Chapter Twenty-Five (Final Chapter)

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After a dramatic day in Troll Forest, the Trolls were having some fun at Bubbly Falls. Clay and Viva were in the hot springs of Bubbly Falls, chilling and talking to one another, Spruce was chilling on his floatie that he brought with him, John Dory used his hair to swing off from a branch and went into the water, swimming. Floyd was on the edge of the water, kicking his feet in the water.

Branch and Poppy were chilling near a beautiful view of the sunset as the bubbles floated in the air. The lovely couple staring at each other in the eye, before long they shared a beautiful kiss.

Branch: You do beautiful kisses, Popifur. 🥰 

Poppy: Aww, thanks, Branchie! 🥰

Branch and Poppy: *kisses* 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚

Branch: *stops kissing* So....what do you think about marriage?

Poppy: 😳😳😳

Branch: 😳😳😳 What? That thought just came to me. Just something random.

Poppy: Oh, you. Umm....marriage.....I don't know?

Branch: Me either.....umm...let's just focus on the present, huh?

Branch and Poppy: *kisses* 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚



Poppy and Viva were performing for the boys, which the sisters had been practicing for quite some time, before the camping trip. Branch, Floyd, Clay, John Dory, and Spruce admired how the girls danced and sang in unison.

(Go to 0:30 of the video)

🎶 'Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it 🎶

🎶 If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it 🎶

🎶 Don't be mad once you see that he want it 🎶

🎶 'Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it 🎶

🎶 Oh, oh, oh 🎶

🎶 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 🎶

🎶 Oh, oh, oh 🎶

🎶 Oh, oh, oh 🎶

🎶 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 🎶

🎶 Oh, oh, oh 🎶

What Branch enjoyed about this part of this was when Floyd came over to the girls and joined them with the dancing, following every move they were doing. Branch and the rest of his brothers laughed and smiled at them. Spruce eventually joined them too, and soon enough everyone was dancing.

Evening came as Branch and Floyd were making dinner together while everyone else was chilling. Clay and Viva had pitched the tent, which surprisingly they did a good job on. It became a lot better than yesterday in Branch's opinion.

Viva: So, what happened next, Broccoli Babe?

Clay: *holds her hand* It was a lot going on....chased by Spike.....a cave collapse....a growl beast attack....

Viva: *gasps and hugs Clay* Oh noo...... 😱😱😱😱😱

Spruce: Okay, that last part didn't happen.

Viva: *gets bother and nudges him* Why did you do that for? 😠😠😠

Clay: I was playing. Sorry babe. *hugs her* 😅😅

Viva: You owe me, Broccoli Babe. 😏

Clay: *rubs neck* I sure do, babe....heh heh. 

Branch: Dinner is served.

Poppy: Mmmm....more carrot dogs??

Branch: *shakes head* Nope. This time, we are having fajitas.

Clay: Ooo, Mexican food.

Viva: What is a fajita?

Spruce: I know right? I never had that it good?

Floyd: It's a fajita burrito. It has cooked mixed peppers, onions, black beans, and mushrooms and it's wrapped in a....

Branch and Floyd: *in unison* in a tortilla to make it a burrito.

The two of them looked at each other and chuckled at one another. For sure, they nailed that part.

JD: I love burritos, so I know that it's going to be good.

Poppy: Aww, Branch, I LOVE fajitas.

Viva: *takes a bite* Mmmmm....*talks with mouth full* This burrito is delicious.

Poppy: You cook amazing food, Branchie. RrRrrrRrRrrrRrr....

Branch: 😲😲😲

Spruce: I know right? It's got the kick of heat, which I really like. I feel like I want to eat 3 more burritos.

JD: Oh no, we're going to have a rough night tonight. 😨

Spruce: *his mouth stuffed with food* Hmmm? 😶

JD: Remind me not to sleep near you, bro.

Clay: Yeah. We should've got another tent.

Viva: Why?

Spruce: *swallows food* I know right, Viva? What are you two saying? I have no idea what............*thinks* Ooh, I see what you mean. I have no problems with beans.

Branch: It's okay, Spruce, it's totally normal. 😅

Spruce: Normal? Normal!?! Ha! Not in my dictionary.

Clay: Sassy Spruce Bruce is back.

Spruce: Beans are totally my friend. *snaps three times*

JD: What?

Clay: Oh suuuuuuure.

Floyd: *laughs a little*

Spruce: The one who needs a tent is you and Viva.

Clay and Viva: 😳😳😳😳😳

Fifteen minutes later, they had another type of dessert: S'more cake! Poppy gave them each two slices of it. To Branch, his girlfriend made the best cake ever. Spruce asked for another slice of cake, which they all laughed at due to eating all the cake already. What else made it funny was that Spruce pouted for a bit before Poppy offered him some actual S'mores. It satisfy him.


After dinner, they went out towards an opening, spread a huge blanket and they laid down, staring at the stars in the sky. Pretty much stargazing, which became one of Branch's favorite moments of the trip. They were all amazed at every moment of the stars.

Poppy: Stargazing with you guys is so much fun. It reminds me of Stargazing Club.

Viva: I never done this before, so this is a lot of fun.

Branch: Totally.

Floyd: Mhm.

Clay: I agree with you, babe, plus I have never done this before.

