I Love You

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Spoiler alert: This may or may not be in my alternate story.

Poppy closed her eyes tightly, bracing herself for Barb's ultimate power chord, but she was suddenly hit with a manual.

Barb: What the-

The spotlight shifted towards Poppy's hot air balloon, it was Branch! And he wasn't alone!

Branch: Ha! I guess a giant comprehensive manual does come in handy!

Tiny: Bla-dow! Just in time!

Poppy: Branch!

Barb: Well, isn't that puke? Poppy's little boyfriend came to crash the concert! Too late, Branch!

Barb pointed her guitar towards Poppy, she gasped realizing that she was aiming right for her.

Branch: Wait!

Too late, Barb started playing the chord and Branch acted fast, he leapt from the balloon and swung towards Poppy using his hair. But suddenly, he lost grip and fell flat on his back, Poppy gasped just before the chord hit her.

Branch: NO!!!!!!!

Poppy screamed in pain as the chord zapped her, causing her whole body to stiffen up.

Poppy: Branch...!

That was the last thing Branch heard before Poppy went silent, getting sealed into a stone like a petrified statue. Branch covered his mouth when he saw what had become of her.

Branch: Poppy...

The whole crowd went completely silent after what just happened, and Branch couldn't believe it.

Branch: Poppy...please...be okay.

Suddenly, the stone began to crack and it broke open, what Branch saw next made his heart stop.

What happened to Poppy? She didn't look like herself...she looked like a Rock Troll, he went numb when he got a good look at her.


All the rock trolls cheered loudly, King Peppy was among the crowd of trolls and his heart broke when he saw what had become of his daughter.

Barb: Oh sick, totally works!

Branch: What have you done to her?!

Barb: Uh, you'll find out soon enough, boy toy! Yo, Popsqueak, you know what to do!

Poppy stared at Branch intensely and extended her hair towards him, he quickly dodged each time she tried to grab him.

Branch: No! Poppy, snap out of it! This isn't you!

While that was going on, Barb used her chord to strike the other Troll leaders turning them all into rock zombies, pretty soon, almost every troll was affected by the ultimate power chord. Branch, however, was desperately trying to snap Poppy out of her mind controlled state.

Branch: Poppy, remember when I saved you after you got captured by the Bergens?!

Nothing, Poppy continued trying to pin him with her hair.

Branch: What about when we gave you your favorite flower for your half birthday?!

Still, nothing triggered in Poppy, if the memories weren't working...then there was only one option.


Branch immediately turned pale as soon as he said that, had he really just done that? It seemed to work though, Poppy stopped moving and for a short moment, her eyes stopped glowing red.

Poppy: B-Branch...?

Branch: Yeah...it's me.

Branch took a few steps forward and took Poppy's hands in his, hoping she'll be able to break through. A single tear trickled down her cheek.

Poppy: Save me...

Branch wiped the tear away and held Poppy close.

Branch: Fight it, Poppy, I'm here to help you.

Barb: Hey, boy toy, you're next.

Hearing Barb's voice suddenly sent Poppy back into her mind controlled state, she shoved Branch to the ground, clutching her hands into fists ready to strike.

Barb: That's more like it!

Branch: Poppy, no! Please fight it, this isn't real!

Barb pointed her guitar right at Branch and he made a move, he tackled Barb causing her guitar to point in another direction the chord was released in another direction. It bounced off a mirror and moved back to the stage.

Barb: Hey! Not cool, you little party pooper! I was about to have the best concert in my life!

Branch: By turning everyone into rock zombies?! Poppy was right, that's not harmony!

However, Branch was snapped out of his moment when he heard a shriek behind him, he turned around and gasped. The chord struck Poppy right in her heart and she fell to her knees moaning.

Branch: No, Poppy!!!

Poppy fell to her knees and Branch immediately ran up to her, the trolls that weren't affected watched the scene unfold. King Peppy was especially shocked when he saw what happened to his precious daughter. Branch took Poppy in his arms holding her head on his lap.

Branch: Poppy, please...just hang on. I'm right here for you, you're gonna break through.

Poppy looked up at Branch, her eyes still glowing, she reached up to touch his cheek and he held her hand against it.

Branch: It's just me, Poppy, Branch. Your friend...the one that always has your back.

Poppy's touch suddenly weakened and she let of go of Branch's cheek, her eyes slowly closed and her whole body went limp in Branch's arms.

Branch: P-Poppy...? D-Don't close your eyes, you're gonna get through.

Tears began to form in Branch's eyes, he gently touched Poppy's cheek, breathing shakily.

Branch: A-Are you okay...? You were able to snap out of it...right?

Poppy wasn't responding, Branch put his hand over her chest, and he was left in stunned silence, there was no heartbeat.

Branch: No no no...! Poppy, please...! Wake up, Poppy...! Don't do this, please...don't leave me alone...please...!

Unable to hold back the tears, Branch held Poppy tightly and sobbed into her chest, even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop crying. King Peppy's heart sank when he realized the ugly truth.

Branch: I love you...

With that, Branch cupped Poppy's face and kissed her right on the lips, he didn't hesitate, he went right in. He carefully pulled away and held her hand, looking down at her lifeless body which lay motionless in his protective arms.

Branch: I can't believe this...

Pretty soon, Branch's grief started to get replaced with anger, he clutched his hands into fists and looked directly at Barb.


Barb: Uh...duh, they're rock zombies, what else?


With that Branch slammed Barb's guitar to the ground, breaking it along with the strings. If you're wondering what was going on in Branch's mind, he believed that no music would be better than only one kind of music everyone was forced to listen to. As soon as the strings were broken, everything went completely colorless and the music vanished.

Branch looked down at the broken strings with tears in his eyes, he crossed his arms and wept silently. That is...until he heard a faint moan behind him, he turned around and his tears almost completely vanished. He saw Poppy slowly opening her eyes and she sat up. He gasped and immediately ran up to her.

Barb: No...my strings.

Barb knelt down besides her guitar and held the strings before they disappeared.

Branch: Poppy...are you okay?

Branch helped Poppy to her feet and immediately pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged him back burying her face in his chest.

Poppy: Thank you...

They stayed that way holding each other tightly until Barb spoke up.

Barb: ...What have you done?! You've destroyed music!

That got Poppy's attention and she looked around before looking back at Branch.

Poppy: What...?

Branch: ...I'm sorry.

Barb: Give it up, everybody! Thanks to the queen of pop and her little boyfriend, we've all lost our music!

Poppy slowly covered her mouth trying to process what she was hearing.

Barb: History repeats itself, Pop has ruined everything!

Poppy and Branch both glanced at each other than out in the crowd, uncertain of what to do next or how to bring harmony back to the Troll Kingdom.

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