Holiday Disaster

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You're lookin' for a holiday

And there's a million things to celebrate

While Branch was putting on his costume, Flower crawled out of his hair and into his arms.

"I wanna pway, too," she babbled.

"I know, but this is too big for a little girl like you," Branch argued. "But it's not so bad. You'll have lots more fun later. Now, get back in Daddy's hair where it's safe."

Not only was a Troll's hair his best defense, but it provided protection for whatever was tucked inside. Of course, Branch would only use this method for his daughter's safety. So, he tucked her inside his purple hair and put on his costume.

Your life is bland right now, but that's okay

Prepare your minds to get blown away...







Poppy, break it down!

The first holiday we're presentin' to ya

A sparkly, shiny day called Glitterpalooza!

Homie, Guy Diamond, take the mic

And give the Bergens something they gon like!

Turns out, having glitter shot in your eyes isn't as fun as it sounds. Or at least not to King Gristle.

"Yeah, that got in there," he groaned.

"Maybe... that holiday's not.. really cool for us," Bridget said softly.

At that moment, Branch was beginning to realize that this was a bad idea. Poppy, on the other hand, was determined to give her friends something to celebrate.

That's okay, we got tons of holidays

Biggie, tell em bout Tickle Day!

On Tickle Day, the Trolls would gather in the forest to get tickled... by spiders. Not cool if you're arachnophobic.

Clearly not your idea of fun

Yo, Satin, Chenille, show em another one!

The next one was the Electric Foam Parade. There were lasers, lights, and flowers shooting out bubbles. But that can be messy and blinding.

"Ow, that stings!" Gristle yelped as a laser struck his eye.

"These don't seem like Bergen things!" Bridget warned, nervously.

Okay, not the holiday for you?

It's all good, we're only halfway through!

"You gotta be kidding me," the King groaned.

The holiday Cooper presented was called Balloon Squeal Day. Again, the Bergens didn't like that one either, it was too noisy. At that point, Branch decided the Bergens had enough.

"Hey, everybody!" he announced. "Why don't we just take a cool five?"

Branch tried to smile to ease their nerves, but all it did was freak Poppy out.

"Not working?"

"Nope. Still... Still super weird."


"These Troll holidays all suck!" King Gristle whispered to his love.

"I'm trying to stop her, but she just won't listen!" Bridget replied.

Poppy, meanwhile, was giving the Bergens two thumbs up as Flower peeked out of Branch's hair.

"Mama?" she babbled. Poppy turned to see her daughter's face.

"Hi, Flower!" Poppy cooed. "What do you think so far? Isn't it awesome sauce?"

Flower just stuck her tongue out.

"Huh, that's odd," Poppy said to herself. "She only does that when something bad happens."

"Uh, Poppy," Branch said as Flower hid in his hair once more. "This whole thing has been great..."

"Thank you!" she replied.

"and you're great for doing it..."

"Thank you, again!"

"... but, it's a disaster," Branch finished.

"Thank you... Wait, what?" Poppy was exasperated.

"You know that wise old saying 'Go big or go home?'" he tried to explain. "Maybe we should go..."

"Bigger!" Poppy finished, failing to understand her boyfriend's point.

"Okay, that's not what I meant."


Despite hiding in her daddy's hair, Flower decided to close her eyes and cover her ears while her parents and the rest of the Trolls showed more holidays. From Hug Ball Day to Shock A Friend Day to Equinox to Tear Away Pants Day to Good Luck Troll Day to Express Yourself Day to Keep It To Yourself Day to Mosh-a-sha-na to Fireworks Day to Bleepy Sound Day to Random Tattoo Day to Smacksgiving Day to Fuzzy Onesie Day to...


Despite covering her ears, Flower could hear Bridget scream in terror. She shyly peeked out of Branch's hair and saw the entire throne room was a mess. There was foam, streamers, ash, and glitter everywhere. She and her father were hanging from a wire, and Biggie's pants were gone!

Bridget gasped. "I used my outside voice."

