⋆⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Chapter Two: Spruce's Great Idea⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⋆

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~At the Ice Cream Parlor~

After posing for cameras and signing autographs, the BroZone brothers were eating ice cream to celebrate another success of their BroZone concert.

John Dory ate one spoonful of cookie dough ice cream. "We still got it!"

"Yo we were amazing, including you, ice cream," Clay licked two of his mint chocolate chip ice cream one at a time. "Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm! This is so good!"

"Cherry ice cream, my favorite," Floyd said.

Spruce nodded, licking his coconut ice cream with chocolate syrup on it. "Yeah! What a great idea to go out for ice cream to celebrate, Branch."

Branch smiled at each of his brothers. "Well, we deserve it. Great job, bros. Mmmmm.....chocolate."

Branch ate more spoonfuls of his chocolate ice cream. Spruce finished up his ice cream cone and went along with his huge bowl of coconut ice cream. His brothers had questioned him about why he planned to eat that much ice cream. He answered them that he's a huge fan of ice cream.

Spruce continued to eat spoonfuls of coconut ice cream. "Mhm, this is soooo GOOD!!!"

John Dory smiled. "Did you guys see the looks on our fans' faces when they seen the twist?"

"Yeah, they LOVED it," Clay said.

"YEAH!" The BroZone brothers said in agreement.

Floyd licked his cherry ice cream. "Our fans still love us. And our new latest songs."

Spruce hugged Floyd from one side. "Well, we couldn't have done it without our best songwriter."

Floyd blushed, brushing his left bang. "Aww, thanks!"

The five brothers continued to eat their ice cream in silence. Spruce smiled at each of his brothers. Clay and Floyd had ice cream all over their mouths, Branch was almost done with his ice cream, and John Dory was already asking for another scoop of cookie dough from the waitress, batting his eyes at her. Two voices called out to them in unison.

"Hey boys...."

Spruce and his brothers turned to see Poppy and Viva who came towards them.

The BroZone brothers waved and talked at once. "Hey, girls."

Viva ran and sprang towards Spruce, hugging him tight as ever, though he didn't mind it at all as he let out a giggle. He didn't mind getting another hug from her. Afterwards, she ran towards each of Spruce's brothers, hugging them and when she came to Clay, she hugged and noogied his head. Poppy hugged them all again. When she came to Branch, she hugged him and they kissed once again.

Spruce gave eyebrow signals to the rest of his brothers as they faced Branch and Poppy who continued to make out in front of them. They all smiled in a lovely way, including Viva who squealed at them.

"Ooooooooooooooooooo......" Spruce, John Dory, Floyd, and Clay said in unison.

Viva nudged Clay. "That will be us one day."

Clay said nothing, blushing. John Dory and Spruce oohed at Clay who turned away from his brothers, telling them to quit messing with him.

Poppy squealed. "You were amazing, Branchifur, especially at one part when you wore the diaper."

Branch blushed and hesitated for quite a bit.

"Oh, I remember that part of our BroZone concert tonight," Spruce said. "But you should've wore it when we sang "Perfect" and "Better Place", Bitty B."

"Yeah," John Dory agreed, nudging at Branch, who shook his head quickly.

"I'm so glad that I changed into these clothes instead," Branch said.

Poppy cooed. "Aw, it would've been cute on you when you're not on stage, Branchie!"

"Awwwwww......" Floyd said, licking his ice cream.

"Cute!?!" Branch smiled in an awkward way.

John Dory ate another scoop of ice cream. "Yeah. And I think deep inside, you like wearing it."

Everyone oohed at Branch who blushed as hard as ever. He shook his head quickly. Spruce figured that his youngest brother liked wearing it too.

Branch made his usual grumpy face. "No, I don't."

John Dory grinned at him. "Oh, yes, you do. Look at us in the eyes and tell us then."

Branch stared at John Dory and spoke in a serious voice. "NO. I. D-D-DON'T."

"Mhm....I still think you do," Poppy beeped him on the nose.

"Anyways, girls, would you like some ice cream?" Spruce asked.

Poppy smiled. "Oh, so charming of you, Spruce. That would be wonderful, thanks!"

Viva jumped. "YES!!! CHERRY ICE CREAM!!!"

Floyd's eyes twinkled. "TWINSIES!!"

"YES!! WE ARE SOOO GOING TO BE TWINSIES!! And can I also have Mint ice cream so ME AND CLAY be TWINSIES, too!?!" Viva nudged Clay who smiled in an awkward way at her. Spruce smiled at them, calling out for the waitress before long, John Dory batted at the waitress, ordering the ice cream for Viva and Poppy.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Five minutes passed as Spruce, his brothers, Poppy and Viva talked about their favorite parts of the BroZone concert and they finished their ice cream.

Viva finished her mint and cherry ice cream. "Oh, look at the time. We must go now."

Spruce nodded. "Oh, us too. It's getting late."

Branch nodded too. "Yeah, I can't wait to get back to my bunker."

Floyd ate his ice cream cone. "Yeah, I need all the sleep I can get."

"Same," John Dory said. "Especially when I have to drive you bros home."

Clay pouted. "Aww, so soon, babe?"

Viva squeezed Clay's left cheek. "Aww, you miss me, Broccoli Babe?"

Spruce faced Clay. "Broccoli Babe?"

John Dory and Branch snickered. Clay couldn't help but blush again. He told them to quit messing with him again as he smiled at Viva and gave her a huge hug, squeezing her, saying goodnight.

Poppy and Viva hugged each of the BroZone brothers, including Spruce who smiled at them. Poppy kissed Branch and he kissed her. Viva hugged and squeezed Clay again.

