I'll Always Protect You (Rewrite)

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Once again, rewriting this because of writer's block

Poppy sat on her bed looking down at her hand where a flowery ring was on her finger. She took it off for a short moment and examined it. It all seemed like a dream, but it was real, she was engaged. In just 8 months, she would be a bride, a wife...and have a king by her side.

Branch: Poppy?

Poppy looked up and smiled when she saw her fiancé outside her pod, he was holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Poppy: Hi...

Branch: Mind if I come in?

Poppy: Not at all.

Branch sat on Poppy's bed next to her and gave her the bouquet, she smiled and took them in her hands holding them close to her heart.

Branch: How do you feel?

Poppy: Like you just made all my wishes come true. I can't believe how lucky I am.

Branch: Hey, it gets better, Poppy. We have an amazing day to look forward to, and the best part, our whole families will be there to see it.

Poppy: Yeah...Branch, you have no idea how happy I am. It seems like just yesterday you proposed to me at that concert...the whole Troll Kingdom was there to see it...you brought me up on stage with your brothers and...and...you sang such a beautiful song...then you got on one knee and my heart fluttered...I couldn't believe how real that was.

Branch couldn't help but chuckle as his beloved queen recalled that special night.

Branch: I remember, Poppy...just promise me you won't start crying next time I give you a big surprise like that.

Poppy giggled and blushed slapping Branch's arm playfully.

Poppy: Can't make any promises, Branch, you know how I am when someone surprises me that much.

Branch: I know...you can't contain your emotions.

Poppy rested her head on Branch's shoulder twirling one of the flowers from the bouquet between her fingers.

Poppy: Branch...thank you.

Branch: For what?

Poppy: For always being there for me, even when I was at my worst.

Branch: Oh Poppy, of course. You did the same thing for me, it's the least I can do after everything we've been through together. I guess you could say...we're even now.

Poppy: ...One second.

Branch watched as Poppy got up and disappeared into her closet. A few minutes passed and she came out wearing her gorgeous wedding gown. It fit her like a glove and she looked really comfortable in it.

Poppy: I know you shouldn't see this before the wedding...but 8 months is a long time, huh? What do you...think?

Branch gasped softly placing a hand over his heart, he had no words, she looked like a fairytale in that gown. The indigo color suited her perfectly, along with the tiara and veil.

Branch: ...Beautiful.

Poppy blushed and tugged her hair lightly.

Branch: I can't wait for that day to come, you're going to look amazing.

Poppy: So are you, Branch...so are you.

A few minutes later, Poppy changed back into her regular clothes and gave Branch a quick kiss on his lips.

Poppy: I'll be right back, I'm gonna go find some flowers to arrange for my bouquet.

Branch: Be careful, okay?

Poppy: Of course, I'll be back in about 10 minutes

Poppy picked up her basket and left for the forest.


A couple minutes passed, Poppy was able to locate a few pretty flowers she could use for her bouquet. She was still looking and singing to herself softly.

🎶Now that you're with me, I can finally see
Colors that were up in my mind
Didn't know I was blind 

The forest was just on the outskirts of the village, so Poppy wasn't too worried about getting lost, she knew the forest well, and knew where to go and where not to go.

Poppy: Just a few more flowers...and then I can get started.

But just as Poppy started making her way back to the village, she heard a twig snap. Immediately, she froze in place. There was something nearby...was she being stalked?

Poppy: Hello...?

She took a few steps back hoping to slip away and get back home as if nothing happened. But she almost screamed when something emerged from a shrub nearby. She squinted to try and make it out, and when she got a good look, she turned paper white.

Poppy: Creek?!

Yup, it was Creek! But...there was something off about him. He didn't look like himself, he was filthy, his hair was matted, and he was very twitchy. Poppy didn't know what was wrong or why he looked like this, but it was probably best that she didn't.

Creek: Must...get...Trolls to survive...!

Poppy: Creek...what happened to you?!

Poppy started backing up hoping to slip away from whatever she just witnessed. But to her horror, Creek was slowly making his way towards her, his eyes twitching as if he was insane. He glared at her with crazy eyes.

Creek: Poppy...I found you...! At last...!

Poppy: W-What...?!

Creek: Now we'll be together...forever...!

Poppy: I...I don't like this new you, Creek...! What's going on?!

