Chapter Twenty-Three

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After spending thirty minutes in the lake, Branch, his brothers, and Poppy took the time to dry themselves off, change into some new clothes, and prepared to start walking again. They spent most of their time at the lake as they did continued to walk some more until they (surprisingly) made it to the red boulder. It took Branch a minute to figure out how in the world the red boulder was there, but he didn't care about it anymore. What mattered to him was that they made it to the lake.

Although it had been an hour of walking, Branch had a distinct feeling that something wasn't right. He felt as if they were being followed. Of course, his brothers and girlfriend were there and he could hear them talking and walking with him, but he kept feeling that distinct feeling once more. What made him want to look around was that his ear twitched and moved to the right. He turned around.......

A mini green spider hopped from one tree branch to another. Branch sighed in relief.

Branch: Phew, it was just a green spider. 😅

JD came towards him and smacked him on the back which Branch wore his backpack, which made it feel twice as hard as ever. Branch said nothing.

JD: You've been quiet lately.

Branch: (Nods) I'm listening.....

Clay: For what??

Spruce stopped at his tracks. His ears moved a bit and he quicker up the pace. He came over to Branch with a concerned look on his face. What could be possibly wrong at this moment?

Spruce: Is it just me or do you feel like we are being followed or something?

Branch: You feel that way too?

Spruce: (Nods)

Floyd: Same here.

Poppy, who had been surprisingly quiet, stopped at her tracks and pointed her finger towards her. Everyone stopped. Branch didn't want to find out what could possibly make Poppy stop moving. He faced towards her direction. In front of them, was a different kind of forest.

Branch: Oh. It's just Fearsome Forest.

Spruce: F-F-Fearsome Forest.

JD: Are we really going to go through there? 

Branch: We have to.

Clay: Oof. 


Spruce turned around and stood still for a bit. He said nothing for a bit, which made Branch concerned, turning around.......

Spruce: Erp.... 😬

Branch: Is that.....

Poppy: Spike.

Clay: Oh come on, not again. Is he getting tired of chasing us? 😤

JD: Thanks a lot, Clay. I wonder how he got here so soon?

Clay: I don't know!!! 

But Spike wasn't alone. This time, he was with two of the same species as him. It didn't take them long for them to start running through Fearsome Forest, which was a bit dark. No, it was dark, so Poppy and Branch used their hair to light up the way, until they were able to see a bit more light.

Spruce: And we are running again.😩

Poppy: I don't think zig-zagging would work this time, especially when it's dark out.

Clay: Oh, great!

JD: Well, it's not as dark as when we entered this forest.

Branch: True, but we must be careful!!

One of Spike's friends hopped over and screeched in front of them. They screamed and ran off to the left side. Another of Spike's friends hopped over and screeched in front of them. Soon, they were going all over the place. When it was visible enough for them to see, they did the zig-zag method.

Spruce: Well, it's working.....kind of.

Clay: No. They are catching up.

JD: Change methods. Let's separate and meet back in the middle.

They went separate ways, which Branch turned around and found out that Spike and his friends stopped and looked at each other for a bit. They looked as if they couldn't figure out which direction they should take.

Branch: (Grins) Ha! 😆

He kept running. When he met up in the middle, he found JD, Floyd, Clay, and Poppy. Spruce hadn't shown up yet. A sudden deep scream came from the right side. A familiar sound they all knew. Spruce ran along with the others while trying to catch his breath.

Spruce: Phew! I made it.

Poppy: Oh, yay!

JD: Thank goodness!

Branch: Okay, guys, all we got to do is go around the.....

Floyd: DEAD END!!!! 😱😱😱

They stopped for a moment and Floyd was right. It was a dead end. A wall. The three spiders found them and ran towards them. They all tried to climb up this rock wall, but couldn't. Spruce even tried to use his hair to help them get up to the top, but his hair wasn't long enough.

Clay: And I thought you were Rapunz-Troll. 😒

Spruce: Now you know that my hair can't do everything. 😒

The spiders came closer. Spike screeched at them, getting closer. There was nothing that they could do....they had tried to run away from them, but it was no use.

Clay: I'm so sorry, bros. I shouldn't said that before about Spike....

JD: It's okay, bro (Hugs Clay)

Floyd: I don't want to die! (Hugs JD and Clay)

Spruce: Same! (Hugs, Clay, JD, and Floyd)

Poppy: For the first time, I don't think we could ever make it through this, Branch!!!

Branch faced Poppy and held her chin up. He blinked at her. He didn't want his girlfriend to be sad or negative. He cuddled with her. She cuddled him back. Branch made the first move as he kissed Poppy in the lips. The two of them shared a kiss together for quite some moment. Branch's brothers watched them with their eyes widened.

After sharing their kiss, Branch closed his eyes and hugged Poppy as tight as he could. His older brothers hugged them as they all did a group hug, thinking it might be their last hug ever. 

Floyd: I love you guys!!

JD: Me too!

Clay: SAME!!

Spruce: So do I!

Branch: Me too!

Poppy: I love you all!!

They closed their eyes as the sound of the spiders' screeches and screams came close to them.

Branch: We will make it.....I'll figure out some....


Branch opened his eyes, facing left. A large figure was coming close. Could this be a dream? He closed his eyes and opened them. The large figure came closer.


Branch and Poppy faced to the left direction. One by one, JD, Clay, Floyd and Spruce faced the same direction. Spike and his friends did too. It was a vehicle and it was coming up fast. JD smiled.

Spruce: Is that......


Driving Rhonda, Viva was in the front seat, driving with a determined expression on her face. She waved at them.

Poppy: SIS!!! 😄

Clay: BABE!!! 😍


JD: Go, get them, Rhonda!!

Rhonda nodded and aimed towards Spike and his friends. She knocked over Spike and his friends hard as they fell on the ground, looking unconscious.


Viva: Come on in, quick!

Branch: Thanks, Viva! Let's go, guys!

They all got inside Rhonda (except for JD who kept hugging Rhonda until Spruce pulled him inside). Branch got into the front seat as Viva got out of it. JD came next to Branch.

JD: Step on it!

Branch nodded and put his foot on the pedal as they sped past Spike and his friends.

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