Flower then noticed King Gristle pulling on the neck of a fuzzy sweater, gasping for air. She crawled out to see if she could help, but slipped and fell into Branch's hand, which held her close to his body. The rest of the Trolls made a slow retreat, except Poppy, failing to see what was wrong.

"You don't like any of our holidays?" she asked, confused.

"Poppy," Bridget explained. "All this glitter and foam... and pyrotechnics..."

"Don't forget the fuzzy sweaters!" Poppy reminded her, although it was hard not to.

"I guess what I'm saying is..." Bridget continued. "Maybe it's best if you go and stand somewhere, like, where we're not."

"You mean, like, back here?" Poppy asked, moving back a couple inches. Bridget shook her head. "How about here? You mean, like, over here?"

"Maybe farther?" Bridget suggested.

"Wait, are you... mad at me?" Poppy asked, concerned.

"No, I'm not mad," the Bergen assured her Troll friend. "I'm just feeling a feeling that's the opposite of happy."

"What is happening?" Guy Diamond asked Branch.

"I don't know," he replied. "It's like, the nicest fight ever."

"Bridge, I think I know what you're trying to say," Poppy said hopefully.

"Okay, good," Bridget sighed. "Because I really didn't want to have to say it."

"You want me..."


"to step back..."


"so we have room..."


" show you more holidays!"

Clearly, she didn't know.

"Like Fuzzy Legwarmer Day," she rambled, "or Chug A Jug Of Milk Day..."

"Poppy, enough!" Bridget yelled. Poppy was instantly silent. "You're not listening to me!"

The young queen was confused.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked.

Bridget sighed. "I think you should... leave."

"Oh... Okay," Poppy nervously agreed. As she made her way off the stage, Poppy felt her heart shatter. She ran out of the castle in tears as everyone could only watch.

"Dada, mama's cwying," Flower muttered sadly.

"I know, sweetie, I know," he whispered.


Later that evening, the Trolls headed out to search for their friend.

"Poppy?" Biggie called out. "Poppy?"

"Poppy, where are you?" Satin cried.

"Oh, can you see her, Mr. Dinkles?" Biggie asked his pet glowworm, who's only response was a mew.

"Where is she?" Chenille asked worriedly.

Branch suddenly noticed pink, silky hair covering a body sitting not too far ahead.

"Hey, guys?" he whispered. "Give me a minute."

Branch approached the pink hair-tent with his daughter in his arms.

"Poppy, I know you're hiding in your hair," he said sweetly... only to discover the creature underneath wasn't his beloved.

"What the what?!" Branch exclaimed as the critter shrieked at him. Flower let out a cry of terror.

"Not Poppy!" Cooper shouted.

"Sorry, wrong hair!" Branch said as he ran off away from it. After the creature went back into hiding, Branch managed to calm his baby down. He then noticed another pink hair-tent and approached it slowly. Flower clung to her father's side.

"Uh, Poppy?" he said nervously. "Is that you?"

The hair slowly retracted to reveal his girlfriend's crouched form. She looked at him with sad eyes, then back at her feet.

"I totally blew it with Bridget," she sighed. "I mean, we've never had a fight before, and... I'm worried I just lost my best friend forever... forever."

Branch sat down next to her and said, "No, that's not possible."

"I don't know, Branch."

Branch smiled sweetly and placed Flower down next to him.

"Well, I do, because I'm your friend," he replied. "And you know what?"

Suddenly, Branch broke out in a little rap and beatbox. Poppy was slightly annoyed and asked him to stop. For a moment, he did. But then, he got an idea.

Poppy picked Flower up and began to head off, when she heard a familiar voice begin singing.

Thank you for being a friend

"You know this one!" he said flirtatiously.

Travel down the road and back...

"Branch, what's your problem?" she scoffed. But he didn't give in.

You just might have a problem that I'll understand

We all need somebody to lean on

Lean on me when you're not strong

And I'll be your friend...

That guy in the new Trolls series on Netflix doesn't sound too much like Skylar Astin. He doesn't sound like the Branch we know, either.

But he'll do. 😐

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