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With the help of Rhonda, everyone made it back to the castle, Dreamcloud and Nightlight showed them to their portal room which was pretty empty besides the one oval stone structure that was obviously where the portal was supposed to be, Nightlight stood next to a lever ready to pull it.

"So how does this work exactly?" John Dory asked.

"Ok so this lever will turn on the portal however to get back to your world you all need to touch it so it can send you back to the correct dimension" Nightlight explained.

"That seems simple enough" Clay nodded.

"Thank you for helping us find a way back" Floyd thanked.

"Of course, You should get back home soon so her parents don't worry" Dreamcloud replied.

Crystal looked up at Dreamcloud and cooed happily reaching out to her and Dreamcloud just smiled and ruffled Crystal's hair causing her to giggle, she stood back giving Crystal a little wave and the brothers smiled, they then touched the portal and the portal color changed to the familiar blue purple and yellow swirl they knew, the brothers now with Crystal safe went back into Rhonda and through the portal.

"Do you think they'll be ok?" Nightlight asked.

"They're family, of course they will" Dreamcloud responded.

The brothers arrived at the other side of the portal and they saw the familiar grass, the big trees and the pods, they did it, they were finally home.

"We made it!" John Dory exclaimed.

"We don't have time to celebrate! We gotta get back before Branch and Poppy get back" Clay pointed out.

The brothers quickly rushed to the pod as fast as they could but their hearts sank when they realised that Branch and Poppy were already in the pod, Branch looked panicked and Poppy was worried, they turned and saw the brothers and their daughter and rushed to them.

"Oh my troll thank goodness you're back" Poppy said.

"What happened?! You weren't at the pod and Crystal's playpen gate was open! Are you ok my little snowflake?" He immediately took his daughter into his arms and held her close, she cooed happily being held by her father.

"She's ok now" Floyd said.

"As for what happened we have a lot to tell you" Bruce rubbed the back of his neck.

"We're listening" Poppy crossed her arms.

The brothers looked at each other and John Dory stepped forward to explain everything that happened.

"So Crystal accidentally escaped the pod and she somehow found her way to Rhonda and by the time we reached her she started Rhonda up and we all went to this crazy dimension where all dreams came from and the Nightlight and Dreamcloud the king and queen, wanted to adopt Crystal and we weren't gonna allow that to happen so we had to play this game to win her back and prove we could look after her and we won but Dreamcloud tried attacking us and she ran out of magic and it glitched which put Crystal in danger and when hope seemed lost Floyd saved her and brought her back to safety and we found a way home, although I don't think we really won, we should've kept a better eye on her and we're really sorry" John Dory rambled quickly.

Branch was surprised by all the information, he was used to Poppy's rambling so he could understand all of it and instantly started to get upset but Poppy put a hand on his shoulder and he calmed down a little so his brothers could continue explaining themselves.

"We didn't realize how hard it was to look after a kid and do royal tasks, it's not easy at all" Bruce added.

"If you don't trust us anymore around Crystal we understand" Floyd looked down.

"I don't, after today there's absolutely no way you will never look after her again" Branch started, the brothers could tell he was upset and the brothers felt ashamed but Branch continued to speak as he fully calmed down.

"And do our royal tasks at the same time" Branch said.

"Huh?" John Dory looked confused.

"We know it's not easy to do both, we shouldn't have agreed to put all that pressure on you" Poppy replied.

"As much as I'm really upset that Crystal was put in danger, you brought her back to us safe and sound and that's what matters" Branch added.

"So are we cool?" Clay asked.

"Yeah although if things do get chaotic like that again, please just let us know" Poppy suggested.

"Noted" Bruce nodded.

"This gives me an idea" John Dory said.

The brothers looked skeptical at their oldest brother getting an idea again.

"Don't worry it's a good idea this time I swear" John Dory reassured.

"What's your idea?" Floyd asked.

"We should totally make a scrapbook on how to babysit a princess" John Dory said.

"More like how not to babysit a princess after what happened today" Clay chuckled a little.

"Did he just say the title of the-" Branch got cut off.

"Shshsh don't fourth wall break today honey" Poppy smiled.

"For once today that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea" Bruce said.

"Let's get to scrapbooking then, I'll get the supplies!" Poppy smiled.

And so the brothers successfully managed to get Crystal back home to her parents and the brothers learned that nobody is ever gonna be the perfect parent or guardian and just being there for your family is the most important thing of all.

John Dory closed the scrapbook and put it down on the table, Crystal who now was 6 years old, she was in her pajamas tucked in her bed as she yawned looking confused.

"I don't remember any of that" Crystal said.

"Well you were only a baby so you wouldn't exactly remember" Clay replied, ruffling her hair.

Crystal giggled as he did so, her eyes started to grow tired and was ready to fall asleep.

"Alright it's time to go to sleep" Bruce said.

"But I don't want to yet, I wanna hear more stories" Crystal pouted.

"You can hear more stories tomorrow, you can't listen to the stories if you are falling asleep throughout the day" Floyd explained.

"Ok Uncle Floyd" Crystal smiled.

With one final yawn Crystal slowly closed her eyes, holding her favorite plush bunny bun as she finally drifted off to sleep, the brothers sighed in relief as they could finally get some sleep themselves.

"Sleep tight kiddo" John Dory said.

Her uncles got up out of her room, closed her door and sat down next to it, slowly falling asleep, the brothers would always be there for their family no matter what.

The end

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