Why Is He This Way?

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Something I think could've happened in the first movie

Poppy lied awake in her sleeping bag wondering if her friends were still okay. Had the Bergens already got to them? Or were they still in Chef's fanny pack? What if they were being served to the Bergens this very moment? Those thoughts clouded her mind and she started to mentally have a panic attack. She looked up at the night sky, and somehow, just looking up at the moon and stars put her at ease. Maybe she was overreacting, they were probably fine...hopefully.

Poppy: 🎶Stars shining bright above you...🎶

Branch sat up in his sleeping bag glaring at Poppy as soon as she started singing.

Branch: Really?! Seriously?! More singing?!

Poppy: Yes, seriously! Singing helps me relax! Maybe you ought to try it!

Branch: I don't sing, and I don't relax! This is the way I am, and I like it! I also like a little silence!

Poppy felt a little hurt when Branch snapped at her like that, but she brushed it off. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why he was like this? What happened to make him so...angry? So closed up...hiding away from the world, that wasn't him, and she knew that.

Poppy: Branch?

Branch: Goodnight, Poppy!

Poppy: Okay, okay...

However, Poppy felt that she had to show some music to Branch, why kind of Troll didn't like music? It was something special that no one could take away, no matter how hard they tried. She looked over at Branch again and took her ukulele out of her hair, strumming it softly. That woke Branch up and he sat up turning to Poppy.


Hello, darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

Poppy stopped playing and smiled at Branch, he was annoyed the whole time he was singing. However, his face softened and Poppy saw a hint of a smile. Maybe he did love music!

Branch: May I?

Poppy's face flushed a little and she handed Branch her ukulele with a soft smile. However, Branch suddenly threw it into the campfire and immediately went back to sleep. Poppy stared blankly at the fire for a few seconds before turning back to Branch. She couldn't believe he just did that.

Poppy: What is wrong with you...?

As she was about to head to bed, something suddenly caught her eye, Branch had something in his pocket. What was it? Curiosity got the better of her and she knelt down carefully reaching into his pocket. To her surprise, she saw the invitation she had given him yesterday, which she thought he had destroyed.

Poppy: I thought he said he didn't want to come...

A thought suddenly crossed her mind, if he had kept this invitation, does that mean he kept all the other ones she gave him? Maybe he wasn't as closed up as she originally thought. But still, that didn't really answer her question. She picked up her sleeping back and placed it down next to him, sitting down next to him. She watched him sleep for a few moments before speaking up again.

Poppy: Y'know, Branch...I'm not just about the cupcakes and rainbows. You think this was easy for me? The whole village leaving the Troll Tree just for me? Growing up without knowing who my mom is? Having my father on top of me all the time? I know you may think I'm a carefree Troll without a care in the world, but in a way...I'm just like you. I just feel...trapped, y'know? I've never left home before...and while I'm well aware how dangerous, this'll be, it feels like fresh air for me. Don't get me wrong, I love home, and I love my people, but...I guess in a way...the village is my...bunker. Not in a sense that I don't want to leave it, but in a sense that I...can't.

Branch didn't budge, he was fast asleep. Poppy started running her fingers through his hair while she spoke.

Poppy: We have a lot more in common than you think, but I want you to be more open. This isn't who you are, and I know it. You're hiding something...you're gray because you're hurting. You can open up to me about anything and I won't judge you, promise. All I want is to be there for you, and for you to be a bit more extroverted. That's all I ask of you, Branch, just to see the real you...

She looked down at the invitation thinking about everything she just said...maybe he already had shown her. The real Branch was deep inside him and she knew it. All she wanted to know was what was burying it. Was was keeping him so isolated?

Poppy: Look...it's getting late, and our friends need us. And yes, Branch, they're your friends too, and I know you know it. You don't want to be alone, you need us more than you let on.

With that, she carefully placed the invitation back in his pocket without waking him. Branch turned to his side but didn't wake up, much to Poppy's relief.

Poppy: Goodnight, Branch...

Poppy cupped Branch's cheek and kissed him on the forehead before getting into her sleeping bag and going to sleep hoping tomorrow would be a brighter day and they're friends would be saved. Still, one thing crossed her mind all night.

Why was Branch like this?

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