Creek: Come, Poppy...we have a wedding to plan...! You're going to be my beautiful bride...!

Poppy didn't like the sound of that at all...while she did have a good heart, her instincts were telling her otherwise. All that time away from the Trolls must've gotten to Creek and the isolation made him go mad. She realized it was time to try Branch's famous method for getting out of danger...she ran for her life dropping her basket.

Creek: Come back...we have a lifetime together...! Just you and me...!

Poppy: Creek, snap out of it!!! I'm already getting married!!!!!! And it's definitely not to a traitor like you!!! You lost your chance the minute you betrayed us!!!!

Suddenly, Poppy tripped on a tree root and tumbled a few feet away. She winced when she fell hard on her foot and carefully held it in her hands.

Poppy: Ouch...my ankle...!

Creek: Poppy...time for a lifetime of happiness...! Kiss me, dumpling...!

Poppy gasped and shuffled backwards as Creek puckered up trying to kiss her, she did not like how Creek was behaving, it was really scaring her.

Creek: Come, Poppy...! We'll survive the Bergens together...! We'll happy together...forever...!

Poppy started to hyperventilate as Creek inched closer and closer to her.

Poppy: Please...go away! You're insane!!!

Creek: Insanely...in love...!

Poppy: No!!! NO!!!!! GO AWAY!!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!

Tears started to form in Poppy's eyes as Creek approached her, his hands on her waist and his lips puckered up. She was utterly terrified and hated this new behavior. She curled herself up into a tiny shivering ball and shut her eyes tightly trying very hard to defend herself, but it was in vain, she was completely helpless...


Poppy suddenly heard a loud noise above her...it sounded like a punch or even a slap. She opened her eyes, and to her surprise, she saw Branch right in front her, his hands curled up into fists. He had a nervous but determined look on his face.

Branch: I can't believe I just did that...Poppy, are you okay?!

Branch helped Poppy sit up and she saw Creek was out cold like a light that had just been turned off. She looked back at Branch and almost immediately bursted into tears melting into his arms.

Poppy: No...I was terrified, Branch...he looked so out of it...and he kept screaming "We have a wedding to plan!" "I'm insanely in love!" "Kiss me!" He wouldn't leave me alone even when I tried to get through to him! I've never seen a Troll like this, Branch...it was really scary...

The sight of Poppy in such a vulnerable state broke Branch's heart, he pulled her into a tight hug and she sobbed into his shoulder hugging him back.

Branch: Shhhhhhhh you're safe now, Poppy, you're safe...he won't bother you again.

Poppy tightened her grip, clearly not letting go. Branch realized how traumatized she was probably feeling and carefully picked her up. Despite her wounded ankle, Poppy wrapped her legs around Branch's waist and clung to him like a koala in a tree.

Branch: Let's head back, Poppy, before he wakes up.

Poppy: Uh huh...good idea.

Poppy kept her face buried in Branch's shoulder while he carried her back home, the incident momentarily forgotten.


Branch arrived back at Poppy's pod and shut the door behind him. He looked around for a brief moment to make sure they weren't being watched for Poppy's sake. He carefully laid her on top of her bed and examined her ankle.

Poppy: Ouch...!

Her ankle was sprained from that nasty fall from earlier. Doing some quick thinking, Branch carefully placed a pillow under Poppy's foot and carefully wrapped it in a bandage.

Branch: Stay in bed for a few days, okay?

Poppy: But...what if someone tries to hurt me while I'm like this...?

Branch: Then I'll hurt them back, Poppy!

Poppy: What...?

Branch sighed a breathed deeply before he got carried away. He cupped Poppy's face and kissed her on her forehead.

Branch: Look...I have no idea what Creek was doing in the forest or how he even got there...but the way he was towards you...I was fuming when I arrived on the scene. The important thing is that you're okay, he could've done much worse. Just be thankful that it's only your ankle. If I hadn't got there sooner...I can't imagine what he could've done to you.

Poppy: ...Thank you so much...! You saved my life...!

Branch: Of course, my love, I couldn't let anything happen to you.

The two trolls shared a soft kiss on the lips, hoping to bring each other some comfort after that horrific episode. Branch covered Poppy with a soft blanket and gently wiped her tears away with his thumb.

Branch: I'll always protect you...no matter what.

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