Unlikely Allies

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This is actually a chapter from my alternate Trolls story I wrote about a year ago, thought it would make a good one shot

Bridget placed Poppy's cage onto a table, just as she was about to leave, a pile of pots, pans, and dishes suddenly fell on her.

Chef: Scullery maid! Idget, wash these pots and pans for Trollstice. The king's inviting everyone. Except you.

Those words broke Bridget's heart, not being able to go to Trollstice with the king. Why did that bother her? If you got a glimpse of her bedroom, which is unfortunately the basement of the castle, you'd understand.

That's right, Bridget was in love with King Gristle. The other trolls, who were hiding nearby, couldn't help but feel sorry for her, she was really unhappy.


I've been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door

Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you

There were many mixed emotions, but for Branch? When Bridget fell asleep, all he saw was an opportunity to get Poppy out. Through his eyes, you've seen one Bergen, you've seen them all. Branch used his hair to climb to the table where Poppy was.

Branch: Psst, Poppy.

Poppy's eyes slowly fluttered open, when she saw who was in front of her, she gasped and ran to him holding onto the bars of the cage.

Poppy: Branch! You came for me!

Branch: Shhhh! Let's get you outta here.

Branch began to pick the lock with a pair of scissors, they were bent by the time he finally got it. When he opened the cage door, Poppy immediately threw her arms around him, showing her gratitude towards him.

Poppy: Oh Branchie...! I knew you would come.

Branch just rolled his eyes, even though he hated hugs, he let it sink, making an exception for her. After what felt like a long time of hugging, Poppy got serious.

Poppy: Branch, bad news, I saw...

Poppy suddenly got dizzy again and fell backwards, Branch gasped and quickly caught her, carefully sitting her down. Poppy put her arms over her aching stomach and groaned. Seeing her in this state, Branch reached into his backpack taking out a cupcake.

Branch: Here.

Poppy looked back up and took the cupcake.

Poppy: Thank you...

The princess nibbled the cupcake slowly while Branch rubbed her back trying to comfort her. She clearly hadn't eaten in days.

Poppy: Branch...I have bad news, and it's about Creek. You see, he-

Branch: I know, I saw.

Poppy: Really? So we can-

Branch: Go home, you're right.

Poppy: W-What...? What about Creek?

Branch: Poppy, it's too risky, we'll get eaten if we try to go after him now.

Poppy: But, he probably escaped somehow, and maybe he's-

Branch: Poppy! What makes you think that Creek's alive?

Poppy: I don't think he's alive, I hope he's alive, and that's enough.

Just like that, the two were back at square one.

Branch: How do you always look on the bright side? There is no bright side here. None!

Poppy: There's always a bright side!

Everyone else caught up with the two, immediately surround Poppy with hugs.

Biggie: Poppy, you're okay!

Chenille: We were so worried about you!

Guy Diamond: Sorry, Poppy, Creek's gone.

Poppy: I saw, but we're going to get him back, I promise.

Bridget: Hey, where do you think you're going?!

Unfortunately, Bridget woke up and saw that Poppy had escaped, she started chasing all the trolls around, Guy Diamond blinded her with glitter.

Bridget: Chef's gonna be so mad!

Among the chaos, Poppy spotted curtains behind Bridget's bed, she made her way over, using her hair to climb faster. When she opened the curtains, she gasped at what she saw.

Poppy: Bridget, stop!!!

Bridget immediately went silent, turning her attention to Poppy.

Poppy: You're in love with King Gristle!

Bridget: Uh...I don't know what you're talking about!

Poppy opened up the curtains showing all the cut out pictures of King Gristle, Bridget gasped immediately closing the curtains.

Bridget: Uh, excuse me! That's not mine!

Poppy opened the curtains again, pointing at a specific cutting, presumably showing Bridget and Gristle posing together.

Bridget gave in and sighed.

Bridget: What does it matter? It's not like he even knows I'm alive.

Poppy gave Bridget a smile, one look was all it took for her to see that she wasn't like the other Bergens.

Poppy: Bridget, I can help you.

Bridget: What do you mean?

Poppy: What if there was a way we could both get what we want?

Bridget gasped when she heard that.

Bridget: You love Gristle, too? You'd better back off, girlfriend!

Poppy couldn't help but giggle, that wasn't exactly the direction she was aiming for...she kind of had her eyes on someone else, but still expressed some doubt.

Poppy: No, Bridget, no, it's not that.

The troll princess pulled out a photo of Creek and showed it to Bridget.

Poppy: That Troll King Gristle put in his mouth, that's Creek. And I would do anything to save him...The only problem is...We can't get anywhere near the king without him eating us.

That was true, if King Gristle saw them, he would probably swallow them whole. Poppy shuddered at the thought before looking down at her scar. That brought back a lot of bad memories. She turned her attention back to Bridget explaining her plan to her.

Poppy: But...You can. You can walk right up to him and tell him how you feel.

Bridget: As if, I can't just walk right up to the king. His royal awesomeness would never talk to a scullery maid like me.

Poppy thought for a moment and gasped getting a brilliant idea.

Poppy: What if he didn't know you were a scullery maid? What if he thought you were this total babe?

Bridget: What kind of total babe would be dressed like a scullery maid? I smell like gravy.

Satin: What if we made you a new outfit?

Chenille: I'm thinking...

Both: Jumpsuit!

