~Chapter 1~

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A few hours later.....

"My hair is on fire!!!" Bruce yelled as he was trying to make dinner with the stove.

"And whose fault was it that your hair was too close to the stove?" John Dory asked.

"I was eyeing the proportions!" Bruce replied.

"Get Crystal to put it out!" Clay suggested while sorting through the invitations.

"Clay for the last time! Our niece is not a fire extinguisher!" Floyd exclaimed trying to put together a shelf.

"I gotcha!" John Dory grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed Bruce's hair, accidentally getting the some of the foam all over his face.

"Thanks" Bruce said dryly.

"Maybe I should cook and you keep an eye on Crystal" John Dory suggested.

"After last week's pancake disaster? Nuh uh" Bruce wiped the foam off his face.

"That was one time! I am a great cook!" John Dory protested.

Suddenly they heard small giggles and turned around to see their niece tugging on the decorative cloth which had a glittery bow on the end that she seemed interested in, was on the cabinet with lots of fragile photo frames.

"Nonononono!" Floyd stopped what he was doing and picked up Crystal while catching the photo frames with his hair.

Crystal cooed happily and snuggled in Floyd's arms and he sighed in relief.

"I don't care who it is but at least one of you needs to watch her while me and Clay handle the royal tasks, that's the point" Floyd said.

"Don't worry I'll watch her better this this time, I swear" John Dory reassured, taking Crystal into his arms.

"I hope so cause if anything bad happens to her Branch will freak out" Floyd said.

"I know but we'll make sure she's ok, relax Floyd" John Dory started to lightly bounce Crystal.

Clay finally sorted the invitations and smiled proud of himself before two glowbugs brought a basket of more invitations.

"WHYYYYYYY!!!" Clay went on his knees.

Crystal looked over and saw the invitations, she tried to reach for them with her tiny hands.

"Aww, do you wanna look at one of the invitations?" John Dory picked one up for her.

"Hey! I need to sort that!" Clay yelled.

"Relax she just wants to look at it" John Dory smiled.

Suddenly she was trying to put the invitation in her mouth and eating it.

"Crystal no!" John Dory grabbed it from her mouth.

Crystal looked at him sadly, her lower lip quivering before she started to cry.

"What is it now?" John Dory sighed.

"She's probably hungry, just mash up some peaches and apples" Floyd explained.

"How do you mash an apple again?" John Dory questioned.

"Are you serious? Ugh, I'll do it since I'm already finishing making food for us" Bruce rolled his eyes.

In the meantime, John Dory bounced Crystal gently to soothe her but it didn't seem to be working.

"Oh I know! Do you want... uh what's the name of this toy again?" John Dory held out Crystal's comfort bunny.

"That's Bunny-bun, it was a gift from me remember? Bunny-bun was what I played with" Floyd explained.

"Hmm... nope!" John Dory smiled.

Floyd looked unimpressed as John Dory tried calming down his niece but not even her comfort toy was working.

"Any other ideas?" John Dory asked while putting Crystal down in her playpen.

"Let me read what Branch left us!" Clay undid the scroll that was so long it rolled outside the pod.

"Uhh it says when all else fails, try singing" He read out loud.

"That makes sense, but what song would work best for her?" John Dory wondered.

"I know! How about a happy song to cheer her up?" Clay suggested.

"I don't know I think she needs a comforting song to calm her down" John Dory explained.

"She needs a distraction while her food is being prepared, not a lullaby to make her sleepy" Clay pointed out.

"It won't make her sleepy it's just so she can stop crying" John Dory said.

"Maybe one of our songs could help?" Floyd suggested.

"That won't work either!" John Dory replied.

"I'm just trying to help..." Floyd looked down sadly.

As the brothers continued to argue which only made her cry more, Crystal spotted a fuzzbumble. Seeing the cute critter seemed to distract her a bit as she started to crawl outside of her playpen that John Dory unfortunately forgot to close so she started to follow it.

"I'm telling you that's one of the worst songs for a baby!" John Dory yelled.

"It was catchy and you know it!" Clay yelled back.

"Guys stop fighting! Please!" Floyd begged standing in between them so they didn't start attacking each other.

"Guys! I finally have dinner done and Crystal's as well..... Where is she?" Bruce asked.

