* Forg-*retches* Dang it.

Holly: What Val's trying to say is...maybe you should forgive Branch? He didn't mean ya no harm, Poppy, you know that.

Poppy stood up hugging herself, she wasn't sure she could do that.

Poppy: I don't know, girls, I have told him a number of times how smothering he tends to be, but he doesn't catch on.

Holly and Val approached their best friend, each putting a hand on both of her shoulders.

Val: Look, Popsqueak, you guys are like glue, no matter how much you try to pull away, you two are stuck, literally stuck.

Poppy: ...Did you just come up with that?

Val: Yeah, don't tell anyone!

Poppy couldn't help but giggle slightly, Val was still denying any soft spots even though it was pretty obvious.

Holly: Look, Poppy, tell him you acknowledge his concern for you, and that you forgive him. Just make it sincere, he'll understand.

Maybe her friends her right, besides, it wouldn't be very healthy if she just held onto that grudge, he's her boyfriend for crying out loud!

Poppy: You're right, thanks girls.

Poppy smiled and the trio group hugged.

The tender moment was interrupted by a cold breeze, Poppy pulled away from the hug and looked around, she was slightly shivering from the cold.

Val: What was that?!

Another cold breeze came, this time it was stronger than the first one. Anyone would believe that it was just a cold snap and that it would go back to normal soon, but in TrollsTopia, where there's cold snap, there's...

Holly: TORNADO!!!!

Holly pointed ahead and Poppy and Val turned around, shocked to see a tornado heading in their direction. Oh no, none of the trolls were aware of this!

Poppy: No, we have to get everyone to safety!

The three trolls ran back to TrollsTopia, all the trolls were minding their own business, not aware of the sudden cold. Poppy grabbed a megaphone and began to shout in it.


When the trolls heard her desperate plea, they all went into a panic not knowing what to do or how to save their home.


Branch: Wait, what?!

The winds were getting stronger, the tornado was getting closer, all the trolls knew they had to listen to their queen for their safety. Poppy unlocked Branch's trapdoor with her hair and opened it.

Poppy: Everyone, get inside!

All the trolls started cramming into the bunker. Poppy was holding it open with her hair because the winds were pushing it shut.

Branch: One at a time! ONE AT A TIME!!!!!

Once all the trolls were inside, Poppy turned to Branch.

Poppy: Branch, I know this is a bad time for this, but I forgive you!

Branch: What?!

Poppy: I forgive you!!!!! I know you were only trying to keep me safe, and I love you for that!!! Just don't pester me like that again!!!

Hearing that from Poppy meant a lot to Branch, hearing her sincerity was enough for him to know that she forgave him, the two trolls smiled at each other and began to enter the bunker. Their moment was interrupted by the harsh winds and rain, before Poppy could get into Branch's bunker, her hair got caught in the wind and she was blown right into the tornado. Her terrified screams were enough to get Branch's attention and he knew exactly what happened. He was horrified when his suspicions were confirmed, Poppy was stuck in the tornado!

Branch: POPPY!!!!!!!!

Right away, Branch knew what he had to do, he tied a rope around his waist and secured it.

Synth: Dude, what are you doing, bro?!

Branch: Keep an eye on the rope, I'll be back!

Without hesitation, Branch jumped into the tornado to get Poppy, using his hair as a kite to keep himself under control.

Branch: I'M COMING, POPPY!!!!!

Poppy was in a whirlwind, both literally and emotionally, the tornado was too strong for her to escape, her body was twisting and turning out of her control, she thought she was gonna dizzy and puke our glitter and second. It felt like a dream, or a horrid nightmare, but it wasn't, this was real. Was this the end? Had she reached the end of her road? Were the curtains about to close on her?

?: Poppy?!?!

Poppy was snapped out of her thoughts hearing a familiar voice call her name, finally, her escape! Branch had come to save her!

Branch: Poppy, where are you?!

Branch searched aimlessly among the strong winds for Poppy, for all he knew, he could've already seen her, but it was hard to make anything out in the harsh whirlwind. She could be anywhere!

Poppy: Branch, I'm over here! Help!!!

Branch: Poppy?!

Poppy: Follow my voice!

That's exactly what Branch intended to do, but her voice was coming from a lot of different directions. It made sense, she couldn't control where she would end up.

Poppy: Branch?!

Branch: Stay calm, Poppy, I'll come get you!

Finally, Branch spotted Poppy tumbling in the harsh winds, her screams being heard in a ton of directions. The sheer terror in her voice sent chills down Branch's spine, he was not going to let her go.

Branch: Poppy!

When Poppy heard her beloved boyfriend's voice, her heart immediately filled up with hope. Using his hair, Branch steered himself closer to Poppy.

Branch: Give me your hand!

Poppy didn't need to think twice, she held on to both of Branch's hands as the harsh winds spun them around in the tornado.

Branch: Poppy!

Poppy: What?!

Branch: Don't let go, we're getting out of here!

Poppy tightened her grip on Branch's hands, she trusted him, she knew he would get them both to safety. However, it wasn't long before the winds became too strong for either for them to handle, the tornado spat them both out almost instantly. Branch landed in a tree and rubbed his head.

Branch: Poppy?

The survivalist troll heard terrified screams and caught sight of his beloved queen plummeting to the ground; and they were really high up.

Branch: Poppy!

Without thinking twice, Branch dove after her and caught her bridal style, both trolls landing safely, using their hair as parachutes. Thankfully, the tornado was gone and they didn't have to worry about it. Plus, TrollsTopia was safe and sound, a wreck, but safe.

Branch: Poppy...

Poppy: Yeah?

Branch: Promise me you won't jump into a tornado again...

Poppy: Oh Branch...

Poppy gave Branch a big hug, making him feel all warm and fuzzy inside and out.

Branch: promise?

Poppy: Definitely.

With that, Poppy gave Branch a big kiss and hugged him tightly. It was perfect timing, and she was one lucky troll.

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