Bridget: What's the point of a jumping suit if I still have this hair?

Poppy: We can fix that.

Bridget: What's the point of a new outfit and new hair...If I don't even know what a total babe would ever say?

Poppy: We can help with that too!

Bridget: Really? You would do that?

Poppy: What do you say, Bridget? You get us Creek, and we'll get you a date with the king.

Bridget glanced at all the trolls smiling at her, could she really go out on a date? Would the king ever notice her? She didn't really have a lot of options, the trolls were her only chance of being near Gristle.

Bridget: Well...let's do it?

Poppy gasped and smiled before giving all her friends the signal. They all worked together to give Bridget a new makeover, painting her nails, applying makeup...and even singing! Well...most of them

Bridget: WAIT!!! Why isn't this one singing?

Bridget pointed at Branch who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Poppy turned to Branch, her smile immediately fading.

Poppy: Branchie, come on, sing with us...

Branch: No, it's okay. And please stop calling me that.

Poppy: Wait...you don't think this'll work?

Branch: No no, it's not that, I just don't sing.

Poppy: But Branch-

Bridget: No. He's right. This idea is stupid. King Gristle will never love me.

Bridget burst into sobs while the other trolls tried to comfort her, either telling her to calm down or let it all out. Poppy followed Branch as he made his way to a window, she really wanted to know why he was like this.

Poppy: Branch, what are you doing? You have to sing!

Branch: I told you, I don't sing.

Poppy: You have to!

Branch: I'm sorry, I can't!

Poppy: No, you can, you just won't.

Branch: Fine then, I just won't.

Poppy: You have to!

Branch: No!

Poppy: You will!

Branch: Won't!

Poppy: Will to!

Branch: Will not!

Poppy: Yes!

Branch: No!

Poppy: Why NOT?!?! Why won't you sing?!

Branch: BECAUSE SINGING KILLED MY GRANDMA, OKAY?!?!?! Now leave me alone...

Poppy immediately went silent the moment she heard that, she slowly walked over to Branch who clearly went from angry to depressed in an instant.

Cooper: My uncle broke his neck tap dancing once.

Poppy sat down next to Branch wanting to know what he meant by that sudden outburst.

Poppy: B-Branch...how did singing kill your grandma? What song was she singing?

Branch looked up at Poppy, his knees up to his chest and his arms folded right on top of them.

Branch: I was the one singing...

Poppy was shocked to hear that, but her scarred heart was telling her to hear him out.


Little Branch was singing a heartwarming song in the Troll Tree while his grandma was doing laundry.

Little Branch: 🎶And I need you now tonight And I need you more than ever...🎶

Branch (offscreen): That day...I was so lost in song, I didn't hear my grandma trying to warn me...

Branch's grandma turned around and saw Chef slowly approaching her grandson.

Rosiepuff: Branch, watch out!

Little Branch: 🎶And we'll only be making it right...🎶

Rosiepuff: Watch out, Branch!

Little Branch: 🎶'Cause we'll never be wrong...🎶

Branch's grandma shoved him out of the way and he fell to the ground, just in time to see Chef take his only family away.

Little Branch: GRANDMA!!!!

At that moment, the child felt that he lost everything and his color slowly began to drain.

(Flashback ends)

Poppy felt terrible, she could feel the tears prickling from her eyes. She could only imagine what Branch must've been going through. The other trolls were there showing their sympathy and pity, even Bridget was there.

Branch: I haven't sung a note since...

Poppy looked down at the scar on her arm, she knew what it felt like to see a Bergen up close, her two scars were a permanent reminder. But...losing your only family? Poppy couldn't even begin to imagine what that would've felt like. Her only family was the king of the trolls, her father, she didn't want to think about what would've happened if she lost him just like Branch lost his grandmother. It must've been awful.

Poppy: I'm so sorry, Branch, I had no idea...I just assumed you had a terrible voice.

That bit was true, she thought that maybe Branch was shy and didn't want people to think he was an awful singer.

Branch: No, no, it was like an angel's...at least that's what Grandma used to say...

Branch turned away wiping the tears that were pouring from his eyes.

Poppy: Oh Branch...

Poppy smiled slightly and ran to him with open arms. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek before giving him a hug, resting her head on his shoulder. Branch gasped, even blushing a little, he could swear that he felt his heart leap for a second, but still kept a straight face.

Branch: Whoa, whoa, what are you doing? It's not hug time.

Poppy: I just thought you could use one, Branchie...

The other trolls got into the hug, all doing their best to give Branch some comfort. Even Bridget got into the hug.

Branch: Okay, okay! I'll help, but I'm still not singing!

Poppy: Yes you are! Okay, everyone, HAIR WE GO!!!!


You gotta let it show!

I'm coming
I'm coming (alright) out
I'm coming
I'm coming out
I'm coming

Yo, I'm coming out like the sun after rain
Ready to shine no time to to be plain
Feeling good, gonna get, get what I what I want
Gonna show e'r e'rbody how I how I flaunt
Look at me now
My confidence is soaring
Dudes be impressed with the points I'm scoring like ...
(that ain't boring)
And it just don't quit
Watch the King drop his jaw when I'm shaking my hips
I'm sayin'

She's coming out
She's coming
It's time to take a stand
And show the world that I...
(She's) coming out

Poppy gave Bridget a high five from where she was hiding, she was ready!

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