Warmth in the Bitter Cold

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The blizzard was harsh and raging, it had been this way for several days, and it didn't show any sign of stopping. It was too cold to play in the snow, and it was certainly too cold to wander around. A few minutes out in this harsh storm and you would catch a cold in an instant. But...that wasn't the case for Branch, the survivalist troll was bracing the bitter cold wearing just a coat and earmuffs and carrying a lantern in his hand. See, here's the deal, several trolls were reported missing and he was the only volunteer that was rounding them up. Thankfully, he had already found most of them and guided them back into the village, but he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he didn't quite get them all.

Branch: Hello?! Anyone here?! It's me, Branch!

That's when something caught his eye, troll hair in the snow. He quickly ran over leaving soft footprints in the deep snow and began digging through it frantically. What he uncovered almost made his heart stop.

Branch: No no no!!!

He quickly picked up the unconscious troll, it was her, Queen Poppy. The poor troll was nearly blue and she was shivering intensely, her vibrant pink hair contrasting with the snow all around the two of them.

Branch: P-Poppy, it's me, Branch...c-can you hear me?

No response, this was bad. How long had she been in the snow for? From the looks of it, it could've been days, and she didn't look good. Her lips, her fingers, her toes, they were all completely blue, she was ice cold. Branch didn't hesitate to take off his coat and drape it over the unconscious pop queen. He knew it would be hard to get help, he had instructed everyone to stay in their pods until the storm cleared. At this point, he was the only troll that Poppy could rely on.

Branch: Hang in there, Poppy...

Poppy didn't reply, but instead, she nuzzled her head into Branch's chest feeling his warmth, she was freezing, hypothermia hit her big time. Branch wrapped his arms around Poppy trying to give her some warmth as he made his way back to the village.


In his bunker, Branch started tending the fireplace while holding Poppy with one arm, she was still shivering fiercely despite being close to the comforting fire.

Branch: Poppy, shhhhhhhhhhh you're safe now, I promise. I won't let this happen to you again.

Despite being in a warm environment, Poppy was still as cold as ice. Branch placed a pillow near the fire place and gently laid Poppy down creating a makeshift bed just for her. He sat down next to her and placed a fuzzy blanket over her to keep her warm. That seemed to do the trick, Poppy stopped shivering and curled up into a little ball feeling the warmth spread through her body.

Branch: Wait here, Poppy, I'll be right back. Just keep resting.

Branch placed a sweet kiss on Poppy's forehead and left the room so she could find peace. Just two hours later, the pop queen started to regain consciousness, her eyes fluttering open as she felt the warmth of the fire.

Poppy: B-Branch...?

Branch heard Poppy's voice and went to check on her, she was rubbing her eye and trying to sit up.

Branch: Poppy, you're awake!

Poppy heard Branch and turned around just as he wrapped her in a tight embrace, not wanting to let go.

Poppy: Branch...? W-Where am I...? What happened?

Branch: It's okay, Poppy, I found you in a blizzard and brought you here, you're in good hands now.

Poppy: B-Blizzard...?!

Poppy realized how close she was to not making it and hugged Branch tightly, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks.

Branch: Hey, hey, it's okay, shhhhhhhhhhh I've got you now.

Poppy buried her face in Branch's chest soaking his vest with her tears. Branch continued to bring her comfort running his fingers through her hair and just talking to her in his soothing voice.

Branch: Poppy, talk to me...is there anything that you remember?

Poppy: T-The time that pillow chose the both of us...and when I t-tried to teach you hair-jitsu...a-and w-when we tr-traveled through d-different wormholes...

Branch couldn't help but chuckle.

Branch: No, I meant is there anything that you remember as to how you got stuck in that snowstorm?

Poppy: Oh...I don't know, Branch...it's k-kind of a blur...I just remember going out to f-find the missing trolls and...my mind is just fuzzy after that...

Branch realized what must've happened, Poppy got lost while trying to look after her people. She really did have a gold heart, but she underestimated the harshness of the snowstorm, and that got her into a terrible situation.

Poppy: I'm so sorry, Branch, I really wanted to help, but I didn't realize the storm would get this bad...I just remember getting lost and...and...

Branch: Hey, hey, hey, no one's to blame, Poppy, not even you. I know you had good intentions, just...be more careful next time you plan on going out.

Poppy glanced up at Branch as he gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek, tears were still streaming down her face.

Branch: Here, drink this, you look cold.

Branch handed Poppy a mug of hot chocolate, Poppy hesitantly took it in her hands and took a few small sips.

Poppy: Thanks, Branch...I don't know what would've happened if it hadn't been for you.

Branch: I wouldn't worry about it, Poppy, it's too scary to think about. Just...rest up, okay?

Poppy nodded and rested her head on Branch's chest, her eyes began to droop as she started to drift off. Branch wrapped his arms around her sitting her on his lap and carefully draping her blanket over her shoulders. He gently kissed the top of her head as she fell into a peaceful sleep. The worried troll kept a close eye on the pop queen, making sure she was safe, warm, and at complete peace throughout the harsh night.

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