They all left the ice cream parlor. Poppy and Viva went in one direction while Spruce and his brothers got inside John Dory's vehicle Rhonda. After a five minute drive, complete silence continued, which was odd to Spruce because he expected another conversation to start between all of them, but it didn't.

Floyd finally broke the silence. "I can't wait until our next concert."

"Me too," Spruce said.

"Because I'm not looking forward to the weekend," Floyd slumped his shoulders.

"Why not?" Spruce asked.

"It's a bit lonely. Got nothing to do," Floyd said.

Out of the blue, John Dory started to sing.

🎶 Alone again, naturally.... 🎶

Spruce hugged Floyd. "Awww....if you need to talk, I'm just a call away."

"Same," Clay said, hugging Floyd.

"Me too," Branch said, hugging him too. "Or you can just visit me."

John Dory gestured his hand to make it as a phone. "Call me."

Floyd let out a small smile. "Thanks guys. Speaking of the weekend, are you guys doing anything this weekend?"

There was a bit of silence throughout the drive once again. Spruce hadn't really thought about what he would do on the weekend. He let out a long heavy sigh.

John Dory gripped the wheel and shrugged. "I've got nothing to do this weekend, except maybe play goldfish with Rhonda, but overall....no."

Spruce sighed. "Me neither. I was going to go to the beach, but I did that last weekend.

"Don't you do that everyday?" John Dory pointed out.

Spruce thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, you're right."

Clay slumped in his seat. "Viva and I were going to go on our date tomorrow, but she's going to spend time with her sister Poppy this weekend. Are they having a sleepover or something?"

Branch nodded. "Yup."

Clay sighed. "I'm going to be all alone this weekend."

🎶 Alone again, naturally.... 🎶

"Really, JD?" Clay asked.

John Dory chuckled, continuing to drive.

Branch faced the window. "Same here. I'll be alone too. Ever since me and Poppy been dating for a month, I don't mind not being along. It's odd to say this, but I don't like that feeling of being alone."

🎶 Alone again, naturally.... 🎶

"JD!!!" Branch and Clay shouted at John Dory, who couldn't help but to laugh. He laughed for the past two minutes, wheezing a bit before he could catch his breath, clearing his throat too.

"How about we hangout this weekend?" Floyd suggested.

"I won't mind hanging out with you guys this weekend," Branch said.

Spruce's face lightened up. "Oooo, we should definitely plan something this weekend."

"Let's do it," John Dory agreed.

Clay jumped for joy. "Yes! But what though?" Clay asked.

John Dory gasped. "I know. Let's go see a movie. A scary one."

Clay shook his head. "No, we should go to the arcades."

Spruce spoke in a singsong voice. "HoW aBoUt KaRaOkE nIgHt?"

"But isn't that the same as we did for our concert?" Clay asked.

"Yeah," John Dory agreed.

Spruce frowned at them. What are they talking about? It's not that similar. Plus, I LOVE Karaoke!! "Well, then. How about we go to a dance party?"

Branch shouted. "Let's have Board Game Night!"

They all talk at once, arguing about what they should do, giving out reasons why they should do that particular activity. Floyd stood there in silence.

Floyd groaned. "All of them sound fun to do. Maybe there's a way we could do all of these fun activities."

While John Dory, Clay, and Branch kept talking at once, Spruce stopped. Wait. Could Floyd have a point there? Maybe, just maybe, there was a way that they could do all of these things at once. A sudden idea clicked into Spruce's head, making him smile.

Spruce jumped out of his seat and shouted. "HEY!!! BROS!!! I'VE GOT A GREAT IDEA!!"

This immediately caught John Dory, Clay, and Branch's attention as they stopped arguing, making John Dory stop the vehicle near Branch's bunker, walking towards his brothers. Floyd blinked at Spruce.

Spruce smiled at each of his brothers. "Years ago, I promised you guys that we will do a BroZone Sleepover, Adult version one day, so why not do it?"

Clay blinked at Spruce. "We hadn't done those in AGES!!!"

"BroZone Sleepover?" Branch asked.

John Dory leaned towards Branch. "You were a baby when we did those, so I'll show you some photos later."

Floyd started to tear up. "Aw, you remembered! I thought you had forgotten about your promise."

"Never," Spruce replied. "If we want to spend time with each other and do all those things you guys wanted to do, how about I host the BroZone Sleepover tomorrow since it's Friday?"

"But Friday isn't a weekend," Branch corrected.

"On Vacay Island, Friday is considered as a weekend, so yes, it's something we can do this weekend!" Spruce said. "What do you say, bros?"

After taking a few moments of thinking, the brothers nodded in agreement. Floyd hugged Spruce, thanking him.

Spruce hugged his 2nd youngest brother back. "Alright! So, what time should we start?"

"How about 4 pm?" John Dory suggested.

They nodded in agreement and moved on with trying to figure out where to have this sleepover.

Spruce laughed in excitement. "How about....I'll find us a hotel for us to stay for just one night? With a pool, sauna, and we'll be ten minutes by the beach."

Floyd's eyes twinkled. "You mean....we could visit?"

Clay jumped for joy again. "Oh cool!"

John Dory pretended to surf. "Vacay Island's a nice place."

Branch nodded. "Mm....actually, that sounds like a good idea."

"Alright. So, you guys should take the time to prepare and pack while I'll find us a hotel and book it early tonight and I might as well pack too." Spruce lets out his hand. "Bro-Time?"

JD put his hand on top of Spruce's hand, followed by Clay, Branch, and Floyd too. The brothers smiled at one another.

The BroZone Brothers lifted their hands in the air. "BRO-TIME!!!"

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