BroZone Group Chat

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Inside his bedroom, Branch lied in bed and sighed to himself, grabbing his laptop to prepare to have a video call with his older brothers, which it had been a week since he last talked to them.


Branch: (Invites them to the Video Call)

[Floyd joins the Video Call]

Floyd: Hey, Bitty B. How are you?

Branch: Hey, I'm fine. It's been a while. How are you?

Floyd: (Squirms in chair) Yes, it has been a good minute, and I'm doing good. (Smiles)

Branch: Oh, good. Umm...I want to ask you if you want to go camping with me and Poppy?

[John Dory (aka JD) joins the Video Call]

JD: Hey, guys. We hadn't SEEN each other since the last week when we-

Branch: Oh, don't remind me, John Dory.

Floyd: Mmmm...brb. I've got to go to the bathroom. (Leaves)

JD: Okay....

Branch: ANYWHO...want to go camping?

JD: Oooo, nice! Where to?

Branch: Bubbly Falls.

[Clay joins the Video Call]

Clay: (Talks in a deep voice) Have we come back from the DEAD!?! 😱💀😱

Branch: 😒

Clay: (Laughs loudly) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

JD: Bro, what is up with your room? What a mess!!

Clay: (Stops laughing) What? Can you see that? Wow!

JD: ANYWAYS...we're going camping to Bubbly Falls. Wanna come? And wait, when is it, Bitty B?

Clay: Wait, camping to Bubbly Falls? I want to go!

The sound of the toilet flushing echoed in the background. Clay snickered, looking as if he might burst out laughing again. Branch shook his head, trying to focus on answering JD's question.

Branch: Tomorrow.

Clay: Tomorrow? Oh, man!! I've got a running marathon to be at tomorrow. 😩 And do I hear someone flushing? Who's on the toilet?

Branch: Oh. Floyd.

Floyd: I'm back. Oh, shoot, I forgot to mute my microphone. Did you guys hear anything?

Clay: You flushing, lol.

JD: (Snickers)

Floyd: (Face-palms) Oh, gosh. (Clears throat) So, to answer your question before, Bitty B, I'll love to go camping. To where though?

JD: Bubbly Falls.

Floyd: Ooo, I have heard of Bubbly Falls, but never been there.

[Spruce joins the Video Call]

Spruce: Hey guys, just got back from the shower. What are we talking about?

JD: WOW, SPRUCE!!! About TIME you show up!! 🤯🤯

Clay: Hey, took you a "hot" minute. Hehe! Hey, what happened to your hair?? (Suddenly laughs)

Spruce: What? It's a bit bigger than usual because I just used the blow dryer.

Clay: (Laughs loudly again) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Floyd: (Smirks)

Spruce: Alright, alright, enough about my hair! What are we talking about?

Branch: Camping trip to Bubbly Falls. Wanna come?

Clay: I'm free on Friday. What about Friday? 😁

Floyd: Umm...Friday sounds good. I really want to spend time with you guys again.

JD: I'm in!

Branch: Actually, Friday sounds good.

Spruce: I'm NOT going camping.

JD: 😲😲😲

Clay: You scared?

Spruce: No. I'm just too pretty for the wilderness.

Floyd: TOO PRETTY!?!

ClaytheStar: (Laughs again) 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Branch: Oh, please come. Poppy would be disappointed if you don't come.

Floyd: Please! Don't do it just for Poppy, do it for the BroZone brothers.

Clay and JD: YEAH!

Spruce: (Sighs) Okay, okay! I'll go for all of us.

Branch: Okay. Let's take tomorrow to prep for the camping trip on Friday. We'll meet up at the Troll park, and leave at 1 pm.

Floyd: Okay, sounds good. (Yawns) Well, I'm heading off to bed now. Night-night! 😴

[Floyd leaves the Video Call]

Spruce: Sounds like a plan. Oh, me too. Need my beauty sleep. Goodnight!

[Spruce leaves the Video Call]

Clay: K. Sleep tight, guys! 😴😴😴

[Clay leaves the Video Call]

JD: Got it! 👍 Night, Bitty B.

Branch: Goodnight.

[Branch leaves the Video Call]


Branch turned off his laptop, got inside his covers, and reached for the light switch, but stopped. A photograph of him and his brothers sat on his nightstand. He picked it up.

Branch: (Smiles) Well, this trip is going to be fun.


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