The Gala

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Branch waited anxiously outside of Poppy's pod, the village winter gala, which took place once every winter, had started about 15 minutes ago and he didn't want to be later than he already was. He fidgeted with something in his pocket nervously as he waited to take his girlfriend to the gala.

Branch: Poppy...?

Poppy: One sec!

About a minute later, Poppy came out of her pod in her ice blue ball gown and silver gloves and tiara. Branch had to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming, her outfit clashed perfectly with the falling snow. She looked absolutely flawless in that dress.

Poppy: Sorry, my dress kind of got caught in my do I look?

Branch smiled and held her hand in his.

Branch: You look enchanting, my love.

Poppy blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, she wasn't exactly used to this side of Branch. Then again, they've only been dating for about a year. She kissed him on the cheek as they made their way to the gala.


The gala was busy and filled with Trolls from around the Troll Kingdom, the dance floor was packed and every Troll there was dressed in their finest attire.

Branch: Y'know, Poppy, I'm really glad you arranged this gala.

Poppy: Really...? I never actually see you attend them, you said that you weren't exactly a party Troll.

Branch: I'm not, but I just decided to step out of my comfort zone this year. Besides, I never get to see you dress as lovely as you look right now.

Poppy blushed and looked away, not knowing what to say.

Branch: What's wrong?

Poppy: You never talk to me like that...I never see you You're not usually like that...and you changed that just for me...?

Branch: Poppy...I know I can be kind of...distant, but that doesn't mean I can't tell you how much I love you. I just...

Poppy: Just what?

The two sat by the punch table and Poppy got two pieces of chocolate mousse cake handing one to Branch.

Branch: I just wish I did that more with Grandma...

Poppy's eyes widened and she placed a hand over her heart, her eyes filled with sympathy for her boyfriend. Branch always got emotional whenever he mentioned his grandma, the weight was still on his shoulders. She placed a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

Poppy: You still miss her, don't you?

Branch: Very much...

Branch turned away trying not to cry in front of Poppy.

Poppy: Branch...if you need to let it out, you can, I know you really loved her. And you didn't have to keep saying it for her to know, she knew how much you loved her. Just like I know how much you love me.

Branch looked down and wiped away a few tears that escaped from his eyes.

Branch: She was everything to me...I was still a kid when I lost her, and I was left to fend for myself. My brothers weren't there for me when I needed them most.

Poppy: But Branch, that's all in the past, what happened in your family...that was just a minor setback.

Branch: ...What do you mean by that? You have no idea how much that hurt, Poppy...

Poppy: Branch...what about when I found out about Viva? You're right, I wasn't in your shoes, so I can't speak from experience, but in a way...I kind of know how you feel.

Branch: Really...?

Poppy: My dad never told me about Viva and I found out about her myself. But it hurt thinking back to my childhood.

Branch: But you had an amazing childhood, while I was forced to grow up quickly...

Poppy scooched closer to Branch and put her arm around him kissing his cheek.

Poppy: You're definitely right about that, me, it just feels like there was a void in my life. I had everything a little princess could ever want...except a complete family. I never knew my mother, and my sister was separated from us when I was too young to remember.

Branch thought about it and realized that in a way...he and Poppy were the same, despite their past. She had a joyful childhood but very little family, while he was forced to grow up quickly and had no one to turn to other than himself. He turned to Poppy and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

Branch: I'm sorry I got so emotional...

Poppy: Don't be, if you need to grieve, it's okay, you had a hard life. I know we can't change that, but we can make up for it.

Branch felt better hearing that from Poppy, she was right.

Poppy: And Branch, when I said what happened was a minor setback, I just mean that it was just an inconvenience. You gotta look on the bright side of it. I helped you heal and now, here we are, together. Things happen in life, but you emerge from them stronger than before.

Branch: Y-You're right, you're right, Poppy. You're very down to Earth, y'know.

Poppy: You taught me well.

Branch chuckled and kissed Poppy on the forehead.

Poppy: Maybe a dance will help you feel better?

Branch: Good idea.

The two got up from their seats and made their way to the dance floor, they both started to waltz as the music began to play, gliding along the dance floor like ice.

Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

Branch spun Poppy around and she laughed softly. When she turned back in his direction, her heart skipped a beat and she put a hand over her mouth. Branch looked serious and he was reaching into his pocket.

Poppy: B-Branch...?

Branch knelt down on one and took a velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it up showing a beautiful rhodium ring with a crocus flower jewel in the middle, the lights reflecting off of the precious metal.

Branch: Poppy...sweetheart, I know we've only been together for a year...but I owe a lot to you. Thanks to you, I'm a new Troll. Back then, everyone knew me as the village grump, but you saw something bigger in me, and I can never forget that about you. You became a part of my family when I least expected it, and now...everyday with you feels like music to my heart.

Poppy: Oh Branch...

Poppy could feel tears forming in her eyes, she was absolutely spellbound by what was happening. She had been dreaming of this day for so long, but she never thought that it would ever come. But here she was, with her true love, who was on bended knee with a hopeful smile.

Branch: Queen Poppy I hope that I can spend forever with you, spend everyday of my life making music with you...will you marry me?

Poppy wiped away some of her tears trying to keep herself together, but she couldn't, her heart felt like it was about to burst any minute. Branch had just asked her to marry him! She had been wanting this for nearly her whole life! How could she say no?!

Poppy: Branch...of COURSE I will!!! I WILL marry you!!!!!

Without warning, Poppy threw her arms around Branch wrapping him in a tight hug. Branch was taken aback by this, but hugged her back. He couldn't let this go to waste, this was a big moment for the both of them. After their long embrace, Branch took Poppy's hand and slipped the ring onto her finger, it fit her perfectly, as if it were always meant to be there. Poppy covered her mouth with her free hand as she stared at the priceless ring on her finger, then she grabbed Branch's face pulling him into another kiss.

Poppy: Branch...thank you.

Branch: No, Poppy, I should be the one thanking you.

Poppy: Me...?

Branch: You're the biggest reason I'm here doing this, you're the one who showed me how to be happy.

Poppy blushed and stared at the ground twirling a strand of her hair. Branch placed a finger under her chin and smiled at her.

Branch: I love you so much, you made me who I am today.

Poppy: ...I love you too, Branch...

Branch then dipped Poppy and they shared another long kiss, the snow around them falling lightly as they milked this beautiful moment that would forever be imprinted in their hearts.

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