Enduring the Storm (The Beat Goes On)

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I thought about a scene in an episode from The Beat Goes On, Branch Bum. There was a scene that really bugged me and I thought it could've been done differently to make it more interesting. So, here's what I came up with.

Poppy: Branch, hurry! We have to get off this i-

Branch: Yeah, I really prefer Frond.

Poppy suddenly let out a frustrated scream.


Branch: Poppy, you need to relax, this wind is perfect for kiting.

To Poppy's surprise, Branch was using his hair as a kite against the wind, seriously?!

Poppy: What?! We have to go NOW!!!!!

The harsh wind suddenly blew Branch into the sand and he fell flat on his face. Then he got up holding a shell.

Branch: Oh hey, conch shell!


Poppy used her hair to drag Branch to his half built boat where everyone else was waiting.

Branch: We're going on a cruise?

Poppy: Shush!!!

Branch was tossed onto the boat and Poppy pushed it into the water before boarding it with everyone else.

Poppy: We can't wait, unfurl the sail!

But when the sail was unfurled, everyone was surprised to see that there were holes in it...holes that were shaped like shirts. Poppy glared at Branch, he was wearing a white shirt...he made it from the sail.

Branch: Eh, the island pro-

Poppy let out another frustrated scream, stamping her little feet against the leaking boat.

Poppy: I got this!

She used her hair as a sail to take the place of the cut sail, it wasn't doing much, but at least they were getting somewhere. But the problem...since the boat was only half built, it was taking serious damage.

Smidge: Poppy, this boat won't make it unless we do some repairs.

Poppy turned to Branch and tried to snap him out of his chill phase.

Poppy: We need you, Branch!

Branch: Frond...

Poppy: No! No more Frond, I'm talking to Branch! My sweet, cautious, but loving Branch! You need to snap out of it!

Branch: No need, Poppy, the island provides.

Poppy: No! No! Enough saying that and listen to me! Look, I'm sorry, okay?! Yes, the old Branch drives me crazy sometimes, but I never should have wished him away! We need you...we need Branch.

Poppy put her hands on Branch's shoulders hoping to snap him out of it, but nothing seemed to be working. He seemed to be stuck in such a chill phase that he didn't see the danger right in front of his eyes. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind caught on Poppy's hair and she was blown overboard.

Branch: Poppy!!!

Poppy plummeted right into the raging ocean, Branch looked over trying to locate her.

Branch: Poppy?!

Moments later, Poppy resurfaced gasping for air, but her ordeal wasn't over. She started screaming when 3 sharks suddenly started circling around her.

Poppy started panicking and began thrashing in the water, desperately crying for help.

Branch: That's not good! Danger!


That word began to echo in Branch's mind, and everything suddenly came crashing down...he wasn't layback, he was a survivalist, and he always acted quickly when danger struck! And there was danger! Poppy was in peril! He had to do something!

Branch: POPPY!!!!!!

In a heartbeat, Branch ripped off his shirt and tied a rope around his waist. He immediately dove into the water and swam towards Poppy.

Poppy: Branch...!

Branch: Poppy, I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming!

Poppy's strength started to cease and she began to submerge, only her hand was above the water.

Branch: No no no no no!!!

Branch didn't hesitate to dive after Poppy before she fully submerged, he held her over his shoulder, her eyes were closed and her lips were blue.

Smidge: Heave ho!!!

Everyone else pulled the two back onto the boat and Branch carefully set Poppy down. She started to moan and leaned against the boat's railings holding her stomach.

Branch: You okay?

Poppy: Yeah, I think so...thanks for the save...Frond?

Branch sighed and hugged himself.

Branch: No...it's Branch.

Poppy's face lit up as soon as she heard that, she cupped Branch's face and kissed him on the cheek. His face immediately turned red and went silent for a good solid minute.

Branch: Uh...let's get outta here, shall we?

Branch got his tools out and started repairing his boat. In a matter of just minutes, it was complete.

Cooper: How'd he fix the boat while we were standing on it?!

All: The island provi-

Branch: Don't even say it!

Poppy giggled softly and hugged her brave savior tightly. His face turned crimson red as soon as he felt her soft, welcoming arms around his body. Gosh, getting a hug from her, it was totally worth it.

Poppy: We'll follow your lead, Branch, and...thank you.

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