Poppy: Really?

Branch: Ooh, look, I can see A Troll eating berries.

JD: What where? Oh. I see it.

Spruce: Where's the constellation of Leo? I still can't find it.

Clay: I already found it. I'm still trying to look for the Gemini constellation.

Spruce: I found that one already.

Floyd: I found both of them, plus there's the puffalo constellation.

Clay: Huh? There's no such thing.

Floyd: Yes, it is.Just look from there.....move your finger to the left and....

Viva: *squeals* I SEE IT!!!

Clay: Oh. There it is.

Branch: Wow!

Spruce: Mhm, it sure is.

Poppy: Whoa, I didn't know that even existed.

JD: How did you know, Floyd?

Floyd: Grandma told me once and she showed me too.

Branch: Really?

Floyd: *nods* Mm-hmm. Beautiful, huh?

Branch: *nods* Totally.

Spruce: *gasps loudly* Oh my gosh, I've got to call my family tonight....they'll be worried if I didn't call...but don't worry, I'll call them before I go to bed.

Silence came back to them as they stared at the stars, except for Viva and Poppy who talked a minute away about the stars and about their father most of the time.

Viva: So, boys, what do you think about this camping trip? 

Poppy: I enjoyed it a whole lot.

Branch: I enjoyed it too. Better than the pizza incident.

Clay: What pizza incident?

Branch: You don't remember?

JD: *Shrugs*

Clay: I can't remember.

Floyd: Yeah, I don't recall on something happening at that time period.

Spruce: Shoot. It was chaotic, but that's all I remember.

Branch: *thinks* You know what? I don't remember what happened either. Probably not even that important.

The brothers laughed together, smiling at one another, continuing to eat another more smores.

JD: *thinks* Well....this trip has been chaotic....but fun too.

Spruce: *nods* Definitely.

Floyd: I enjoyed everything about this trip, even the times that were tough.

Clay: I have to admit it, it was FANTAS-AMAZING!!!

Viva: Hey, that's my line, babe!

Clay: Well, am I dating you? We should share the saying together *whispers* though it's fully yours, so I'm not going to take that line from you. I'm giving you full credit on it.

Viva: Aww, you! Ooh, ooh! Have you guys got a favorite and least favorite moment of this camping trip?

Clay: *raises hand* Ooh, ooh! My favorite part of this trip was when we survived Spike and swung across the tree branches.

Spruce: Oh, yeah, that was fun. And I saved JD.

JD: *Smiles* You sure did, bro.

Branch: Yes, indeed.

Clay: Least favorite part was when I lost my speedo in the water when Floyd pulled it out from the water.

Viva: WHAT!?! REALLY!?! 😳😳😳

Poppy: 😳😳😳

Clay: *blushes* Don't mention about it, babe. 😳😳😳😳

Spruce: Yeah like right.

JD: *Laughs* That's my favorite moment of the camping trip. My least favorite part? It was when we ate the poisonous berries.

Viva: *gasps loudly* YOU ALL DID!?!

Clay: Yeah, I was throwing up!

Viva: Eww. 🤢

Clay: JD had terrible gas.

JD: Whoa now, Clay.

Viva: *giggles*

Clay: And Branch had....

Branch: *interrupts* Okay, Clay, that's enough. But Clay does a point of being the worst part of the trip. Now that's my least favorite part of this trip.

Poppy: *nods* I've got to admit it that it was the worst part of the trip, plus it was my fault, but we got it through together. 

Floyd: Yeah. But....I think my least favorite part was when I was totally...*whispers* I hope that I'm not being too personal here but, I've been constipated for 26 hours. 

Viva: DANG!!

Floyd: *blushes* Yeah, but everyone encouraged me, especially Branch, which who I have to thank again.

Branch: *smiles* You're welcome.

Floyd: And Poppy for her lovely song, which I'm thinking of finish writing.

Poppy: Aww, really?

Floyd: Yeah, and who will be perfect for our next concert.

Viva: *squeals* YEAH, YOU SHOULD!!! I WANNA HEAR IT!!

Clay: Ummm..........

JD: NOOOOOOO!!! We just got back together and you want us sing that? Absolutely not. That would RUIN our career.

Branch: ..............

Spruce: Look, Floyd, I too thought the song was adorable, which Poppy, by the way you did amazing on it. I can see this song would be great for my kids, but I just can't see us singing that song in at our concert. Sorry. And sorry to you Poppy.

Poppy: No need to apologize. I totally understand.

Floyd: Don't worry. I'm still going to revise that song and who guys might change your mind on singing it for the concert.....but for now, I'm going to sing it for myself. 

JD: Phew!

Floyd: Anyways, my favorite part was when we went swimming at the lake.

Poppy: I enjoy singing songs with you guys.

Branch: Yeah, and also what my favorite part about this trip was being with you guys. I love you all so much!

Everyone: Awwwwwwwww, we love you too, Branch!!!!


They all joined together as John Dory set up the camera and came close to everyone. They all smiled at the camera and took several pictures.

Floyd: Group hug!!!

They hugged one another, staring at the beautiful starry sky. Branch had to admit it. The camping trip that they were on was totally crazy, but at the same time though he had such a great time, being with his girlfriend and his brothers. 

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