"She's right over..." John Dory turned to the playpen but she was gone.

Their faces turned immediately to shock and worry, their niece whom they swore to their baby brother that they would look after was missing.

"I- I could've sworn she was just there! I only looked away for a second!" John Dory exclaimed.

"You forgot to close the gate?!" Clay motioned to the open gate.

"I was distracted by you!" John Dory crossed his arms.

"Guys we don't have time for this we need to look for Crystal!" Floyd explained.

"Where could she have gone?!" Bruce tugged on his hair.

"The door is open!" Clay pointed to outside.

"You don't think she-" John Dory looked towards outside.

"Cmon! Let's find her before Branch finds out!" Bruce ran outside.

They all followed Bruce outside, they searched and searched for their niece but they couldn't find her.

"Crystal?!" John Dory looked in the bushes but had no luck.

"Crystal?!" Bruce looked near the beach but she wasn't there.

"Crystal?!" Clay searched the trees although it'd be impossible for a baby to reach.

"Where could she be?!" Floyd checked the gardens.

"If Branch finds out we lost her.." Clay panicked.

"He'll never trust us around Crystal! And he'll probably disown us again!" Bruce exclaimed.

"I wonder if he knows.." Floyd said.

"Don't be ridiculous, he can't possibly know... right?" John Dory replied, slightly unsure.

Meanwhile Branch and Poppy were relaxing at the hot springs just on the outskirts of Pop Village when suddenly Branch felt a slight tingle sensation in his body.

"Hmm.... that's weird, my father senses are tingling" Branch said.

"I'm sure you're just worried about Crystal, I know how protective you are of her" Poppy snuggled him.

"I know but I just can't help but feel like something is wrong, I feel it in my belly" Branch held his stomach.

"I'm sure she's fine, I know your brothers won't let anything bad happen to her" Poppy reassured.

"I guess so" Branch tried to relax.

Poppy gave him a kiss on the cheek and snuggled close to him, which seemed to calm him a bit as they relaxed in the water.

After a while, the brothers were exhausted from running all over the place to find their missing niece, at this rate they would never find the princess of Pop Village.

"We've been looking for hours!" Clay dramatically complained on the floor.

"Why can't we find her? We've searched almost everywhere" Bruce was on his back exhausted.

"Where else could she have gone?" Floyd was still looking around while they were sitting.

John Dory sighed, unsure of what to do and leaned against a tree when he felt something cold on his back.

"What the?" He turned to where he was lying and saw a small patch of frost on the tree.

"Is that?" Bruce looked closer at the frost.

"Crystal's magic! She was here!" Clay exclaimed.

"Quick! Search the area for ice, snow and frost!" Floyd looked around for any signs of Crystal's magic.

"I found another patch!" Clay pointed to some ice on the ground.

"Me too!" John Dory found more frost near some bushes.

They kept following the small convenient magic trail their niece left, keeping track of the trail as they went. Meanwhile, their small niece was still following the fuzzbumble until she spotted Rhonda and started to crawl inside intrigued by the colors.

John Dory and the others ran as fast as they could and spotted Rhonda from a slight distance and tiny feet as Crystal crawled inside.

"Crystal!!!" John Dory called out but didn't get her attention.

Crystal looked at all the pretty buttons and tried reaching for them but she couldn't without climbing up onto the chair, she used the chair to support herself as she stood up to climb for the first time onto the chair and reach for the buttons.

As soon as John Dory and the others were only a few steps away, everything went into slow motion as they all reached for Crystal before she could press anything but it was too late as she pressed a few buttons and that's when Rhonda started up and started to move so fast that they got knocked to the back from the speed.

"Crystal!" They all shouted trying to quickly move to the front to grab her but Rhonda was going too fast.

"Is that the first time she's stood up on her own?!" John Dory was in shock but also impressed.

"That doesn't matter right now! Look!" Bruce pointed towards the windscreen window.

With all their strength they managed to safely grab Crystal was but as soon as they looked outside of the windscreen window, they saw a purple, blue and yellow swirling portal.

"Wormhole!!!" Clay yelled.

They tried to get the button to get Rhonda to stop in time but it was too late, the brothers screamed as they passed through the wormhole and it slowly closed behind them.

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